-Cornerside Cafe- (end)

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I woke up, rubbing my eyes and yawning, when everything finally came into focus, I noticed that Ky was still asleep.

I sat there for a bit, admiring the curve of his cheeck, the dimple at the corner of his mouth, and the way that his chest fell when he exhaled.

My heart fluttered a bit, I remember feeling this way when we were kids, and then when we were teenagers as well, but by the time college rolled around I had swepted those feelings under the rug and moved on to Simon, which was obviously a mistake.

I guess it was a little harder to deny things like that now that I was single, I no longer had an excuse to crush those thoughts where they sprouted.

After a moment I realized that I had just been sitting here like a creep while staring at my sleeping friend, so I got up and headed towards the kitchen, while humming a little tune.

I checked the fridge and began singing a song to match the tune I had been humming, I took my time putting breakfast together, I usually didn't even make breakfast, but I liked to cook and Ky was letting me stay at his place so it was the least I could do.

When I turned away from the stove I realized Ky had been sitting behind me.

"Good morning"
I said, sitting the pancakes on the table in front of him.


We ate in silence, I looked over at Ky and noticed the way he scrunched his eye brows together and chewed on his lip, it was obvious that something was on his mind,

"Everything okay?"



He cut himself off, reconsidering his choice of words, which made me worry a bit more, he usually spoke without fear or hesitation.

He continued

"I wanted to know if you would go to the coffee shop with me later?"

I laughed

"Is that all?"
I asked

His face was flushed and he simply nodded, I could tell that he was embarrassed, I'd like to think that he was asking me on a date, but I didnt dare.

"Yes, I would love too"
I said, more considerately

He just smiled happily, the blush faded from his face and his confident attitude came back within minutes.


I sat on the couch and waited for Ky. I had dressed up of course, and so had he. When he walked out he was wearing a Gaslight Anthem t-shirt under a Jean jacket that we'd patched together for a school art project years ago. His hair was tied up, which surprised me a bit, he didn't usually tie up his hair unless he was painting, but I liked it none-the-less.

He looked like thunderstorms and old museums, if that's possible. It's the only way I know how to describe it, he looked ancient and beautiful.


When we got to the Cornerside Cafe, Laura quickly sat down a cup of coffee and another of tea. Laura's a waitress/co-owner of this shop, and we had been there so many times that she could put an order to our faces.

Ky sipped his coffee and then looked at me seriously.

"What is it?"
I asked, the question was loose and nonchalant

"I said I would tell yo why I invited you to the park"
His voice was tense

"Oh, you don't have to tell me, I dont mind not knowing"

I sort of laughed at the odd conversation,


"I like you!"
I'm sure his voice was much louder than he intended, because Laura looked over and smiled

"I like you a lot, I have for awhile now"

He stopped for a moment, only to continue a few moments later, more sure of what he was gonna say now.

"At first I thought we were just really good friends, then you started dating other guys and I thought I was okay with it.
But then you started to bring them home and I felt so horrible that I could've thrown up.

But that's never been a problem before, I see other gay couples everyday and it doesn't bother me, so I was just really confused.

I felt like crap because you're my bestfriend and I should've been happy for you, but I just couldn't be. I was really upset at the fact that I felt so strongly about it, so I talked to my sister and she suggested that I might like you."

At first it seemed easy, like he had practiced the conversation in his head, then he started to slip.

"And I considered it"

He paused, looking at me and then his hand and then, reluctantly, back up at me

"I really do like you"

Those last few words came out in a tremble, like he was waiting for a dam to break

But I didnt notice, I was so ecstatic that I could've cried. Actually, I did cry.

I was so happy that I felt it in my bones, I dont know how you feel happiness in your bones, but I'm sure that I did.

And then, before I knew it, I was actually crying, it was not pretty

"Wait, what's wrong!?
Why are you crying?!"
He seemed panicked, and per usual, he had no idea what was happening.

I laughed through my tears and soon he caught on and started to laugh too.

All while Laura looked at us like we were crazy.

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