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Friday, Dec 6th | Hinata's POV
I wake up thrilled for the activities ahead. It's not only Friday but, I get to go to Kageyama's house! After making my bed, I perform my morning rituals and run down the stairs in excitement. I get greeted by a big hug from my sister and a kiss from my mother. "Good morning!" I yell gleefully. "Wow, you're in a really good mood today. Special occasion?" my mom questions. "Well, it's Friday! Right Natsu?". "YEP!" She yells excitedly. I sat down and ate with my family. "Hey mom, do you think I could sleep over Kageyama's today?" I ask." Is that why you're so happy? Of course sweetheart, just let me know when you arrive and plan on coming back home~" my mom states. "Thanks, mom!" I start walking to school

Just like any other day, I came across Kageyama in our intersection. "Good morning Kageyama!" I yell. "Mornin, it's chilly right?" Kageyama replied. I froze... not only is it the beginning of December in Tokyo but, I'm FREEZING. "Oh my god, I completely forgot I was cold". "HOW THE HELL DO YOU FORGET YOUR COLD DUMBASS" Kageyama yells. "Just take my jacket... here idiot" Kageyama hands me his jacket. I stopped walking. "What? Why are you looking at me like I'm an alien or something?" The tall boy asks. "N-no it's not that it's just, usually you wouldn't- never mind" instead of continuing, I put on his jacket. It was warm and cozy, it swallows my figure so I'm even warmer. It also smells like Kageyama. I let out a large sigh, but a nice one. "Jeez, I didn't know my jacket was that comfy lol" Kageyama chuckled out. A tint of red evaded my cheeks." Y-yea I guess... what about you bakayama. Aren't you cold?" "Yea but not as cold as you looked. You were shaking, I can't have my spiker getting sick." H-his spiker. I smiled ear to ear at that statement... I felt wanted and cared for. I had to look away, that was just too nice. The rest of the walk was just us talking about school and volleyball.

After practice
The practice was over and we were cleaning up. It was Kageyama's day to clean so we stayed a bit later. "Ok, I think that's the last of them" Kageyama states, as he puts the last volleyball away. "Ok! Can we head home?" I ask. Kageyama nods and starts showing me the way to his house. "Hey, Kageyama, what are we gonna do at your house?" I ask, genuinely curious. "Hmm, I don't know. I've never had anyone sleep over my house before. I guess we'll play it by ear." He states.

At Kageyama's house
Before we knew it, we pulled up to a house that was really nice. "Wow, Kageyama! It's really nice and cute!" I exclaim. "Well it's only me and my sister nowadays..." the raven-haired boy replied. "Can't wait to meet her!" When we walked into his house I bowed and took my shoes off. It's nice, organized, and clean. Just as I expected. "Hey, Tobio! Welcome home" I hear a woman yell. "Hey Riku, this is my best friend Hinata. Hinata, this is Riku, my sister." Kageyama introduced. "Hi! I am Shoto Hinata and I am very pleased to make your acquaintance!" I yell. "Me as well! Okay Kageyama, I am going out with some friends to catch up. Don't go to bed too late~" Riku explains. "K, I could just make dinner. Have fun love you." Kageyama dismisses and guides me up the stairs. I followed him up and entered his room. "Oh, Kageyama! I have your jacket thank you so much for lending it to me!" I bow/yell. "Oh don't sweat it. Just throw it on my bed." Kageyama replies. I then realize I left my overnight clothes in my gym locker. "Kageyama... I'm sorry but I accidentally left my overnight clothes in the gym lockers. I've been so scattered brained lately." I practically beg for Kageyama's patience. "Jeez Hinata, get your head out your ass. Just borrow my pajamas." He states. "Oh, o-ok."

I decided to take a shower as Kageyama makes dinner. I looked at myself in the mirror after putting his pajamas on... I looked as red as a tomato. I walked downstairs to see Kageyama making eggs and rice for dinner. "OI BAKAYAMA WHY DID YOU ONLY GIVE ME PANTS TO WEAR!?" I yell. "MY PANTS ARE TOO BIG. IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM THEN SLEEP NAKED OR GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER NEXT TIME IDIOT!" Kageyama yells back. He turned around and looked at me, I started to blush deeply. "N-naked? NO! BUT THANK YOU FOR PJ's BAKAYAMA!" I yell blushing like crazy. "Y-yea sure, after we eat you wanna play volleyball outside?" he replied with a pink tint on his cheeks. "Of course! Thank you for the food!" I bowed and scoffed down the food in front of me. "Did you like it?" Kageyama asks. "Yeah! It was super yummy! Can we go play volleyball now?" "Yea".

"Hey Kags?" "What?" he asks. "You always talk to me, but never about this and I've always been curious to why-" "Just spit it out" he interrupts. "Fine. How did you feel when you couldn't set to anyone else before you joined Karasuno?" I ask. "I don't know, why do you care idiot." the setter asks. "Just curious I guess." An awkward silence occurred. "Dunno. I just felt...lonely, and not strong enough. It pissed me off to the point of wanting to dictate everything. It really hurt when everyone expected me to be someone mean and cold. So I just started acting like it." he responds. It kind of hurts to even think about going through it. Kageyama and I have had very different experiences when it comes to volleyball. I am also surprised how easily he said how he felt. "How come you never talk about it?" I push further. "Well ever since I've met you and joined Karasuno. I feel like I've gotten better. Don't you think so too?" he asks. "Well-erm. Yea I guess, you have gotten wayyyyyyyy and I mean WAY nicer. You use to be such an asshole. But now, you're an asshole that's my best friend!" I reply with a large smile. Kageyama's face turned away. "U-um I guess. Let's go inside I'm pretty sure I have some video games." "YAAAAA!" I jump for joy.

"What game do you wanna play? I have Roblox, Minecraft, and Call of Duty." "Let's play Minecraft!" I yell. "Really... Minecraft?" "What? You literally asked me what I wanted to play. Now let's play with some blocks!" I sang. "Ok, we're playing survival so let's try cutting down the trees." "I know how to play Kageyama." I sassed. "Yea? Well your kinda slow so- HINATA YOU DUMBASS STOP CHOPPING THIS TREE IM CHOPPING IT!!!" he yelled. "WHAT U SAID TO START CHOPPING. GET OUT MY WAY BAKAYAMA!!" "RETARD I WAS HERE FIRST" he yells. "WHATEVER!"
20 minutes later
"ARE YOU SLOW? STOP MINING MY HOUSE WE NEED A HOUSE BEFORE THE MONSTERS COME OUT!" Kageyama yells. "IM TRYING TO PLACE THE BLOCKS BUT ITS NOT WORKING, HELP ME!" I begged. "Gimme the damn control." he tried to snatch the remote. "NO JUST TELL ME THE CONTROL!" "IM TRYING TO SHOW YOU SMARTASS!" He hits me on the head. "OW!"  I started to hit him back and we ended up fighting more than mining...

Third Person POV
The two boys were interrupted by a phone ringing. "Shut your phone up, idiot!" Hinata exclaims. "That's yours smartass. Answer it, it might be your mom." Kageyama states. The red-head answers the phone. "Mom? What's up? OH MY GOD IM SORRY, I FORGOT TO TEXT YOU...nonono I will next time I'm really sorry. Yes, I'm safe. Ok, love you text you tomorrow." Hinata hangs up the phone with a nasty expression. "What's wrong?" The tall boy asked. "I'm hungryyyyy!" The shorter boy complained. "It's one A.M. , that's not healthy dumbass!" "Let's go downstairs and have a snack. Then we can watch a movie!" Hinata exclaims. "Sure." The two boys went downstairs to get a snack. Kageyama sliced some apples for the both of them to eat. "Awww come onnnn why does it have to be healthy???" Hinata complains. "It's one A.M. ! You're lucky I'm even letting your ass eat!" Kageyama yells. The teenagers sat down and ate their apples while they watched a random horror movie. As the movie kept going both of the boys started to fall asleep on the couch. Ending their sleepover with sliced apples and a horror movie...

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It was super cuteʕʔ


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