High School Sucks

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Yao tugged on his ponytail as he walked towards his locker. It was cracked open, even though he swore that he closed it. Shrugging the locker open, Yao went to inspect his locker and to see if anything was taken. Thankfully, nothing was taken, but everything was soaked in spoiled milk. Yao stared at his milk soaked locker for a minute before slamming it closed and going to the cafeteria. 

He looked around the cafeteria and was immediately bombarded with students talking each other's ears off. Covering his ears, Yao went to stand in the lunch line, but veered off the initial path when he saw that the cafeteria staff was serving fish and chips as today's 'special'. 

"Eating can wait another day, I guess..." Yao muttered as he walked out of the cafeteria, into his next class's classroom. The teacher was on their computer, eating a sandwich and playing minesweeper.

'My parents won't even let me play solitaire...' Yao thought as he put his stuff down at his desk and sat down in a corner of the room and started reading one of his class textbooks. 

Rome was laughing and flirting with his 'girls' outside where he was supervised by his best friend, Aldrich. Aldrich was there to make sure Rome didn't do anything stupid or take anything too far. People liked to refer to him as Rome's parent or supervisor, and he was fine with that, as long as he wasn't referred to as "Mama/Papa Aldrich". 

Rome excused himself from his 'girlfriends' and snuck inside while Aldrich or 'Aldi' (pronounced All-dee) wasn't looking. He went inside and took a minute in the hallway because, in his words, "Beautiful people need a break too!" 

While in the hall, he saw an asian girl walk past him with a slightly disgusted and forlorn look on her face walking into the world history classroom. Rome was kind of miffed that the girl didn't look at him, or even acknowledge him, so he followed her. 

He stood in the doorway of the classroom just in time to see the girl curl up in a corner of the room reading a boring textbook. Rome rolled his eyes and started toward her with his signature swagger. Suddenly, he felt a strong hand grip his shoulder and turn him around. 

Rome sighed and stared at his lifelong friend, Aldrich, who was shaking his head in what looked like disbelief and anger. Also, were those WORRY lines around his handsome, blond brows?

"Awwww, you're worried about me~!" Rome cooed, and Aldrich thwacked him on his forehead, right where the third eye is supposed to be. 

"N-no I'm not! I was just coming to find you because you disappeared. And, it vas the girls who vhere worried about you!" Aldrich said, obviously flustered because he was letting his germanic accent through. Aldrich sighed and dragged his troublesome friend back to his gaggle of girlfriends. Rome followed reluctantly, but took one last look at the beautiful asian girl who'd finally looked up from her boring as heck textbook. 

Yao read his book and was slightly annoyed by the background noise that someone was making. He was about to tell them to be quiet when he saw HIM. Rome Caesar Vargas. Yao's crush since sophomore year. He had always liked Rome because of his power to make anyone like him. Yao opened his mouth to say something, when Rome's best friend came in and ruined Yao's moment to talk to his crush. 

'Dammit...', Yao thought before turning back to his book, but not before seeing Rome steal one last glance at Yao, which made the latter have a light pink blush and duck back into his book. Yao looked like he was very interested in his book, but internally he was screaming. 

(634 words)

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