Life is Short

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Hi guys! I wrote a short story for english class and decided to share it here, not sure how good it is so constructive feedback is appreciated (don't be an asshole) so without further ado- May I present Life Is Short

Robin's life was normal, and happy, and not constantly in danger, up until the accident of course. Robin was a pretty typical 5 year old with a few exceptions. During her gestation her parents opted for the deluxe gene mod package so they could control a good portion of her appearance, because of this she has gold eyes and hair that reaches her lower back, and can often be found in elaborate braids or hanging loosely at her side. She is pretty short but makes up for it with her fiery temper, she wears her emotions on her sleeve quite literally, her hair changes color according to her mood because of fiber optic implants she got when she was little. Robin lived happily with her parents and her pet katre for the first 5 years of her life, until it all went south one afternoon when Robin and her best friend Matti were playing in the park.

"Matti, come check this out!" Robin yelled.

"What is it Robin?" He yelled back as he ran over to her

"Look at this hill! Doesn't it look like it would be fun to sled down?"

"Uhhh sure Robin, I'll go grab the sled." Then he raced over to get the sled.

"Hurry up! I wanna go down at least twice before my Momma comes to get me." Robin whined as Matti raced back over to her with the sled in tow.

"Let's go Robin."

"I call front!" was her only reply. They sit down on the sled and Matti pushes them off. They race down the hill but are violently thrown off when they hit a delivery drone that was hidden by the snow. Robin and Matti fly through the air until they hit the road, they lie unconscious until a car passes them and someone decides to help. The SCMD (Starways Congress Medical Division) is alerted and MedBots rush to the scene. They are taken to The SCMD Byzantium, where there are doctors waiting to take them into surgery.

- Before we continue, you should know that surgeries are a little different in Byzantium. Instead of doctors performing surgery MedBots do it under the direction of surgeons. Now, most of the time the Bots are fully autonomous but for extreme cases they are under direct supervision. This is considered an extreme case because it is two minors with severe head trauma. Okay, now back to your regularly scheduled program -

Robin and Matti are rushed into the operating theater where the doctors discovered that due to severe lacerations on Matti's right brain and massive amounts of hemorrhaging in Robin's left brain they only had time to save one. After a bit of debate it was decided that because Robin's parents work at the hospital and they spent a massive amount of money on her gene modification package during gestation, they would save her and put Matti in CryoFreeze until they had time to help him. It took a team of 6 surgeons 12 hours of rotations to give her the brain transplant she needed

- This is because there are laws against transplanting more than a certain amount of any one brain into a person because this often leads to severe mental disorders -

but they finished and took her to a recovery room.... A few hours later Robin woke up disoriented, she was restrained on a foreign bed. However, she quickly figured out where she was due to all the gene treatments her parents have been getting her since she was born. She sat up and pressed the button to call for a caretaker, the radio crackled to life "It's good to hear from you Miss Robin, what can I do for you?"

"I'd like to request some pain meds and something to drink."

" Absolutely, coming right up!" The line goes dead leaving Robin with her thoughts. All sorts of thoughts raced through her mind but the one that she found repeating itself over and over is

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