short story starter #4

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 I opened the door. The door that had been occupying my thoughts since we moved in a few weeks ago. The door that wasn't supposed to exist, it's not on any blueprints or description of the house, they didn't show it to us during the tour. It's a tiny door, in the back of my closet. So small you have to crawl through.

I opened the door. There was a staircase, I didn't do anything but these weird blue lights came on. I descended. When I got to the bottom I was confused, what was so bad about this place that they never mentioned it to us? It was a fairly large room with couches and other furniture set up to be a cozy lounge despite its size. Why didn't they take this stuff with them? And then I see it, everything is bolted to the floor.

Short Stories and Other RandomnessNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ