short story starter #1

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So, you're probably wondering how I got here, I know it's pretty crazy to see an astronaut just chilling on a bench, but I promise I can explain if you give me a chance. So, it all started a few months ago when I got accepted into the space program at NASA. There were only 20 of us selected from around the country, we had all graduated at the top of our class in different fields, to the outsider we looked nothing alike on paper. When we all showed up though, we came to realize that we had more in common than anyone thought. We were all going to be trained to live in an orbital colony.

Now, don't get me wrong, we have to bring other people of course, the 20 of us can't run a whole society but we were to be the building blocks and the guidance for the journey into space. They taught us the basics of piloting, navigating, hydroponics, first aid, and running a government. After they felt we were all sufficiently trained in these "core" subjects they broke us off into groups of two and further specialized us according to our prior education. I was paired with Mari, she and I became very close while we were studying here. You see, both of us had taken biology and medical classes even though neither of us intended to be doctors, so we were trained in all things medical for the colony. They even got us legit degrees to make it official so we became doctors after all.

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