Chapter 3

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Aziraphale didn't know what had happened to Gabriel since he was on Earth at the time but, unaware that his boss was having breakfast with a mortal girl in the outskirts of Liverpool, he went to Heaven to make a standard report, only to be greeted by Archangel Michael instead of Gabriel.

"Hello, Aziraphale." she greeted her subordinate and the Principality couldn't help but notice that her eyes were red and swollen from tears, even though she tried to stay calm.

"Ahem, Archangel Michael, is-is something wrong?" Aziraphale mumbled, dumbfounded by the fact that the toughest warrior he had ever seen was sobbing like a little girl.

His relationship with Michael was hardly the best but they were still siblings in the end.

"Gabriel...Gabriel g-got...h-he...w-was..." Michael sobbed quietly, crumbling down to the floor and curling up into a ball.

She looked like a lost child and Aziraphale couldn't help but kneel down next to his sister and carefully place his hand on her shoulder.

The gesture was awkward, considering that that very Archangel had attempted to kill Crowley but, unlike Gabriel, she never abused her subordinates, instead viewing them as her personal army in which every soldier was valuable, so Aziraphale bore little ill will towards The Prince of Heaven.

"Sister, please, tell me what is going on." the angel of the Eastern Gate asked gently. "What happened to Gabriel?"

"H-He was put on t-trial...and...Fell...He was cast out, Aziraphale!" Michael all but yellled hysterically.

The angel gasped in shock.

Of course he had been secretly wishing for Gabriel's atrocities to be exposed but he still did not see that coming. Abusing employees may have been a taboo but in order to be cast out one needed to go against God Herself and be deemed a traitor.

Why was Gabriel deemed a traitor? Was it due to the fact that The Great Plan was not The Ineffable plan after all?

The angel hoped that the latter was true and that the prevention of the apocalypse wasn't for nothing. Him and Crowley were not punished by God for their actions aimed to prevent the destruction of the very world She had created eons ago and that in itself was a good sign.

"C-Cast out?!" much to his surprise, the shock in his voice was genuine, even though it wouldn't have taken a genius to realize that the cocky arrogant bully had his dose of karma coming.

Michael could only nod as she got overwhelmed by the frustration, disbelief, guilt and helplessness. All of those emotions were written all over her face and could clearly be seen in her eyes, deep sky blue like bodies of water on paintings.

"Yes, Aziraphale. He had been abusing his employees for centuries and I was blind to it all the time!" she banged her wrist on the floor in powerless fury. "Mother told us that he would also stalk you after our trial and that She never wanted to see mankind destroyed to begin with! He lied to us about everything! His wings...I was ordered to remove his wings!" Michael yelled at Aziraphale, her usually calm and low voice now loud and shrieking like the voice of a banshee.

The mental image of Gabriel with severed wings almost made Aziraphale vomit out the delicious crepes with whipped cream, pears and hazelnuts, the breakfast prepared for him that morning by none other than Crowley. Of course, in the process the demon nearly burned down the whole kitchen but he did manage to miracle away the damage just in time and make a delicious dish.

The Principality barely suppressed the urge to retch, even though his face still grew pale green, and awkwardly wrapped his arms around Michael.

He had already figured out that while Gabriel is not around Michael would be in charge so now she was his big boss and, on paper, he should be fearing her like he feared Gabriel.

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