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Wednesday, Dec 9th | Hinata's POV

Kageyama sure does have a lot of sides to him doesn't he.... honestly, I have no idea what to do. I know I like him but, sometimes I feel like... like it's too much. Do I really wanna run the risk of my only best friend hating me after trying to be something more. I can't help but think that he isn't being serious but, then he breaks down in front of me like that. It's like I'm talking to a whole other person. While I analyze the situation I make my way to school. Hopefully, Kageyama doesn't catch me in a time like this.

At school | Kageyama's POV

"You will be having a test this Friday, so study the material we learned and check over the practice test!" I hear an unenthusiastic teacher say. "Seriously, what's the point of science anyways, it's not gonna help me play volleyball or solve my problems..." I think to myself, completely lost in thought. My mind wanders at times like these. I'm not troubled but I'm not satisfied either. "Did I mess up yesterday?" I keep thinking. I threw myself onto him, and on top of that he didn't even reciprocate the feelings. I probably looked pathetic, not the Kageyama he's used to. He doesn't act hostile towards me even though he knows my feelings, it makes me like him even more. I tried to show him yesterday, that I'm serious but I think I came off horny instead... well- I was but THATS NOT THE POINT. He doesn't like me, and I've accepted that but, it hurts. It really really hurts to look at him knowing he doesn't see me the same way...

At Lunch

Usually, Hinata and I meet up at the place we practice volleyball. I'll test the waters and see if he's there, and to my surprise he is. Sitting there, setting with the volleyball we use, snacking on his lunch after every set. "Hey Hinata" I say while I approach him from the vending machine. "H-hey Kageyama..." he stutters out. "Maybe he's not ready to see me after what happened yesterday.... I don't really wanna talk about it." I think to myself. "So, we have the science test on you wanna come over and study with me?" He asks. A feeling of relief and nostalgia came over me. Truth be told, this idiot sometimes says the perfect things, I was getting sheepish. "Uhm yea sure... what are you eating?" I ask. "Oh just a snake I packed, I kind of woke up a bit late today... speaking of which, why haven't I seen you in the mornings?" He asks. "Oh well I've been waking up early and running, you know... a lot has been on my mind so running helps." I reply. "O-oh... right. WELL, your an idiot so do whatever helps. And if that doesn't work... I'm all ears. The king of the court does need his council, right?" Hinata yells. Does he not hear what he says sometimes. In his own way I know he cares... how adorable. I let out a small smirk and thank him for being caring. "Kageyama, have you ever dated before ?" Hinata asks out of the blue. I go to sit next to him while I think of what to say next. "What type of question is that dumbass?" I retort back. "I don't know... I know you're not into dating anyone but... you're a teenager, you must've dated someone before." He reasons. "Hm, yea I have, but only once, other than that I never rlly liked anyone besides them and... you know-" I say awkwardly. "Yea I know what you mean. Well, I've had a bunch of crushes but they never liked me back. They liked me better as a friend. I didn't really care though, I always thought I was just meant to focus on volleyball. But then, I think, maybe I just can't be liked." The boy next to me explains. Woah. I never knew he thought like that. "I mean, on a regular day, I'd never let my disadvantages get to me. My flaws, and good qualities are what defines me but, for some reason I can't help but think otherwise, under those circumstances." He continues. "Under what circumstances" I ask. "Ummm I dunno...I just feel like I'm not as cool in front of the person I like. Like all of my flaws are outweighed by my good qualities. I don't know if what I'm saying makes sense. Haha it's like everything is spilling out of me." the redhead answers. "Oh. Well when I'm around someone I like- I get like that too sometimes." I assure him. "Really? Self conscious... the king?" He asks. I shove him and laugh "Yea I do, we're humans you know. And even though I'd prefer to be perfect, we can't help but doubt ourselves as well as others. Even though you're a loser, with me, you should feel confident." I say. "Really?" "Yeah." I assure him. "Then I guess I'll trust your word." He says as he smiles and jumps up. "Well we should try to get a few spikes in before next period right?" "Sure let's do it." I say as I'm getting up. I guess, no matter what, Kageyama and Hinata will always be Kageyama and Hinata no matter the relation. That makes me feel relieved.

Time skip to practice | 3rd POV

"So, has everyone decided if they wanted to go to the program?" Daichi asks. "We all said no besides Kageyama." Tsuki says. "Well Kageyama, would you like to go?" Suga asks. "No thank you." Kageyama replies. "Ok than it's all settled Kurasuno will not be providing a team player. But, we still receive one." Daichi explains. "So who is it?!?! Noya yells as he jumps on top of asahi doing some sort of acrobatics. "Well... it's a familiar face..." "DAICHI JUST SPIT IT OUT" Suga interrupts. "Fine, It's Oikawa, Tooru Oikawa will be joining Karasuno for 2 weeks." The captain states.
"...Out of everyone... Oikawa has to join the team..." Tsuki states. "He is a bit loud." Asahi agrees. "And a douche." Noya adds on. "W-well, his sets are amazing and so are his serves I'm sure we'll learn something... uh... Kageyama are you ok?" Hinata interrupts himself to ask. "No." Kageyama replies harshly as he takes his waterbottle and goes into the locker room. "He might have to register this before seeing him so, let's give him some space. Practice is over. Suga and I will clean up for today." Everyone later followed Kageyama into the locker room, changing and packing their things. "Is it really that bad for Oikawa to join?" Hinata thinks to himself as he takes off his shirt. Then his mind wanders to other places like Kageyama. Hinata looks beside him to see a shirtless Kageyama tying his shoes. "aaa damnit he looks so hot..." the red head thinks. "Hey Hinata" Kageyama interrupts. "Uh yea?" Hinata stutters. "You ok you're like... staring at me..." "WHAT I'M FINE I WAS JUST ZONING OUT YOU KNOW." Hinata yells in response. "Oh- ok. Well we're going to your place right?" The taller boy asks. "Oh shoot I forgot. Yea lemme change my shirt." He says as he switches his shirt. "I wonder what we're gonna do at his house." Thinks the tall boy... well... study of course.
First off, THANK YOU FOR 1K reads!!! That's so amazing that literally one thousand people have read what I've written, so thank you all for your support. Just a few things before the chapter ends. I'm so sorry for not updating, quarantine kind of put me in a slump and honestly, I didn't know where I was going with the story till I sat down and thought about it. Also just a disclaimer, I don't know if I'm making Tobio and Hinata a bit too mature... I feel like if they were in this position they would actually be more mature and think without childish impulses. Although Hinata is a bit loud and impulsive he has moments that are like... "woah" he thinks so practical it's almost intellectual LOL. And Tobio also has his moments so I hope it's not too unrealistic :) Ok well besides that, thanks for reading the newest chapter see you next week... hopefully <333

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