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Never in his worst nightmares could Archangel Gabriel see it coming.

That day, the twenty fifth of November of the year 2019, was the day that was about to mark the beginning of a drastic change, not only for him, but for the entire Heavenly host as well, for that was the day of his trial.

Much like Aziraphale mere months ago, Gabriel found himself restrained to an office chair, face to face with his fellow Archangels - Michael, Uriel and Sandalphon. Only difference was, he was the defendant now, not the judge.

The Messenger of God had gotten arrested only an hour before, seemingly out of the blue, at least in his humble opinion. However, neither his Mother nor The Metatron would have had him arrested just because and he was fully aware of that.

"What's going on?!" Gabriel yelled, struggling as Archangel Uriel was adjusting the ropes, "What are you doing?!"

Uriel looked up at her brother with guilt and sadness in her eyes, red from her tears.

"I'm sorry, Brother," she choked out. "But this is Her order."

Sandalphon, who was just as upset about the situation as Uriel, was pinning Gabriel to the black uncomfortable office chair so that his brother couldn't fight back much whilst getting restrained.

"Gabriel," he spoke softly, his usually calm voice trembling like glass from a vibration. "Do not resist, I beg you. It will do you more harm than good."

The Archangel opened his mouth to protest but didn't have time to say anything as the face of The Metatron appeared in the vast room with white walls, ceilings and floors. The wind was howling ominously outside the numerous glass windows, the sound resembling that of a pack of wolves and only adding to the overall ominosity of the entire situation.

Michael, who was standing in front of her brother and thus supervising the preparations, turned around as tears streamed down her cheeks which were glowing from the golden heavenly marks on her face. Her, Uriel and Sandalphon got behind their brother.

Gabriel's siblings bowed down before The Voice of God while Gabriel himself could only lower his head.

"I see everything is ready for the trial. Excellent work. You may rise now." The Metatron spoke solemnly, "Mother Herself shall take on the role of the judge today." he added, making all four Archangels gasp in shock as the gravity of whatever crime Gabriel had committed dawned on them.

God didn't have so much free time on Her hands as to be the judge a trial. Unless...

Gabriel gulped as a thought crossed his mind. His skin grew clammy and he could feel little drops of sweat pour down his forehead as goosebumps appeared all over his body.

There was only one possible reason for God Herself to judge him and he prayed that it wasn't what he was thinking it was.

Suddenly, a ball of light materialised in the air, right next to The Metatron.

"Mother..." Michael muttered, lowering her blue eyes. "We're...we're ready..." she spoke through barely contained sobs.

"Don't cry, my dear children. You have nothing to fear." The Almighty spoke in a soothing, motherly tone, "Gabriel, however..." Her voice grew stern and cold in an instant, sending chills up the spines of Her children. "Archangel Gabriel, you are being accused of treason!"

Gabriel's purple eyes widened in sheer terror and he clenched his fists which quickly grew white due to the tight rope. His biggest fears were becoming a reality.

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