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I opened my eyes, watching the smoke from my cigarette as it drifted through the air.

I knew my phone had been ringing, but I couldn't hear it over the music.
(Wow, angsty)


-a few hours earlier-

I listened to the upbeat song playing in my headphones, it was the type of music that made you feel like you could do something, which was fitting, because for the first time in awhile, I actually wanted to leave the house.

I even painted my nails, it was just a good day.

I walked into the coffee shop that I usually stopped at when I got the chance, and ordered my usual.

I sat down and opened my book, a boy sat down next to me, this was a normal thing in places like this, lonely people gravitate towards lonely people.

"How are you?" I asked kindly, but still not looking up from my book

"I'm great" he said, I could here the smile on his face,

I looked up, recognizing the voice, it was Simon,

my ex.

I got up to leave but he grabbed my hand,

"Wait" he said, his voice was desperate and sweet

"Why"  I asked coldly

"I just saw you here and figured I would see if it was cool if I picked up my stuff from your apartment"
He asked, his tone still just as desperate

"Its been a year, and now you decide to get your stuff?"

"I wanted to give you time"

I was having a good day, so I decided to be generous.


I expected he would pull some sly trick, but he simply got his things.


I said, and he looked up

"Thanks for being so mature about this"

Then he kissed me

And for a second I thought of the person he used to be, the one who played guitar and brought me coffee in the mornings

And I let it happen, I embraced it

Then I remembered that he wasnt the same person that brought me coffee, he was just the cheating liar that had ruined me.

And here I was having a good day.

I shoved him off of me, and I was crying now, not because he kissed me, but because I was still in love with him, or the person that he used to be, I hadn't decided.

And then he left, and it was over, but it wasnt, because I kept crying after he left.


-back to now-

I heard someone knocking on the door, but I ignored it.

And then the key raddled, and I knew it was Ky because he's the only person that had a spare key.

"It smell like smoke it here"
He commented

"Oh really"
The toxicity was prominent in my voice, I didnt mean for it to sound like that

"I'm sorry"
I said, my voice breaking
And then I started crying again

I tried to talk through the tears and tell him why I was crying, but it wasnt really working. He hugged me anyways.

"Its okay, you dont have to tell me"

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