Casual friends

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The morning's are always cold here. The air feels like a breath after sucking a mentol mentos but I remind myself that at lunch time, the sun rises to the maximum and it melts the ice from my cheeks and the cold from my fingertips that turn white to pink.
My father has no job so he spends his days doing what he knows best: absolutely nothing with a double whiskey, no ice. My mother thought that she would marry someone famous with great possessions and wealth so I question myself, on a daily, why did she marry my dad and has stick with him until now.
The worst is that she looks and acts like she really likes him. It makes no sense.
She dresses like she is freaking queen Elizabeth II and she's married to someone who looks like a wasted version - I mean, really wasted - of Bruce Willis but still with hair. She's a secretary on a lawyer company and does something I'm not much acknowledged about. Still, it pays the bills, food, her hair and nails every month and all the glass bottles of my father. He worked on the marines when he was younger so he stills receives some cash monthly of that.

I take a shower, brush me teeth and put the school stuff on my bag. I never take breakfast, it makes me sick to the point that I'm not able to bare it on my stomach.
I leave at 7:45, my mother is having a shower and my dad is on the sofa dead asleep.
Every day is the same.

The bus arrives at 7:50, and I arrive at highschool at 8:10 with five minutes to spare to walk peacefully to the classroom.
Highschool is confuse. Being a teen is weird. I'm a weird teenager because I feel like I'm already 29 and divorced. I don't belong here and I don't say this in a superior way, because I do want to belong here. I want to be crazy and try weed. I want to drink and fall asleep on the concrete. I want to have crazy sex inside a bathroom on a filthy bar. I want to be broken hearted and fall in love for the wrong person. I want to feel something. Positive or negative, it doesn't matter because anything is better than feeling dead. Being emotionless is tougher than any other emotions.

While I walk to the Biology class, I'm reminded of last night events.
Was that guy really famous?
Famous like a cereal comercial or famous like I did a movie and people scream when they see me on the street.
Whatever. It doesn't matter. I didn't even see his face properly because of the darkness of the night and his weird way of camouflage.
I enter the building and go to my locker to pick up the books. Just a few more months and no locker. No lunch cafeteria. No shoulder bumping in the hallways.
"Good morning sunshine!" Rupert and Lily greet me.
Rupert and Lily are my friends. I call them casual friends, which means, we are friends inside the educational facilities and no more. All my friends in school are casual friends.
Rupert and Lily are a couple. That annoying couple that talk for hours on the phone and argue about who's going to hung up first. The kind of couple that do quizzes about each other just for fun and just unglued from their eternal kiss, hug our holding hands when they really have too.
Rupert and Lily are the best known couple in school, they are both blond, pale and with bright blue eyes so they make photoshops of their future pale kids.
Personally, I find the resembles quite weird. I still think they might be long lost twin brother and sister.
"How ye doing guys?" I ask, politely. Not really bothered about their problems.
"We are super excited about prom! We will be running from Queen and King" Lily fires out.
"That sounds..." predictable " awsome. But the prom is still in a month"
"It doesn't matter! Days will go by like seconds. Just two months and we are graduating! We need to buy the clothes, prepare the limousine, the after hotel..." now they are looking at each other, completely hypnotized, probably thinking about the amazing after prom night shag. 
"Sounds like a valid point. Now, classes"
I wait for them to do their usual thing when they need to be apart. They hug, kiss with a lot of tongue, Rupert grabs her ass like it's a baseball and they repeat several times " I love you" until both agree its sufficient.
Rupert its from my class so when they are done, he gets back to his normal self and acts like a average 17 year old guy.
"So are you going to prom?" He asks, putting a gum on his mouth. Lily would be upset about it. He needs to keep her remains, not wash them away with strawberry chewing gum. He does it every time we go to class tho. Sometimes I think his jaw might brake for chewing all classes.
"Fuck not. Hate dancing. The drinks are shit. A gallon of lemon juice to one table spoon of vodka. No way. But you have my vote to King and Queen." I joke.
"Yes, she is really excited about it. I'm a bit nervous actually. Standing in front of the entire highschool to be delivered a  crown and dance while everyone stares...Don't tell her I said this"
"I never do."
And I don't. I know Rupert is more than the cringe boyfriend and captain on the soccer team. I met him three years ago before he and Lily even knew each other. I know that half of the ridiculous things he does as a boyfriend , its just because he loves her to much. So, as a casual friend, I hear him and toss the information away.

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