Save Me

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Yao woke up, sprawled on the floor of his bedroom, and covered his eyes as he groaned, remembering last night. He pushed himself up and off the floor, and dragged himself to the bathroom, where he examined himself after last night.

Tear stains on his face were prominent, and so were the dark bags underneath his eyes. Yao rubbed his face with a wet washcloth, removing the salty trails from his face. There wasn't much he could do about the bags under his eyes, but he turned on a hot shower and stood under the water for a while.

He wondered what his life would be like if he was with another family. If he was given up or left on the streets as a toddler, or something. Would his life be better? Could he be in a better household? Or have siblings? Siblings might be nice.

While lost in thought, Yao's mother was screaming for him to get downstairs and she was about to break down his bathroom door. Yao broke out of his thoughts and finished showering, right as his mother slammed open his bathroom door.

"WANG! Get yourself downstairs and go to school! If you come back with an A- again, or something lower than 95%, then you're gonna get it, boy!" Yao's mother threatened, pulling on his long, wet hair and giving him a headache. Yao nodded and once she was gone, he rolled his eyes and rubbed his head.

After getting dressed and ready for the day, Yao grabbed his book bag and ran out the door, running as fast as he could, away from that dreadful house and the person inside.

When Rome and Aldrich got to school in the cool morning, They noticed that the injured girl from last night was sitting on the concrete wall, reading another school textbook. She looked unharmed, but she was wincing at some unseen pain.

"Hey, bella, the doors are open, ya know?" Rome said in his bright, charismatic tone that Aldrich loved. The girl looked up at the two juniors and at the school, and her calm face morphed into one of mild surprise and she jumped off the wall and sprinted inside. The duo ran inside and their upperclassman had disappeared into the maze of hallways and doors.

Aldrich (I keep wanting to say Adelechi for some reason...) looked at his phone and it said 8:15 AM. They were pretty early and classes wouldn't be starting until 8:30, so they split up, looking for the young asian.

Rome found her reading a science textbook in another classroom, curled up in a corner, hiding from the world. He texted Aldi and said to come to the global studies classroom. As he went to approach her, she backed into the corner even more and hid her face with the large book.

"Hey, hey bella, I'm not going to hurt you. I-I just want you to hang out with me and my friend. Is that ok?" He smiled and held out a hand to her. She stared at his outstretched hand for a minute before grabbing it and yanking herself up with it, making Rome fall on his face.

"THE EMPIRE HAS FALLEN, aru!!!" The girl yelled happily and she almost ran into Aldrich who just walked up behind her.

"Hey, hey, calm down. It's ok." Aldrich said soothingly as the senior tried to kick him and run away. The small upperclassman glared up at him for a minute before registering that Aldrich or Rome weren't a threat.

"'m s'ry..." She muttered and awkwardly hugged the blond protector. Aldrich was somewhat surprised at the gesture and hugged her back. Rome was watching the scene unfold, and until Aldrich hugged back, he was fine. When he saw his best friend hug the small woman back, he got kind of jealous and joined in the hug. This surprised the young woman sandwiched in the middle, so this action resulted in Rome getting elbowed hard in the stomach.

"Owwwie... I like you too!" Rome said brightly, hoping to use a reverse phycology method on the girl to flatter her. She looked up at him and raised her eyebrow at him.  Rome thought this was cute and winked at her. The girl's face was dusted with a light pink, which was a good sign to Rome.

The girl looked up at Rome and Aldrich and smiled at them.

"You two are funny." Was all she said. The duo were surprised by this and the girl laughed, breaking free of her male sandwich prison and retreating to her next class.

(770 words)
A/N: I'm sorry for the late update and for my inactivity, but I hope to write more and hopefully get more inspiration from my life irl and online.

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