The Story of Me

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I wrote this for a scary story writing contest at my school and I was told it's really good, but I'm not sure so constructive criticism is appreciated (please be nice) also there are no pronouns for the main character, so please imagine Alex however you like (personally I think of Alex as female but that's mostly because I didn't feel comfortable trying to write from a male perspective, but like I said Alex can be a she, he, both, or neither, it's up to you!) so here goes nothing

The Story Of Me

My name is Alex, I have had many surnames over many lives. Here is a few of them, I am sharing these with you because this is my last reincarnation, and I am becoming weak, Furcifer has poisoned me, you will see him go by many names, the one he uses most often is Black, but always vague and always simple. He has been tormenting me since my first life, and every time he finds me I die young, his sole purpose is to make my life a living hell, each reincarnation it's not until he shows up that I remember my past lives. But I can't keep doing this, so you are my witness, will you tell my many stories?

Part One: the Sanders House

I warned my parents that today was a bad day to move, it is Friday October 13 and a full moon. But did they listen? No! They did not, they told me it's fine. We are moving from NYC to a little run down town in Nevada literally called Nowheresville. And the house, the house, where do I begin; it legit looks like it is falling apart. The paint is peeling, there is a bush that seems to be trying to swallow the house, and on top of that there are these weird mounds in the yard that randomly pop up and disappear after a while, almost like the dirt is moving. So back to moving, as we are starting to carry in boxes it starts to storm, I don't mean a little storm, I mean a Thunder Shakes The Whole House kinda storm. So we quickly finish and my parents send me up to my room. So as I'm unpacking I hear my parents talking about me, here is a summary of what they said: Alex (that's me) has quite the imagination. And here is what I have to say: No I don't! I go to bed and quickly fall asleep, sometime in the middle of the night I wake up because I hear a noise right outside my window. I walk over and suddenly the window shatters and I jump back, then a man flies through. "Hello again Alex." "Who are you?" I ask. "Oh, so you don't remember me?" He says surprised. "Should I?" "No, but remember this, I will find you, wherever you go, whatever you do, no matter what name you take, I will find you and I will kill you." And he stabs my heart. I plunged into nothingness. The next morning they found my body and said I tried to commit suicide, but I couldn't warn them.

Part Two: The Elevator

I am very nervous, today I have to go and tell an agent about that night. So I walk in and there is this huge desk and behind that there is a wall with a door on either side, and when I look at the desk again there is a woman there, she beckons me over. "Hi, Darlin', what's your name? " She says. She has a thick southern drawl . "Alex, Ma'am," I reply "Alex......" she asks drawing out the x. "Oh, right, Alex Laurens." "Alex Laurens, m'kay I see here that you have an appointment with Agent Black. All right, right this way Hun, my name is Agent Grace if you need anything." She says. "Okay, thanks." I say trying not to stutter. She leads me to one of the doors and swipes her I.D. Then she leads me to a room with a long metal table with 2 chairs 1 on each side facing each other. "Here we are! Agent Black will be in soon." Agent Grace says. And with that she leaves, shutting the door behind her with a loud slam. I waited for what felt like an eternity, but was actually only 5 minutes, then a Man comes in, he is tall with brown hair that almost reaches his shoulders and he is dressed in all black. "I assume that you have put together that I am Agent Black, if not now you know." He announces. "Yeah,I kinda figured." That's a lie, he reminds me of someone, but I can't figure out who. "So, I need you to tell me exactly what happened on the day of October 31st. Please do not spare any details." Agent Black commands. "Are you 100% positive?" I ask. "I'm sure, please, go on." He replies, sounding very condescending. "Okay....... if you're sure. So I woke up like usual, around 6:15ish, got ready and drove to school, school was well school, same old same old. English, science, history, math, art. But what was unusual was that right after school at 3:30 I had an interview for an internship at an art gallery. So I drove downtown and parked in the garage and walked over to the elevator and pushed the button for the floor Then I noticed a woman on the other side of the elevator." "Yes?" He asks. "Anyway, where was I? Oh, right, woman in the elevator. 'Floor 3, huh? You must be here for an interview.' The woman says. 'Yeah, how'd you know?' I ask. 'The third is meeting rooms.' She answers. 'Oh.' Then we wait in awkward silence. I get out before she does, I walk out, and over to the desk where a secretary waits, the name plate says her name is Anmut Nochmal. 'Name?' Anmut asks. 'Alex Laurens' 'Room number 13 Dear.' She says sweetly. 'Thanks.' After the meeting I walked back out and Anmut had disappeared. I got into the empty elevator and pushed the button for the garage and as the doors began to close I feel a hand cover my mouth. I look back it's Anmut, then this man appears and he bites my shoulder with these fangs and they both disappear. Is something wrong Agent? " "You weren't supposed to remember that!" He says gruffly. Suddenly I'm on the ground clutching my head as memories of past lives flood my brain, Agent Black snaps my neck. Everything goes dark, they said I died because I fainted and hit my head on the way down causing my neck to snap. Which is totally preposterous because there was no bruise from the table.

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