Books , Fights and Wine

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Me and Hero agreed that he would pick me up at noon and then we would decide on what the day has planned for us.
It is a great day to leave home since my mother is going out with Patricia, which means sir Anthony is left alone at home doing nothing.
At 11:30 I am ready so I kill some time by brushing Felix's hair outside.
My mother leaves the house and stays a bit with me. That worries me because Hero can arrive at any minute now.
"So how was Derek yesterday?" She asks, sitting on the front door stairs. Sitting means that she is going to stay for a while?
"He's fine. The usual. I'm sure you will catch up with Patricia about all the goods. See ya at dinner." I try to hurry her.
"Are coming for dinner?" She asks.
"Why wouldn't I?"
"You have been a little around lately. I barely see you."
"I don't know. I've been doing my own stuff I guess."
"Are you going to be with whom?"
"A friend."
"Am I acquainted of that friend?" She really annoys me when she speaks like we still on 1800.
She is about to,because I catch the sight of the grey Mercedes arriving to my door. The options are not that complex. In fact, there is only one.
Introduce Mum to Hero.
Why? Because the thing would go like this:
The car would stop in front of my house and mum would stare at it until something happened. I wouldn't be able to make a sign at Hero to give another round to the block because it would require me to interrupt the conversation with my mum and that would be weird.
If I let Hero just die waiting on the car, mum would quickly think that the car is stalking us and she would get up and knock on the window asking for reasons why this car is blocking our doorway and she would then threaten to call the police.
Basically she wouldn't let the car just stay there. She wouldn't just no think about it and go to her life because not many people park here. Just the locals.
So I did what was weirder but for the best.
The car stops and like I was expecting, my mother quickly stares at it with a confused gaze.
I tap on Felix's back and tell him to go inside. He obeys like he always does. It took me months of treats and practice to get him sitting down, laying, fetching...
"Mum, That's my friend."
"Where? In the car?" A smile is born on her face.
The car door opens and Hero stands outside the car. His height and over all presence is tempting. He approaches us and I'm so hypnotized that I forget about the massive shit that it's about to happen in a few seconds.
My mother questions can be just a little to much sometimes and I'm just hoping that she skiped his movie on the tv at night when she searched for something interesting to watch on Netflix.
"Oh well...who is this?"
Also, she fancies my friends if they are cute which makes me very uncomfortable. She thinks she is a goddam MILF. The ultimate MILF. I mean she is very beautiful and well shaped for her age but still, it makes me gag.
"Hero ma'am"
"Oh don't ma'am me. Call me Bella darling."
"Nice to meet you Bella."
I little bit of bile comes up my throat when I hear Hero call my mother by her name and her face after it, so pleased about it like she just had a very small orgasm.
"Well mum, we got to get going. Say Hi to Patricia" that makes not very much sense because I just saw her like twenty hours ago. But on this such awkward moments, usual the right thing to say never comes to hand.
"Going already?" She asks, like we were supposed to be meeting HER and join for a cup of tea.
"Yes mum. See you later. Have fun."
"You two have fun. Be safe."
What the fuck does that mean? Be safe like use your seatbelt and don't go speeding around or use a condom?
"Thanks. Very nice to meet you again." Hero says.
I walk to the car on a quick pace and make a eye contact at Hero to do the same.
I don't let him put the seatbelt on just yet.
"Drive. Take us out of here now."
He waves at my mother one more time and she winks at him, which I find repulsive.
"Fu-cking dri-ve." I repeat, glancing at him and at his ironic smile. The car starts and he starts laughing.
"Fucking twat! Were you enjoying being eye fucked by my mother?" I laugh too. I mean, what can you possibly do besides laughing?
"I mean. It's not that I'm not used to it by older fans but it was quite funny. She is very pretty tho. Tempting almost." He jokes.
"I'm going to vomit."
We stop at a red sign and Hero puts the seatbelt on.
"So where do you wanna go?" He asks. I notice that he didn't bring his sunglasses today. I mean, the day is pretty shitty, I even brought an umbrella so using them would be more ridiculous than usual.
"Somewhere safe. I mean, we can't just go walking around London. People would recognize me and that would be a total mess." I play. Like I'm the famous Cinematographic star here.
"You absolute right Ema. We have to keep you hidden."
"Let's go to a book store!" I say, probably louder than I anticipated. He even gets scared and looks to me. I don't have the habit to speak loud.
"People are dumb nowadays. They live for the media and the phones and the malls. Just old people - and me - go to classic old book stores."
"Sounds good. What's the address?"
I tell him where to go, already excited. I always have to pick the bus - I have my license but no car yet - to go there.
The book store is great. I always forget how great it is. It's big, wide, with classics, modern books, in various editions and subjects. From drama, terror to novels or erotic books. From sciences to culinary or law.
It also has a cosy coffee shop where you can sit and enjoy a book with a foamy latte.
When we park, I realize something.
"Shit! You don't even like to read! I'm sorry! We can go somewhere else."
Hero lowers his head to gaze outside the window. "It looks good. And it's not like we can just choose to go to a crowded space like a park or the mall. And to be honest, you were so excited that made me excited."
That was very cute but I won't say it. I'll let him read my blushing cheeks.
The super star and myself arrive at the old glamorous vintage bookstore , located on a quiet fancy neighborhood where old people that got tired of the brisk city and the noisy pubs leave.
Old couples that survived fights and tears walk around, very posh looking. The blonde hairs that grow now grey, the blue eyes that are no longer bright still manage to accommodate a warm smile while they old hands with their life partner.
They walk slowly because there is no rush but they wake up early because they know, better than no one, that life is short. They must have seen a lot people go way, parents, a sister, a close uncle.
I enjoy observing older people, people in general to be honest but old people mostly because those eyes have seen so much, those legs have walked so many miles in so many places that I try to make up a story for their lives.
"Ema? Let's go inside? The sky is threatening a bit of rain."
London Always threatens rain. The city of the grey sky and foggy air. The only place where you expect rain at anytime on any month. This town could be bright at 4pm and pouring rain at 4:02pm.
When I enter the store I remember why I like this place so much. It doesn't smell like old people and mold. It smells like coffee and fresh lemon. The modest and small entrance, hides a huge store with dozens of corridors with books that you thought were long lost. Modern books that you presume that a old place like this would never have.
The covers of the books are always clean and shinny and they have this special thing that for just 5 pounds ,you can borrow a book and if you deliver it on the same conditions and on the limit day, they give you the money back.
You can borrow books or buy them. Everything in perfect conditions.
I greet the old man behind the counter. I've seen him many times now. He is also my boss sometimes. I made some shifts here on vacations to make some money.
I loved to work here. It's peaceful, I get to touch all the books I want, see the new ones coming right from the editors and read. Read a lot.
It was his and his wife's shop and when she died this was all he had left. This is the reason why He gets up every morning.
"Hello Mr.Newton" I greet him.
"Dear Ema! How are you on this cold day? I haven't seen you for a while now."
"Yeah I've been a bit ghosty lately to be honest. School stuff, but hey, here I am. Everything's been ok around here? Should I need to come back and work? Put some order?"
"Oh everything's been great. We're selling a lot. You are welcome back anytime. And who is this great gentleman you bring as your company today?" His eyes travel to Hero's.
"A friend of mine. Hero this is Mr.Newton. The honor of the shop."
"Great place you have here sir." Hero says with his usual adorable look.
"nice to meet you boy. Ema here was my best employee. Now go enjoy some books. Oh Ema, last week arrived that wonderful edition of Little Women and Dracula. Just a wonderful piece."
"Thanks Mr Newton. I'll see you in a bit then. With a pile of books to go."
He delivers a elderly smile, the one you can't resist to hand back. Hero and I continue our way.
"I'm going to buy a coffee. Want something?"
"No I'm fine. Go on, I'll be around here."
He nods and walks to the coffee shop on the corner. I look around to check if there are some other adolescents or young girls that look suspiciously fans of fanfics but I think he's safe.  I bet my ass that blonde girls that quote the After movie never actually read Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë so they would never be on such a close space from a store like this.

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