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Hello, Thanks for your interest in my story!

This is the first draft and is full of lots of errors. The purpose of this draft is for the story to just get out. Suggestions are welcome and I appreciate them always! I am writing this because I like the story and want a small enjoyable project while I'm busy with other life stuff.

This story is dark, funny and sweet. The song above is an indication of the mood the story portrays (love this singer, recently discovered him and now I'm going crazy with his voice!) This story is full of adult content such as cussing, sex, and other ordinary suggestive themes. I like this stuff. So I write this stuff.

*Please leave notes or feedback if you like what I'm writing or if you catch an error--or if you simply have something to say. If you trash talk, you are welcome to go where that's welcome--not here. 

Please be polite and respectful! Thank you!


Caroline Joe

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