Chapter 7

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Jihyun had been laying down with Hoseok on the couch after they both took a shower. They had turned on a movie and let it play as they cuddled each other, whispering soft words in each other's ears, giggling as they both shared a sweet kiss.

Jihyun turned his head into Hoseok's chest, wrapping his arms around the olders waist. He let out a deep sigh of content and closed his eyes, not caring about the movie anymore.

Hoseok, knowing his baby boy was sleepy, turned down the movie and placed his head ontop of Jihyun's, breathing in the cherry shampoo that he grew to love about Jihyun.

"Thank you..for everything baby boy, not a moment with you is full, always so blessed I must be to have you.."Hoseok whispered, tightening his hold on one of his lovers.

He fell asleep a few minutes afterwards, keeping Jihyun close to him.

-Time Skip-

An hour had passed and the boys finally came home, some carrying bags of food from the place they went out to eat at. They called for the two boys' name, waiting for a response but not getting one. Jimin frowned and stumbled into the living room, a little tipsy and saw the two boys knocked out on the couch.

He cooed loudly, but then slapped a hand over his mouth. He skipped into the kitchen, giggling as he leaned against Taehyung, who quickly caught the boy.

"Hoseokie and Jihyunieeee..are sleeping, so we have to shhhhh!!" Jimin giggled, jumping on Taehyung, wrapping his legs around the boy. Taehyung sighed lovingly, stroking the boys hair.

"I'm gonna go lay him down, try and calm him down," Taehyung took the drunk mochi upstairs, shushing him every few seconds. Jungkook sighed as he slumped against the table, having drunk a little but, no where near Jimin's drunk.

"Your tired Kookie?" Namjoon asked, brushing his hand through the second youngests' hair, the boy nodding, his breathing slowing as he nearly fell asleep at the table. Namjoon picked the muscle bunny up from the chair, groaning at how much heavier the boy was now.

"Goodnight Jin-hyung, Yoongi-hyung," Namjoon proceeded to carry the sleeping boy upstairs and into his room, cuddling him until the boy fell asleep.

"It's just me and you hyung.." Yoongi sighed, looking towards the TV that had Netflix still playing. Jin hummed, pouring himself a glass of wine because why not.

" you think..we can cuddle? Like..Hoseokie and Jihyunie?" Yoongi looked up hopefully, and Jin downed his glass of wine, picking the tiny rapper up and hoisting him over his shoulder, slapping his ass and carrying him into the rappers dark room. He closed the door with his foot, and gently set the rapper down in his bed.

"There's no reason to ask Yoongs, I'm always gonna come and cuddle my little rapper baby.." Jin placed a small kiss on his lips, Yoongi holding onto Jin's hair, not letting it be short.

"Good..because Yoongs needs some loving..he's been very stressed with the music lately," Yoongi referred as himself to Yoongs. Jin hummed, and crawled ontop of Yoongi, trailing his his hands down Yoongi's chest, then back up like his fingers were walking.

Yoongi smirked, glad he prepped himself before they left this evening.

"Mm, and what kind of loving was Yoongi hoping for? Hm my little rapper?" Jin asked, his breath ghosting over Yoongi's neck, the boy shuddering and holding Jin close to him.

"Some..sensual, loving, my dear.."
Jin hummed at the answer, his hand running it's way up Yoongi's shirt, the rapper letting him.

"Don't worry, your hyung is going to take care of you.." Jin made sure to go slow, just like how Yoongi likes it when he's had something to drink. Yoongi laid his head back, his hand in Jin's hair as he let his hyung take control of him, not caring at this point.

In the living room, Jihyun groaned, waking up. He smelt the food that the boys brought in and guessed that they were home. He heard moaning, and listened in to hear Yoongi hissing and moaning, and he didn't even want to know who he was with, not wanting to find out either. He shook Hoseok awake, the sunshine groaning.

"Jihyun..what is it?" Hoseok asked, his morning voice doing something to Jihyun.

"The boys are home..and I haven't eaten..and I want to get out the house. Yoongi and I think..Jin-hyung..? Those two are about to get it on, and I'd rather not get hard and take your dick up my ass again.." Jihyun chuckled, Hoseok joining in as he slowly got up.

"Well, we can go out and get something to it..the dinner I made for you is probably cold by now.." Hoseok moaned, getting up, he grabbed his keys that he always keeps in his pocket and walked to the door, sliding some slides on and waiting for Jihyun.

"...I can't walk." Jihyun said simply, and Hoseok laughed. "Damn, did I fuck you that good baby boy?" Hoseok laughed, walking over and picking him up from the couch, Jihyun laughing fakely before smacking Hoseok's chest, causing him to chuckle even more.

"What do you want to eat? It'll be on me," Jihyun asked, and Hoseok protested. "I'll pay, I made you incapable of walking,"

"No, ill pay. You fucked me good and took care of me. End of discussion," Jihyun buckled up, Hoseok smirking. "Nice to hear you admit I fucked you good at least," Hoseok felt his pride shoot up, hearing his baby boy compliment how good he fucked him.

"I love you.." Jihyun whispered, Hoseok grabbing Jihyun's left hand and held it the whole ride, even while ordering food.
"I love you too, baby boy.."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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