Strawberry Fields

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so I wrote this poem for school, and it was supposed to be about a place that is special to us. However, I wrote this about a fictional place that I really want to visit. So challenge for you, what fictional place is this about? I'll put it at the bottom ;)

A warm summer day

A strawberry scent on the breeze

A meadow that goes on and on forever

Shrieks of laughter

White marble columns

Thuds as arrows hit their targets

Hooves of racing horses




The sound of fire crackling

S'mores around the dancing fire

Day turns into night

The air is filled with enthusiastic singing

Sounds of laughter hang in the air

Long after the fire dies

And closed are all the eyes

This is my original poem and all rights belong to me and me alone, let me know if you have questions! Did you figure out what fictional place this is about? If you did comment on the line you recognized it from. Ready for the big reveal? Drum roll please................. Camp Half Blood!!! I fell in love with that universe when I was 10 or 11 and it (Percy Jackson and The Olympians) is my first fandom and to this day I'm still counting down the hours until the next one is released! Anytime I post something original on here feedback is greatly encouraged and welcome. That's all for today folks, see ya in the funny papers. Love Y'all

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