Chapter 6

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If anyone had ever told Beelzebub, one of the highest-rankings beings in Hell, that one day she would become a literal fly on the wall to spy on Gabriel only for a mortal to throw the book at her, literally, of course, then she would have questioned that person's sanity and asked them how they had developed such a good imagination.

And yet, here she was, buzzing away from the bright orange tent in a broken trajectory as if she was drunk when in reality she had probably just gotten a concussion from the heavy book, at least judging by the feeling of dizziness, topped off with confusion about her surroundings, an excruciating pain in her head and nausea. She ended up bumping into a particularly large oak tree and falling onto the ground, completely incapable of moving anywhere else.

The Prince of Hell had heard about Gabriel's ordeal, both from her spies and from Michael, with whom The Lord of the Flies had had a meeting minutes ago. Considering that it was a rare occurrence that an Archangel was being kicked out of Heaven, Beelzebub couldn't help but see for herself how exactly the cocky bastard was handling the situation, if only to mock her enemy and stroke her ego in the process. Little did she know that the plan was going to go south in so many ways.

Now she was lying on the ground and dealing with the nasty consequences of her skull's meeting with the oak tree, feeling like she was about to throw up. Not to mention, the headache of being hit by a book and then bumping head first into a tree was splitting and she could hear ringing in her ears. This wasn't nearly as bad as her Fall had been eons ago but she wasn't used to getting injured, especially by a mere mortal.

As if that wasn't enough, Beelzebub soon heard the sound of a trumpet being played. Now, normally she probably wouldn't have paid it much mind but the music only made her headaches worse. The fact that the music was growing louder didn't help at all but the demon knew that the growing volume probably meant that the mortal redhead was growing near, her hopping footsteps confirming that.

Suddenly the music stopped and Beelzebub heard a horrified gasp.


Belle couldn't believe what she was seeing.

A woman was lying on the ground, her hands cradling her head. She must have been injured very badly as she seemed to be unaware of her surroundings.

The woman was short in stature, but not a dwarf, rather she was barely shy of average height. Her short hair, black like coal, was messy and in knots. Her wrinkled face was crooked in a grimace of pain and her icy blue eyes were only partially open. She was biting her lower lip with her teeth, drawing a trickle of blood.

"Ma'am, can you hear me?" Belle assumed a squatting position next to the lady. "What happened?"

"You happened, mortal!" Beelzebub thought angrily while making a mental note about putting a devil aside for that girl.

However, she couldn't voice those thoughts as she had to keep up her calm and collected façade. Besides, she wasn't exactly in the mood for rudeness anyway.

"My head...It hurts...I have a concussion...I think..." she muttered, groaning and hissing in pain.

Belle nodded and hung her orange backpack onto a thick branch of the oak under which she had just found the woman.

She took out a bottle of water, hydrogen peroxide, bandages and an old scarf.

Then she took a look at the injured area and spotted a bleeding. The girl immediately cleaned up the wound by soaking the scarf with hydrogen peroxide and wiping the area around the wound until the blood was gone.

Beelzebub stayed motionless during the procedure.

She didn't move afterwards either when Belle was bandaging her head, nor when she felt the cold plastic bottle of water being pressed lightly against her injury. The demon was surprised and confused by the mortal's actions.

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