The 4th murder

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Yuccakit wandered out of camp. She was desperate to explore and had the perfect opportunity to as Astralsong was asleep. She looked around the territory with awe she didn't know it was so big and beautiful.

After a while Yuccakit has gotten lost. She looked around for help and saw a shadowy cat. "H...Hello?" She whimpered. The cat turned around and grinned, they grabbed Yuccakit by the scruff and went towards the cliffs. Yuccakit squealed in terror. The cat reached the cliffs and dropped Yuccakit to her death.


Astralsong was fast asleep in the nursery with Ivorykit, Cactikit and Lilackit fast asleep next to her. She suddenly bolted up. She looked down and screamed. Oceanfur shot up in fear. "What's wrong?" She asked Astralsong. Astralsong sobbed "I saw her... I saw Yuccakit."


Sunsetstar sat on the high ledge. "The murder has struck again. Yuccakit was killed and found dead by tall rocks. She is now with Star Clan"


Murderer's choice: Yuccakit
Medical cats' choice: Stormshade
Accuser's choice: ???


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