After Classes

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Classes had ended for the day and Yao was about to start walking home. Before walking onto the empty sidewalk, he got grabbed, yet again, and turned around. His face morphed into a slight scowl when he saw the two freshman brothers. 

"What do you want?" Yao growled at them. The duo smirked and pulled Yao away from his initial route. Markus and Allen put their arms around Yao's neck and skipped over to a secluded corner of the school, away from any onlookers or surveillance cameras. 

When they were out of anyone's line of sight, the two brothers resorted to dragging the feminine upperclassman beside a trash can with cigarette butts and leftover cocaine littered around it. 

Yao's head was thrown to the ground, undoubtedly leaving scratches and bruises all over his delicate skin. The brothers looked down upon the weak-looking upperclassman and grinned with delight. Somehow, Yao had the courage to hoist himself up with his hands and glare up at them with hell in his eyes. 

The younger students sniggered at this, and Markus pulled out a Swiss army knife and held it up for Yao to see. Yao's eyes widened and he shrunk into the corner he was forced into. He saw Markus take two steps toward him, before closing his eyes and waiting for the pain to come. 

Rome and Aldrich (I was about to say Adelechi lel) had just gotten out of after school study hall and they were about to head home, when they saw three people skipping over to a sketchy play near the school. Rome saw a familiar ponytail and slowly started towards the trio with Aldi following close behind. 

By the time the best friends followed the three people to the corner of the building, the person in the middle was being dragged and thrown in between the school's filthy trash cans. Rome couldn't see much, but Aldrich was in a position where he had a good view of the person being harassed. His eyes widened and he froze. 

Rome saw his protector tense up and stare at the space in between the garbage bins. Now Rome was really curious. He started moving towards his handsome friend, but before he could take a step, Aldrich held up his hand for Rome to stop. 

All of a sudden, Aldrich charged out from their hiding place and the sounds of people fighting and groaning quietly filled the air. Rome could only imagine what Aldrich and the bullies were doing to each other. Rome knew that Aldrich could go a bit overboard when being protective, so he started sneaking out of the from behind the wall he was behind. 

Before he could get too far, a freshman with dark auburn hair rolled into sight, covered in dirt and bits of grime. Rome jumped back to avoid being rolled into when another freshman with dirty blond hair slowly backed out, followed by the sight of Aldrich glaring down at them while cracking his knuckles. 

"H-hey, Aldi, I-I think they've got the message. Umm, you can s-stop now." Rome stammered, scared at the sight of his friend wanting to bash someone's head in. Aldrich looked at his friend and nodded, but not before showing the brother's his teeth and growling at them. 

"Stay avay or else." Aldrich said sternly, his Germanic accent coming through with his anger. The younger brother grabbed his crotch area and Rome noticed that he'd soiled his pants. He kind of felt bad for the kid, but then again, they were bullying an innocent person. 

The brothers ran off, and Rome stood up from his hiding place, cracking his back as he stretched. He walked over to his Mercutio, and patted him on the shoulder. Rome looked towards the filthy bins and gasped. 

It was the female senior that they'd comforted earlier. She was covered in dirt and grime from the ground and the bins. She also had small spatters of blood on her person from a cut on her face. 

"What happened, bella? Who were those kids?" Rome asked in a soft, comforting tone. He looked her up and down, taking in the sight in front of him. A beautiful Chinese girl with her hair in a low ponytail, wearing a gray sleeveless shirt with a high collar covering her neck. She was wearing olive green cargo pants any they were dirty from the abuse that she'd just suffered. 

Yao kept his eyes closed until the fighting was over, and when he opened them, he saw his crush looking at him with a worried, caring look in his eyes. He could vaguely hear Rome ask him about what had happened, but Yao was too exhausted from the beating he just took. 

"Allen, M-markus, the-ey cut m-me some w-where, and, and--" Yao choked out, but once he stared thinking about what had happened, he started to hyperventilate. Rome and his friend rushed to Yao and the bleach blond teddy bear shield picked him up and started carrying Yao somewhere. 

The last thing Yao saw before darkness was the blurry shape of his assailants being subdued by someone with pastel pink hair and the doors of the school opening. Then he surrendered to the inky darkness of dreamless sleep.

(877 words)

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