Furry, OwO, ur so warm

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While you two were searching for beds James heard some noises in a bush. "I should go see what that is." James whispered. So he picked up a stick and walked up to the bush. "AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!" James reed. But instead of scaring off a rodent, he was falling. "WWWWHHHHOOOOAAAAGGHHHH!!!" James hit the perfectly flattened ground with a thud. "Oof," James moaned.
Suddenly, a flash of orange and white passed James. "OwO UwU," James said, and in return he heard an, "UwU UwU."
James was blown away, could it be, Stampy's Funland. Ripped Stampy stepped towards James, sunlight swooshed his hair out of his face. James was bloooowwwwwnnnn away by the craftsmanship of Stampy's furrsuit.
"OwO oWo -w- {I love your fursuit}," James said to the stronK man in front of him. ":D oWo (; {Why thank you}." James was on half a heart from his fall, but luckily he had found some GAMER FURRIES! ";-; U-U {Ow that fall really hurt}," In reply Stampy handed James a golden apple, ":P U~U {Eat it, it will heal you}," James ate while Stampy contently watched. When James finished he had some crumbs and juice around his mouth, so Stampy leaned in. ":/ {What are you...}?" But before James could finish Stampy had already started PASSIONATELY licking the mess of his face.
James started blushing intensely to the point where his fursuit was getting warm inside. Stampy decided that he and James were to have a feast at the banquet hall. The banquet was attended by ony James and Stampy, it was private, elegant, and romantic. ":P :D -W- {I enjoy your company, James}," Stampy purred. "OW- OvO XD {Thank you again for taking me in, and if anything I should be saying that first}!"
Both laughed and continued eating their appetizer of biscuits, then to move onto the main course of Honey Roasted Salmon, and finally ending the night with some Oreos.
Stampy then took James on a tour of the Funland, finally stopping at one of the many hotels. "OwO U-U {Well, goodnight}," said James. ":/ ~W~ {Well, you could always stay with me}," James went with Stampy and laid on his soft bed, until he was interrupted by his thoughts.
"The beds!" James thought.
":( >O< T~T {Stamps, I need to go}!" Stampy leapt to his feet and asked, "O.O :/ ;l {Wait, what? Why}?" James rushed to his feet frantically saying, "OoO >O< {I need to save the world}!"
Stampy sighed and said, "OwU ;o; {Follow me}." Stampy and James rushed over to a portal in Stampy's basement. "-v- ;-; {Go save the world}." Stampy said.
James went in and nodded to Stampy as a last goodbye. James was 8 blocks away from the camp, so he went back and sat by the fire. Waiting patiently for you and G-addy $.

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