Chapter 3

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Jihyun pulled into the driveway, a little tired from that twenty minute meeting he went to just to come home. He stepped out of the car and grabbed the drinks he picked up for the boys. He closed his car door, probably alerting the members he had arrived home.

He walked up to the door and it swung open, startling Jihyun as he came face to face with Yoongi. Jihyun blinked, then Yoongi blinked, then Yoongi blinked again.

"Can I enter the house or..?" Jihyun asked jokingly and Yoongi stared at him, then broke out into a gummy smile and let him in.

"Guys! Come get your drinks!" Jihyun yelled, but then whispered an apology into the air for Jimin.

"JIMIN DONT YOU MOVE!!" Jihyun yelled once again, hearing a thump upstairs. Probably Jimin falling in his bed.

"Here's an espresso for Yoongi, a vanilla Frappuccino for Jungkook, a Mocha frappe for Jin, a double shot of espresso coffee with sugar for Namjoon, a hot chocolate with extra marshmallows for Taehyung, and lastly a Vanilla Bean with a shot of espresso and hazelnut for Hoseok." Jihyun threw away the cup holder that came with the drinks away and held the last one in his hand.

"You didn't get one, Jihyun?" Jin asked, sipping his drink as Jihyun stopped his way from going up the stairs.

"Hm? Oh. I uh, drunk mine on the way here," Jihyun lied quickly, blinking and looking away from the guys who said an okay and went back to doing their own things. Jihyun sighed as Jungkook raced up the steps in front of him, zooming into his room that had Overwatch music blasting from it.

Jihyun chuckled as he made it to Jimin's room, opening the cracked door. "Hey there buddy, I got you a drink," Jihyun whispered, sitting down on the bed, brushing Jimin's hair back.

"W-What is it?" Jimin asked, coughing immediately after. "It's a hot green tea with ginger root and lemon. It should help soothe your throat so it won't hurt as much and you can talk a lot smoother." Jihyun explained, rubbing Jimin's shoulder as the sick boy slowly sat up, sniffling. He gently took the cup from Jihyun's hands and took a sip, swallowing the hot liquid.

He waited a few seconds before gulping down a little more, Jihyun smiling. Jihyun took the cup away from Jimin before he could drown himself in the tea, causing Jimin to look at him.

"As much as I know you're probably enjoying it, too much will bother your throat and make your stomach hurt. Take a break for a bit," Jihyun smiled.

"O-okay..can you cuddle me till I fall asleep? O-or at least let me rest my head on your th-thigh?" Jimin asked, tears in his eyes from the headache and Jihyun cooed, brushing Jimin's hair back once again. "Of course baby, anything for you," Jihyun climbed closer to Jimin, resting his back against the headboard of Jimin's bed.

"Do you want to watch some TV until you fall asleep?" Jihyun whispered, feeling Jimin nod into his thigh. "Okay," Jihyun reached for the remote, turning the TV on and lowering the volume.

"Anything you want to watch in particular?" Jihyun asked, looking down at the smaller boy, who nuzzled further into Jihyun's thigh.

"C-Cinderella?" Jimin asked softly, turning to peer up at Jihyun, who smiled softly and nodded.

"Okay, we can watch Cinderella," Jihyun went onto Disney+ and looked for Cinderella before starting the movie. Jihyun put his hand on Jimin's head and slowly massaged it, trying to take some of the pain away from his little Mochi so he could sleep even the tiniest bit better.

Jihyun yawned into his hand, looking at his phone that lit up with a text from Jungkook.

Junbunny🐰: Jihyunie, can I use your laptop for my GCF? My laptop is running an update for half the day

Of course hyung, just make sure to put it in the charger:Jipuppy

Junbunny🐰: thank you Jihyunie 💜

Jihyun stretched his upper back, looking down to see Jimin knocked out on his thigh. Jihyun kept the Cinderella movie playing in the background, turning the volume down so Jimin doesn't wake up to the movie.

Jihyun rested his head on the back of the headboard, closing his eyes, yawning before he fell asleep.

"Jihyun..! Jihyun.!" Jihyun blinked his eyes as he looked around, seeing a grassy field. The wind was blowing, his unbuttoned white shirt blowing with the wind. He looked down to see blue jeans, a white undershirt and black vans. He started walking, following the sidewalk he was on to see where it would take him.

"Jihyun! Come here baby!" Jihyun turned around and saw a miniature version of him and two people chasing after the kid.
A woman and a Man.

Jihyun chases after them, but was so much slower, he tried to call out for them, but his voice was gone. He couldn't speak at all.

He continued to chase after the trio, but they disappeared from his sights. He stopped and caught his breath, looking around to see his old house. He walked up to it, opening the door and pushing it open.

He took in the old house, hearing laughs from upstairs. He raced up the stairs, reaching the room where the miniature version of Jihyun stood, but a little older, about three years older, now 9.

His parents were playing with their second born, his little brother. Little Jihyun had a paper in his hand, a song he wrote when he was little. Jihyun watched as his little self ran away, tears racing down his cheeks. This was his life story-he pieced together.

He followed the younger version of him, peeking in his room to see it was trashed, his parents rushing in due to the noise and scolding him, popping him and yelling at him to clean it up. The younger version cried, calling out for his parents to help him, play with him but they simply ignored him, giving all their attention to Jihyun's little brother.

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