Thank you

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I like weekends. So many hours to do absolutely everything I want. A plus of being a organized nerdy student and having completely absent parents, is that my free time, it's really mine.
No family lunches, no to do homeworks.
I usually wake up at nine or ten am and go on a run with Felix but last night I was awake till late texting with Hero so I woke up at lunch time today.
"I know Felix, I'm sorry. Just give me five minutes" my dog is already used to our morning weekend routine so he expresses his sadness with a pinch low long cry. I step into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.
I hear my mother vacuum cleaning downstairs and my father is reading the newspaper on the small kitchen table with a mug that I doubt contains coffee or tea.
"You woke up late today." My mum says.
"Yeah. Was tired."
"Your dad and I are going to the mall today. Need something?"
Going to the mall together it's what they have closer of a romantic date. Him driving her and helping her with the groceries is what he has closer of a gentleman. 
Parents I think.
"Chips and don't forget fruit and vegetables. You always forget to buy those."
"Oh right. Staying at home for the day?" She asks me.
"Not sure."
"Good for you." 
My father stands and walks pass me, to his room upstairs.
"Good morning Ema."
"Hi Anthony."
"It's Dad." He says, not looking back.
It's dad if you are a dad. I whisper very very low.

Last night my texts with Hero were about our tastes. Music, movies, food, countries - even though I never left the UK which shocked him.
"Well I'm sorry if I don't go around the world touring because of my no existent movie" I said.
He asked me about college. I said I had no idea about what to do. I'm good maths, science, languages but that doesn't mean that I actually like them.
I told him I like to read, write, eat and I have a big wish to travel and discover what's around me. He said I should be a writer and I told him that I would be homeless.
Apparently he was kinda destined to be an actor because his uncle is a famous one - I don't know his name but the face wasn't completely strange to me - and he all family has cinema on the blood.
"Aren't you scared of not having a College degree and one day that part of your life that it's famous now, in a few years go..downhill?"
"I am a model too."
"You will get older and look like shit eventually."
"Well....I don't know. I'm this right now. If everything goes to shit I'll figure it out."
I wish I was like that. So free minded.
"College doesn't mean you will be successful, you know that right?"
"Yes. But it's safer."

Hero is going to spend the day with his parents and sister today so I decide to call a friend, that it's not that casual.
Derek and I are friends since babies. Are mothers are friends since babies and so we kind of had no choice but to become mates. He is pretty great actually and saved me tones of times when my dad didn't let me come home and locked the door with the key inside.
I call him.
"Sup Ema. What's going on?" He answers, calmly. He must be playing video games.
"I'll be there in ten. Felix is coming too."
"The keys are on the same place."
I put some weekend clothes on, call Felix and grab my keys and the phone.
Derek's house is two streets down and so in ten minutes I'm picking the spare key of his house that they hide in beneath a rock.
I open the door and I smell lunch.
Patricia, his mother, greets me on the front door.
"Ema, sweeatheart! Didn't know you were coming by. I'll make you a dish and I'll grab some water and chicken for Felix"
"Thanks Patricia. Smells great like usual. Hello Frank!" Felix runs towards Derek's father which is also one of my favorite adults on the entire world, he stands from the couch and he sees me.
"Look who came pay a visit! Haven't seen you a lot around lately. How you doing?" He says while rubbing Felix's belly.
"Life is normal and I had some exams, you know, school."
"Okay, very nice. Derek is upstairs but I'll call you in a few for lunch"
I say thanks while I climb upstairs to Derek's room who is obviously playing video games. I grab the remote from his hands and start playing.
"Stupid bitch"
"Ema? How are you? That would be nicer don't you think?"
"I don't care."
"That's why you have no friends expect me."
Derek is this nerd guy, all focus on his video games, average and the proper amount of wanking per week. He isolates himself for a reason that I'm not much conscious about because he is a nice looking guy and very smart. Isn't that what girls want?
"At least win the game all right? Imma take a piss"
I nod. Focused on the dozens of monsters that need to be slaughtered.
If there is someone that I can trust my most personal information, is Felix. But he is a dog as you may know so I always needed a second resource who I can actually hear a valid point of few of the situation. That is Derek. He is also very handy so if you need to track, hack or highjack someone, he is your guy. He has this twisted mind that sometimes scares me but also excites me.
He is very wise to so when he gets back from the bathroom I say
" I met an actor. A famous one." My eyes don't leave the screen and he sits next to me.
"Fun. Did you shed happy tears?"
"No. And that's not exactly what I meant. I went out and texted an actor. A famous one."
He picks his laptop and opens it.
"Name please."
I smile. "Hero Finnes Tiffin"
"Who the fuck's name is Hero?"
I hear the sound of the keyboard and his fingers clicking rapidly.
"Okay I see...A cliché movie based on a very much cliché book. That's why I didn't know him. Born in 1997...a little bit too old don't you think?"
"You are 18 and act like you 10 sometimes. Age is just a number."
"Hurt. Let's continue. Oh the uncle I know. Great actor that one. Network value..."
"Shut up! I don't care. Read for yourself."
"Ok so the plan is: you fuck him and I take his wallet."
"Just shut up already."
"Oh this... plan."
I kill all the monsters and exit the game, turning my attention to my nosy friend.
"You go out with him and introduce me to his co star. If they are not dating already."
"You think they are? Is she that cute?"
Of course she is.
"My male hormones are very high at the moment. She is very much everything Ema. And what do you mean with you been hanging with him? He gave your his real phone number? And how did you met? He came for you with this blonde right here?"
"You are completely useless to my self esteem you know that right?"
I explain the all story to Derek including the Hyde Park meet, the school scare, the coffee shop, the beautiful apartment and the late night texts. He listens to it very patiently and waits for me to finish which is something I always liked about him. He asks but listens back.
"So, what I see here is a fucking miracle. Your paths crossed which is very unlikely and the two had chemistry which is...unlikely. You never have chemistry with no one and this guy right here" he picks the laptop and points to Hero's picture. "Has met more famous beautiful sexy talented girls in one night than I'll ever get the change to, even if I leaved two thousand fucking years. So options ain't a problem for him. He just liked you."
"You know....that was very very wise Derek."
"KIDDOSSSS LUNCH TIME." Frank screams from downstairs.
The meal goes by smoothly, there is no need to force conversation, it just flows and the silence is not uncomfortable at all. Sometimes I dreamt that my family was Derek's. I came here for sleepovers and afternoons of movies and popcorn with butter and I look at Patricia and Frank and imagined that they were my parents, my own blood, clean of alcohol and bad parenting. I used to imagine that they were the ones that tug me at night, feed me, prepare my school lunch, help me with the homeworks, attend my school event..
Patricia, Frank and Derek know how my family is. Patricia hates Anthony like I hate the color pink and cats. She got mad at my mum when she heard that my mother was coming with him from the US and they were marrying soon. They eventually made peace with each other but Patricia still doesn't agree with her way of handling the shitty situation she chose for herself.
Frank hates Anthony as much as his wife does and Derek hates him so much he says that I have no dad and that if he ever lays hands on me, he'll stab him in the neck.
I was flattered by the polite offer.

When we go back upstairs my phone makes s sound of a message notification.
Hero: Hi. Awake?
"Is that him? Show me." Derek grabs my phone and runs towards the room like the child he can be. "This guy knows that you are a morning person? I don't think so. 2pm. Who sleeps at 2pm Ema. Give me an answer."
" people that work on shifts like nurses, doctors. Night club workers.."
"Strip dancers" he adds.
"Actors that shoot during the night..."
"Addicted gamblers that stay in the casino till five am..."
"Security gards... fisherman..."
"Ema. Are you in any way, one of the previous type of people we just mentioned?"
"Exactly. You are a teenager, highschool student with absolutely no responsibilities beside study and clean up your ass. You have 1 one friend."
"I have friends in school."
"No busy social life. Why does he dig you?"
"That's the Fucking question and the main reason I came here. I need your opinion on this. Do I keep this thing going on? Or call it quicks before I realize I'm still me and he is...him, and that thinking that there is any chance in the world that this might develop to"
"Sucking his dick"
"A close friendship or any kind of relationship,was insane"
He grabs a chair, and points to another for me sit, pulling both near the desk where a pen and paper stands.
"We are going to make a list" he says, putting his glasses on.
"Pros and cons?"
"Oh for fuck sake. We ain't 12."
He starts writing.

-nice looking
-probably wealthy
-for some reason likes Ema
-the conversations seems genuine and fluent

-he is probably to much for Ema
-ema would have major competition
-wouldn't he travel a lot?

Derek raises the sheet, almost like he's trying to catch the best light spot. We analyze the words like they are odd.
"I see." I mumble.
"Now you look and consider."
"Friendly opinion?"
"Life gave you a gift. When something good happens to you, or when life hands you something nice, you say thank you and shut up.  Another friendly advice is keep this between you two, and me. You friends in highschool would never let you have a minute of peace."
Like most of the time. He's right.
"Well done Derek. Another case solved my friend" we high fave each other and moments later we are already talking about a completely different subject, this time, the awful girl that has been stalking and staring at Derek during classes.
Patricia made cookies and brought them upstairs right when we were about to start watching the new Saw movie. I mean, the timing of this woman is remarkable.
"Ema dear, you mother called me, I said you were here that's fine right?"
"Yeah yeah, no problem." felix must have smelled the cookies and came upstairs to join us.
"How are everything going in the house?"
"Mum cmon, always the same shitty conversation. Ema comes here to be adviced and distracted by your dear boy, not quized but his mother."
"It's fine Derek. Everything is the same Patricia. Absolutely the same. So not great."
"I see. You always have us"
"She knows it mom! She basically leaves here since what? Five? She eats my meals, uses my toothpaste and shampoo, we share socks."
"He is being stupid. I always appreciate everything you do for me Patricia "
"I leave you guys with the cookies then. Derek I'll beat your ass when Ema leaves."
"Love you mum."

At dinner time I return to my house. My parents are there, the two watching tv, my mother trying to force her cheek on Anthony's shoulder. Ups, dad.
"How was Derek, Ema?" My mother asks.
"Fine. We watch some movies."
"Always stuck on that fucking house Ema. With those fucking people." Anthony barks, shooting his evil eyes towards me.
"Anthony love...they are good people."
"I'm going to my room."
Felix followed me upstairs with his tongue out.
I sit in my reading chair and pick up the phone from my pocket. I stare at the unanswered message of Hero on my phone.
I text back.
Sorry just answering now. How was your fam day? Wanna hangout tomorrow?
Derek is right. Life put Hero on my life maybe trying to apologize for the really shitty family it put me in. So I'm to go with the flow. Have fun and trying not to end up broke on the end.
The phone vibrates on my hand.
Was praying for you to ask that. Where do you want me to take you this time? I'll catch you on the details of my day tomorrow.

Hero hero....जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें