a day in the life

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This morning I woke up at 5:30 so I could go for a run before I needed to get ready. I ended up running about 4 miles before heading home so I could shower. Then I finished getting ready and had breakfast before getting in my car and driving to school.

School was uneventful, hard because of how many classes I'm taking, but nothing major happened. I had a few tests and they gave plenty of homework but overall not the craziest load I've had. After school, I went and got a snack before going to practice. Swim practice was fun, the coach was really hard on us today, but she just wants us to be our best.

I decided I needed more food so I went out with a few friends and we all ate dinner together. Lots of us hang out after practice, we can't go out every night but we try to do stuff as a team as often as possible. We also tend to help each other with schoolwork when we can, it's hard on all of us to have to go to practice for hours almost everyday.

Then I went home to do my homework, it took like 3 hours to finish. Seriously, do they think we have time for this? Anyways, I finished my homework and I went downstairs to watch a movie with my family before going to bed. I took one more shower to clean the pool water off for good this time and said goodnight to my parents before collapsing in my bed after a long day.

After I graduated high school, I got a swim scholarship to my dream school and graduated with honors from there. Then I worked hard and got into medical school and became a doctor. I did my residency at a local hospital and now I am a pediatrician and I love my work. I love helping kids but sometimes I can't and it's really hard on me. But it comforts me that there have been many kids that I could help and did help and now they are healthy again.

I have a family of my own now, and I love them dearly. My kids are in high school and they all have their own sports. But my youngest daughter is determined to try out for the swim team when she starts her freshman year this fall to be "just like mommy", she's talked about this since she was little and we've done everything we could to help her. She's been in swim lessons since she was two, she's been on community teams and been amazing, now all we can do is hope she aces her tryout and gets what she's been working towards all these years.

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