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This week was...shitty to say the least.
I spent school with my casual friends. Spent the breaks watching Rupert and Lily kiss, get mad for some dumb reason and then make up peace again, all of this on a period of 20'minutes.
Greta has been joining us more than I'd like to. I swear that bitch is trying to flirt my friend's boyfriend and my male friend and he doesn't even realize it. None of them do.
I kept using Lucifer and Timothy as my company at lunch time to actually attempt to engage into some nice conversation but turns out, I'm not in the mood for it.
"Why the long face?" Rupert asks me, while Lily grabs him by the neck.
"None of your business."
"Rude." Timothy mumbles while cutting a slice of pizza with his teeth.
"Shut up."
"You know what you need? To cure that ass face?" Greta talks, making my day a little bit more shittier.
"I'm sure you are going to be a dear and tell me anyways."
"You need to get smashed. Completely drunk." I already did drink quite a lot the last few days, stealing Anthony's licor and disappearing in my own intoxication alone at my bedroom. Felix licking my arm while my body shuts down.
"Oh we can go to a party tomorrow night! It's friday and we have the all weekend to rest."
I mean, I heard worst things lately, like the slow sound on my slow heartbeat. Getting smashed on a proper party sounds more appealing than passing out on my bed.
"Baby you can find us one of those nice elite parties can't you?" C'mon!" Lily cried, making baby eyes to his soul.
Timothy, Rupert and Lucifer have perks because they are from the soccer team and they  know a lot of rich people with great houses and even greater parties. 
"We can talk with some people, right guys?" The blond asks to his peers, that nod back at him.

I went to Derek's at midnight, I couldn't sleep even tough the alcohol made me sleepy. I left the house by jumping from my window. Not that a needed to justify any of my actions but my mother would smell me and Anthony would say some shit that would make me tremendously annoyed. I fear I would actually punch him.
It wasn't a big heigh but it sure required a bit of faith to land with both feet without braking anything.
"You smell like your father." He says, sleepy. "I know you devastated because of Hero but you need to control yourself."
"Devastated is a bold world." I lay on his bed, with a book on my hand and not actually looking at him next to me.
"Whatever. Stop that shit."
"Let's go ta party tomorrow night."
"Oh for fuck sake." He turns his face to me, forcing me to look at him. "You don't even like parties."
"I'm in the mood now. And you are coming with me."
"And why would I do it?"
"Because you love me? Because you are my spiritual brother." I know he loves hearing this shits from me, even tough he'll never confess.
"Got me there. There better be hot girls."
"You don't meet girls by yourself because you always stuck in here."
"I'm okay with life."
"Know what to do about college?" I ask him.
Derek and I used to went to the same school but on the 10th grade he went to a fancy one with all the nerds and mathematicians.
"I'm like you about that subject. I don't think about it. When the time is on, I'll sit on my desk for a week with you and we will make our calls."
"We have less than 2months."
"Then we have less than 2months to enjoy the life we have now."

At lunch time, Lily and Greta didn't try to hide the fact that they are super excited to know the news.
"Baby!! Did you guys made it? Are we going out?"
"Yes we are?"
Greta and Lily hugged like they received a nice letter from Yale. I enjoyed my inner glory with a more private and moderated reaction.
"Can I bring a friend? Is that ok?"
"THAT CUTE ONE?" Greta screams, making heads turn and cuts the hug from Lily. She is talking about Derek and I know it cuz she coments and likes almost every photo he puts on social media. Derek is a very good looking guy but I know him for so long that became weird trying to see him as anyone besides my childhood brother.
"Yes. Derek is coming with me."
"Do you guys date?" Rupert asks.
"Not even shared a little kiss all this years?" Timothy asks while Lucifer stares waiting for the answer.
"No. Stop making questions."
"So...we'll meet where?" Lily asks saving me for the following questions that might had been asked. Lily as a casual schoolfriend, knows a lot about me and my peculiar personality.
"We can meet at that licor shop near the Landscape Motel at midnight. We can't show up empty handed." Lucifer answers, always with a really smooth " i am totally fine with life, there's no train to catch" kind of tone.
We all argue, excited to spend a different friday night out and head back to the last period of classes.

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