It Hurts

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Rome and Aldrich brought the injured upperclassman to the schools nurse's office, and waited with her. Rome undid her ponytail and started gently brushing her hair with his fingers. Aldrich held the older student his arms and tried to make sure that she was as comfortable as possible. 

Rome stopped and looked at the sleeping female in his blonde hunk of muscle's lap. Her figure was pretty straight, not that of a normal girl's. She was very cute when she sleeping, despite the fact hat she'd just gotten saved from a much more traumatic fate. Her small lips pouted and her nose sniffed every once in a while. She snuggled into Aldrich a little more and tried her best to curl up in his lap. 

Aldrich was using his hand to rub circles on the dozing girl's back, when he felt something odd. Tentatively, Aldrich took off her jacket to feel her back beneath her shirt. There was something similar to a welt on her back, extending from her left shoulder blade, to the left of her lower back. 

"Hello, what do you brats want?" The nurse complained, alerting the students that she was in the room. Rome looked at the older woman with a confused look on his face, while Aldrich glared at her and muttered something about how she was the brat. 

"Umm... well, you see, err..." Rome started, unable to say what they were there for. Aldrich, however, answered for him. 

"Miss, we are here because ve found one of our fellow students being bullied, and she had gotten hurt. So, if you don't MIND, vould you please tend to her wounds?" Aldrich asserted himself while keeping the upperclassman in place on his lap. 

"Ugh, sure, whatever. Just bring 'her' in here and I'll patch 'er up." The lady said rudely, not caring what the situation was. Rome sighed while Aldrich grunted, not liking the nurse one bit. Aldi carried her to the examination table and carefully set her down on the cold plastic table. 

Yao cracked open one of his eyes and saw a bunch of blurry figures moving around and the faint sounds of people talking. He was jerked awake by the cold feeling of a table and the brightness of the artificial lights inside the room he was in. Slowly, he raised himself up with his arms and rubbed one of his eyes while yawning. 

"Lay down and take yer shirt off!" A dirty old lady spat in Yao's face. He recoiled and wiped his face clean of the droplets of saliva before doing what the older lady had ordered him. Yao felt truly disgusted by the feeling of the old woman's oily hands feeling him and wiping his arms clean. 

Suddenly, Yao grabbed his stomach and groaned. Rome and his friend started getting worried about him until he removed his hand from his stomach. There was a dark red stain that was slowly spreading on Yao's shirt, and the red liquid was all over Yao's hand. 

"What? Zhat wasn't there when I vas carrying you!" The blonde junior said becoming more panicked by the minute. Rome stood there and stared at Yao for a minute before digging through his pockets for his phone to call an ambulance. 

Yao's vision suddenly became very fuzzy and he shut them because the lights were starting to hurt his eyes. He remembered something from his parent's mandatory afternoon medicinal lessons and he started pushing on the wound, even though it pained him even more. 

He slid off the examination table, despite the other two males protesting. Yao limped out of the nurse's room and looked out the window. The sky was dark and Yao remembered what his parents told him if he was ever out past 4:00. He grabbed his jacket, tied it around his waist, and grabbed his bags to start walking home. 

"VAIT!!! Where are you going?" The blonde junior had runout after Yao, as Yao had sprinted out of the school building and to the sidewalk where he usually started walking home. There was a honk of a horn behind him and he saw bright lights produced from a car out of the corner of his eye. 

Yao ignored any attempts to get his attention and kept running until he reached the street he lived on. He then hid behind a large oak tree and was hidden from his searcher's car lights. Yao then ran to his house and opened and locked the door. He took several deep breaths and turned around, only to be met with one of the most unpleasant sights that he'd ever seen. 

His 'mother' standing by the island with a cup of black tea in her hands. 

"Where were you!?" She yelled and Yao covered his ears and prepared himself for what was to come. 

Aldrich and Rome followed the injured girl to the head of a neighbourhood called,"Silken Valley." After that, she disappeared, and the duo turned around and they went back to the dorms. 

"Hey, where do you think that bella went off too, Aldi?" Rome asked his burly man.

"I don't know, honestly. But, you like her, don't you? Ja?" Aldrich teased his beautiful ray of sunshine.

"N-no~! I'm just really fascinated with her! That's all!" Rome avoided horribly. Aldrich smirked and they teased each other for the rest of the night. Honestly, they were acting like teenage girls, but without all the giggling over boys.

(908 words)  

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