Good Times

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Several days have passed since Yao's almost assault, and he's been recovering, with help from Rome and Aldrich. He's grown close to the blond Germanic man and his crush on Rome has grown to be love.

Rome and Aldrich have been helping the small senior get back on her feet, but both of them have grown to love her. The happy-go-lucky sunshine and the overprotective shield have both fallen in love with the petite panda.

Never in Aldrich's life had he felt this way about someone. He felt this weird, warm, fluttery feeling in his chest and an overwhelming urge to pick up the small girl and run away from the world. Not even his parents could stop him from running away from his charge and his responsibilities as protector to his lifelong friend.

"Heh, I guess this is what love feels like..." Aldrich sighed while watching Rome hang out with the senior of his affection.

Yao wrapped himself in Rome's tan jacket that he'd decided to wear on this particular day. It was warm and sunny, but there was a slight chill in the air. Even though the sun felt good on Yao's skin, the warmth of the jacket combined with the sunlight was a million times better. Yao sighed and slumped deeper into Rome's embrace.

Yao felt Rome put his large hand on top of his head and start running it through his hair. He looked up at Rome to see his smiling face look down, smiling, upon him.

He felt incredibly happy that he was in this position, but also a little awkward because this charming, charismatic, not to mention ripped, man was the object of his affection.

When someone saw Yao, they would see a young girl relaxing in her supposed boyfriend's arms. But Yao has a completely different reaction internally. Inside, he was screaming. He felt so much bliss and affection for the charismatic Italian, it almost drove him crazy.

Rome stroked the happy upperclassman's hair while small unconscious giggles spilled from his lips. Her hair was so soft and she was so petite and delicate, like a young lotus flower.

When the flower is erupting out of the murky water, it opens in a flourish of beautifully sharp, pink petals with the rich green leaves unfurling beneath it, making the opened blossom look even more beautiful.

That is what the handsome junior thought about the senior that was slowly melting in his lap in the warmth of the sun.

(417 words)

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