The 2nd murder

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It was sun high and it was raining. Everyone was in their dens avoiding the rain. Cloudfur ran out from Skystar's den and into the warriors den. He looked over at Shallowstream and Emberstrike who were discussing a new fighting technique. "Skystar asked if you could take Riverpaw and Nightpaw on a hunting patrol" he told them.


Riverpaw bounded ahead of the others, shortly followed by Nightpaw and then by both Shallowstream, who was sniffing the air for prey, and Emberstrike, who was trying her hardest not to get muddy.

There was a sudden rumble and the ground beneath Riverpaw and Nightpaw suddenly started moving. Riverpaw and Nightpaw slid down with the ground. They both yowled out in terror. "I'll get Skystar and some other cats to help" Emberstrike yelled above the thunder of the landslide before running back to camp.


Riverpaw and Nightpaw were thrown into the river. Riverpaw swam to the side of the river and climbed out. "Nightpaw?" She screamed "Nightpaw?".


Further upstream Nightpaw climbed out onto the bank, gasping for air. A cat walked towards him. Before he could say anything the cat pushed him back into the water and held him under. Nightpaw splashed around frantically.


Hearing the splashing, Riverpaw ran down the stream to find Nightpaw's lifeless body. She grabbed him by his scruff and dragged him onto the banks. She let out a mournful yowl.


Skystar looked out over her clan mates as they gathered. "My son, Nightpaw, was murdered.". There was a murmur of shocked gasps.


Murderer's choice: Nightpaw
Medical cats' choice: Shallowstream
Accuser's choice: ???


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