-thats what friends are for-

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After I stopped crying Ky walked me out to his car and we drove to the coffee shop across from the park.

It was quiet and calm, also, it didnt smell like smoke.

"I'm sorry"
I said, almost whispering

We had sat there in silence for almost an hour before I had said anything

"You dont have to apologize"

He paused

"That's what friends are for, right?"
He chuckled

He had this sort of far off sad look on his face that made my heart hurt a little.

"Are you okay?"

I asked, laying my hand on his, without even realizing it

"...yea..yea, I'm fine"
He looked me directly in the eyes and flashes this weak, sad smile across his face.

I had never really paid much attention to his eyes before, but at this point, there was nothing else I could focus on.


When we got to the car we didnt talk or play music, we just sat there, and acted like we didnt just share some kind of moment.

It wasn't necessarily awkward, it was just heavy, like those few seconds of raw intamicy had changed something, whether we liked it or not, things were certainly different.

After almost half of the car ride, Ky finally said something, which I was extremely thankful for.

"Do you wanna stay over at my place?"
He asked, his voice was calm and even, and his eyes never left the road.

I asked,

I already knew why, I just wanted to keep talking to him

"Well, you know, you and Simon don't have the best history, and since you guys talked again, and he knows where you live, I'd just prefer that you stayed with me"

The concern and sureness in his voice was comforting, it made me feel calm and grounded

I paused, I didnt say anything, I dont quite know why, but I just sat there, reveling in the moment.

"For old times sake?"

I looked over at him and smiled

"Yea, for old times sake"

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