The 7th murder

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Sunsetstar looked down at his clan mates "today I would like to make two new warriors. Silverpaw and Thunderpaw please step forward." Silverpaw and Thunderpaw gave each other a surprised look before walking towards Sunsetstar. Sunsetstar looked at Silverpaw. "Silverpaw, You have passed your warriors assessment. You are a talented hunter, just like your mentor" Bulltail smiled from the crowd. "From this day on you will be called Silversky." The cats around her cheered. "Thunderpaw, you have also passed your warriors assessment. You are also a talented hunter. From this day on you will be called Thunderstorm." Sunsetstar said, looking over at Thunderpaw. "I'd like to change my name to Thunderspots ... t-to honor my brother who should have been here with us." Sunsetstar smiled and nodded. "Very well, Thunderspots"

Thunderspots and Silversky sat guard of the camp. It was quite and peaceful in the forest. Silversky heard something a few fox lengths into the forest and went to investigate. A shadowy cat appeared from behind Thunderspots "tell Bigpaw I said hi" they said before swiftly biting his neck, killing him.


"Cats of Snow Clan. Thunderspots has been murdered whilst on his vigil."Sunsetstar announced.


Murderer's choice: Thunderpaw (Thunderspots)
Medical cats' choice: Oddpaw
Accuser's choice: ???


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