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Next day, 5:00am | Random Pov

After Tobio left Hinata's house, it started to rain. He sat their unbothered by the droplets, lost in his thoughts. A new day started for him as he was getting ready for his morning run, but one thing was off. His body was aching, and so was his head. "I think you caught a cold." his sister states. "Fuck" Tobio thought. Not sure what his goals were if he actually was fit to go to school. That being said, he's quite lucky he doesn't have to face the problem; Hinata.

On the way to school

An orange haired boy sulking on his way to school. "Where's Kageyama?" he thought . He sits and waits for the taller boy to meet him at the spot they always do. "He's not coming..." Hinata says in defeat as he makes his way to school.

At tobio's house

The raven haired boy is sick, but he wants to be as productive as if he was well. He wakes up and does his routine. "I should let the captain know I'll be missing today's practice."

"I will be missing school and practice today. I think I have a cold."


After sending his captain that message, he flopped on his bed, his hair ruffled up trying to get lost in his thoughts, but for some reason he can't think. Tobio can't think of what happened yesterday, what to eat for breakfast, what math homework he should makeup, nothing. There's nothing to think about. He tried to take the easy way out and instead, it backfired. He's been in denial, trying to make it seem like he was in the wrong for having feelings for Hinata when in all actuality, Hinata probably liked him first. Before, when he thought of Hinata, a fire lit in his eyes. Determination to make Hinata his. Now, it's empty and tired; the fire that was once in his eyes. He has not one regret of what happened yesterday, as if he didn't make a scene. Then leave Hinata's house after sundown and sob in the rain as if this is some type of romcom climax. His whole situation, from retrospect, is absurd. All this time Tobio felt as if HE was wrong. HIS feelings were unwanted. But his feelings are valid, and there's not much he can do but to wait for Hinata. For the orange haired boy to realize his feelings.

At Karasuno practice

"Gather around." The captain yelled. "Some announcements to make. Tobio isn't gonna be practicing with us today, apparently he's sick. So, if you live close please be sure to check on him." As the captain went on, The orange haired boy tuned him out. "Kageyama's sick? It was raining yesterday after he left... but I thought he was at home by then. What was he doing?" Hinata thought to himself, while subconsciously getting ready for practice. As practice went on like usual Hinata was a bit off. Him being the type to wear his heart on his sleeve and his feelings on his face, the atmosphere was undeniably altered. "Hinata get your head out your ass, just because your boyfriend isn't here doesn't mean you get to slack off." A tall boy with glasses hollered. "B-boyfriend?" Hinata wispered. "Hellooooo?? Hinata? Are you there?" Noya waved. "Yes! I am just sleepy!" Hinata shouted in his usual cheerful self. Of course, it's a facade. For some reason Tobio not being here makes him feel awkward. As practice continued it eventually came to an end. "Hey Hinata! I'd appreciate it if you checked on Tobio!" Sugawara asked but basically demanded. "But-" Hinata tried to object but Suga wasn't listening. As the rest of the team dispersed into their own paths home, Hinata walked passed his turn to Tobios house. "Maybe I should text him and let him know I'm on the way?" The Orange haired boy spoke out loud. "I don't even wanna visit him, how awkward... when people bring him up it's awkward but him not being here is so weird too!!" Hinata groans. The stress this walk brings is immense. It's as if he's on his way to his doom, or a test he was unprepared for.

Tobios house

Already on his doorstep, he sees a gorgeous girl exit the household. "Hinata? Sup Hinata!" Tobios bigger sister exclaims. "R-Riku!!!" Hinata responds back with the same energy. "Tobio didn't tell me you were coming! Yesterday he came home soaking wet. I thought he was sleeping over at your place but when I asked, he stormed up to his room. I figure you already know he's ill." She explained. "Yes I know! I came to make sure he was alright. A request from captain." I add on. "Ok well I'm off so lock the door when you leave." She replies as she pats my head. "She's like a girl version of Tobio..." Hinata thought to himself. Making his way up the stairs, Hinata takes a turn in the hallway and knocks on the door. No response? So he opens it against Tobios volition. "I'm coming in-" Hinata was about to yell before he noticed Tobio sleeping. It's not his first time seeing Tobio sleeping but considering what happened previously, he wasn't mentally prepared to face Tobio. It's as if the pep talk he gave himself on the way to His friends house was useless because when faced with him, he doesn't even know what to do with himself. Luckily, he's sleeping so there's not much for him to do. Hinata sets his belongings down in the usual spot and makes his way to Tobios bed. Finally done sifting through the thoughts that bombarded him at first, he noticed how comedic the position Tobio laying in was. "I gotta take a pic of this" Hinata whispers. Right after he took a picture the sleeping boy moved, which startled Hinata. "Oh my gosh-". As Tobio opens one eye, surprisingly he wasn't fazed at the unwelcome guest infront of him. "What are you doing here Hinata?". "Crap." Hinata thought. "U-um I was checking on you... Daichi told me to." He stutters out to Tobio. Tobio sighs as he moves his arms to support the back of his head and his right knee moving up so his right foot alone can support his knee. "So you didn't come to see me on your own?" Tobio asked in a slightly cold manner as he slightly opens his eyes. Hinata couldn't even grasp the question without noticing how attractive Kageyama looks in that position. His biceps and triceps are very visible as well as a bit of midriff of his abs when switching positions. Not only that but his change in position exhibits his quadriceps which he's worked hard to sculpt. Hinata didn't brace himself for this at all. Maybe it's the adrenaline or his unorganized thoughts but the situation he's in is inviting insanely inappropriate thoughts...

Yea... I left y'all on a cliff hanger 😁also sorry for the delay. My editor took years to edit this. Finna just edit this shit on my own🙄😳jk I suck at spelling.

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