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Time skip to after practice / *kags pov*

I came to the conclusion that I need to talk to someone. And there's only three girls I trust. Yachi, My sister, and Kyoko. But, considering that my sister was at home, that left me with Kyoko & Yachi.

"Yachi, Kyoko I need help with something." I spit out. "Oh, Kageyama! W-What's up?" Yachi responds as Kyoko nods. "So you guys are- girls, and are really pretty so I assume you have had experience in love right?" I ask.
"KAGEYAMA LETS GO I WANNA HIT YOUR TOSSES TONIGHT!" Hinata yells.  My face lit up. "GO WITHOUT ME... I-I'll call you..." I mumbled out. "K!" he yells as he skips away. "Uhm anyways..." I say awkwardly. "Oh wow, Kageyama! You think I-I'm pretty? WELL THANK YOU BUT I DON'T HAVE EXPERIENCE IN LOVE. IM SURE KYOKO DOES!" Yachi yells. "I do, but it's better if we talk in private Kageyama." Kyoko oddly determined. "Alright"

In the gym office

"So Kageyama, what do you need help with." She asks. "I have feelings for someone, and we are very close. I seriously doubt that love is requited nevertheless, I know I would regret it if I didn't pursue them" I explain. "Ok, that's pretty common, if you don't mind me asking, who is this person?" I might as well tell her
"It's Hinata." I spit out. "Oh, ok. Well, in that case, I would go for it." She responds. "Wh-what? Why the sudden change in heart?" "Well, there's two outcomes. He likes you or he doesn't. You guys are best friends, right? I'm sure he would try to be nice if he did reject you. Let's say it was someone you weren't close to, it would be harder to go back to the way things are. If you truly have faith in your friendship then, you shouldn't have a problem redeeming yourself if push comes to shove. That part is mainly up to you." she explains. I never thought about it like that. "Let's say I do confess, how should I?" I ask. "Well, say it with your heart and with your chest. Doesn't matter if you stutter, or sound like a dork. It's part of your charm!" Kyoko says. "Wow, Kyoko you're so down to earth. Thank you!" I say enthusiastically. "Of course, You can talk to me whenever. I am the manager after all."

Looking for Hinata

"HINATA! HINATA WAIT UP!" I yell as I am running to catch up with the carrot top. "Huh? Kageyama? I thought you were gonna take years, so I just went ahead, sorry." "Oh it's ok, I just needed to talk to you," I state. I have to do it now while I'm in the mood. "O-ok, whats up baka?" Hinata sings. "Ok let's stop walking for a minute and sit down," I say as I sit him down on the swings. "You're scaring me Kageyama. What's the matter?" he asks as I place my hands on his shoulders. "Nothing bad! I just have a favor to ask..." I mumble. "SPIT IT OUT!" "FINE CAN I GET A- can I get a hug... p-please?" "W-what!" he yells. "Can. I. Get. A. Hug. Please?" I beg. WHY DID I ASK FOR A HUG. I'M SO STUPID AND MY CHEEKS ARE RED HOT!

*Hinata's pov*

Kageyama is soft... and warm. But why did he make such a big deal about a hug? "Hinata there's something I need to tell you." The tall boy states as he releases me from the hug, and places his hand on my shoulders. His face is really close. "I- I like you Hinata. I decided to just tell you for the sake of our friendship, I thought you deserved to know."


Kageyama likes me. He just told me, in my face after he hugged me. My face is red and my heart is beating.
"Kageyama I'm-" "Hinata, please. Don't tell me how you feel yet." He interrupts as he goes back to hugging me, this time tighter. "Let's just stay like this...please," he begs. If I wasn't confused before, I am now, I can tell he's serious. Kageyama was never touchy or showed emotion. He is awkward and a dork, now that he's acting so vulnerable... it's scary. "Kageyama, why me?" I ask without even realizing it. "I don't know. It's like asking why you like volleyball or breathing or even eating meat buns. It's just some feeling in the pit of your stomach. I had to address this lingering feeling or it would become a burden." His heart is beating really fast and I can feel him shaking. I don't know what to say. I'm kind of scared. "Tobio," I state as I push him away, our foreheads touching. "I love you, as a best friend. Just as a best friend, I'm so sorry." I sigh out. I look into his eyes, and I now regret saying what I did, I just lied through my teeth, because I'm such a coward. I didn't even ask for more time to think. What's the point? I'm too late. "It's ok, I don't know what I was expecting anyways. Let's just go back to the way things were. This type of serious atmosphere doesn't suit us anyways." He chuckles out as he looks away. "Are you...ok?" I ask quietly. "Y-yeah. I just need to process everything. I'm so stupid and impulsive that I just told you without thinking about how you feel. I'm really sorry." "No, Kageyama. Don't apologize for being human. It's ok, I understand." I state. "I know that I'm human, but I'm your best friend. I must take you into consideration. I'm so stupid I'm really sorry." What the hell, Kageyama is not Kageyama no mo. "Tobio. Stop apologizing. You've said sorry at least 4 times. Let's just, go home." I beg. "Go without me," he whispers.

*Kag's pov*

I'm so stupid. I don't even know how to feel right now. This has never happened to me. I feel like my heart has been stabbed and my brain isn't functioning. All I could do was apologize at that point. I feel so bad for Hinata, I know for a fact he's not gonna be normal around me. Maybe, at this point, it's better if I keep my distance for the sake of my own feelings. I throw myself on my bed and can't help but cry. "Why do I care so much?" "Why couldn't I tell Hinata the reasons I liked him?" "Why doesn't he like me back?" "What are these feelings?" Are questions that'll forever be unknown. In the end, I have to keep my promise and toss to him no matter what. But will everything be the same?
"Tobio? I'm coming in." I hear outside my door. "Hey I just came up here to check on you- your rooms a mess and-" I need someone to hug. "Look at me Kageyama, why are you crying? Is everything ok!" She questions as she instantly hugs me back. This feels even worse that it's not Hinata in my arms. "I just did something really stupid. And it's even worse because I know he's not crying the way I am, or forever questioning what he did. I bet he doesn't even regret instantly rejecting me. The worst part is, he's my best friend. I'll have to see him for the rest of the week and walk with him to and from school. Riku, my heart hurts, and my legs are weak. I don't understand." I ramble out. "Tobio..." she stutters out. "I know your confused but please, let me hug you longer..."
"A-are you ready to explain?" she whispers as she hugs me. "I confessed to Hinata. I've liked him for a while and I even talked to Kyoko, my team manager. And she told me to just ask. But I never thought the aftermath would be this distasteful." I explain. The older girl looked at me and hugged me tighter. Me and Riku, have never been this close emotionally before. "You did it, you're so brave Tobio. I'm proud of you, really. It takes a lot of guts to do that, ESPECIALLY with your best friend. And I know that after being rejected, you're regretting it. But Tobio, you're human. You have feelings. And if you're in love with your best friend, you shouldn't regret trying to pursue someone who you love so much. It'll get better ok? All you can do now is fulfill your role in being his best friend. And move on, or try harder. That last part is all up to you." The older woman stated. Move on or try harder. "Tobio, you are one of the smartest people I know, maybe not so much as academic. But, your emotional strength is immense and I have no doubt you will be able to get through this ok?" she assures me. "T-thank you Riku. Seriously you're the best." I sniffle out because her words make me cry harder. So, I guess we are starting from square one again. This feeling, I know what it's called. Heartache. To move on or to try harder? At this rate, I may just give up. I don't think I can take this emotional distress.
heyyy so I definitely teared up after writing Kageyama's part. N e ways. I hope u liked this chapter <3

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