Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 Saving Keefe (still in the past)

Hi imaginary readers its me again so Im writing this in the past as well and the first chapter was the present. When I get back to the present, I will let all of you know for now enjoy!

"Whoa... that's... surprising," Sophie said with wide eyes.

"What the forgotten councilor, or that Brontes also somehow a guster but doesn't know it, or does he? Or that Bronte was almost dead?" Oralie asked.

"All off those, but I was thinking about how Bronte had a love interest." Sophie giggled.

Wait, why was she giggling? She had to save Keefe. Sophie thought as she heard a sniffle. She looked at Oralie who was crying.

"Me and him made the mistake," Oralie cried.

Sophie had thought that Oralie and Kenric were in love, and now Kenric was dead.

"Oralie, I know it's sad, but we need to save Keefe." Sophie said.

Oralie sniffled. "But you need a Shade that can work with shadowflux and a source of healing."

"Oh... ya... ummm... for the Shade.. TAM! He might help! And the source of healing could be... PANAKES PETALS!" Sophie was now energetic. "Oralie, I have to go. We can talk later."

Sophie leaped away.


When she leapt home, she hailed Elwin and Tam and told them to meet her a Candleshade. She left Grady and Edaline a note, ran outside, grabbed as many petals as she could, and leaped away without any guards to Candleshade, she would face the consequences later.


At Candleshade

"Thank you for meeting me here guys, it means so much to me. Hey Tam, can we talk alone?" Sophie asked.

"Sure," Tam answered.

They went to a different room to talk.

"Tam, I have a huge favor to ask of you," Sophie said.

"What is it?"

"Well, I know how to save Keefe, and I need your help."

"I would do almost anything to help him after what I did. How do I help?"

"You have to get the shadowflux out of him."

"That seems too easy."

"I'm not done. You have to get the shadowflux out of him then send it away so it cant hurt anyone. Oh and you and him will be with a bunch of panakes petals and you might die."

"Whoa, that's scary, but I'll do it. If I don't do it I'll from guilt. I still feel so bad, but I'm only still here 'cause of Linh."

"Thank you Tam." She hugged him.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! No need for that, lets just fix Keefe!"

"Sorry I- but still, thank you. Now come on, lets go. We shouldn't keep Elwin waiting."

They walked in side to talk to Elwin and explained the plan .

"Wait, Tam, why are you doing this? We could find another way to fix Keefe," Elwin asked.

"I have to do this. I did this to him, and I have a lot of guilt. I dont want to break." Tam looked down. "And we need Keefe, what would we do without him. He holds his mom back a little from doing something more harmful. And he keeps Sophie in good shape. I mean look how worried she is."

"I would be this worried about anyone." Sophie looked at Tam. "When you were part of the Neverseen, I was very worried. Remember when you said you liked it there? I got scared and I knew I had to get you back."

"Whatever. I'm doing this."

"Oh, yeah, I forgot to say. Watch out for a new ability, because Keefe might manifest again." Sophie looked at Elwin. "Elwin, you're here, so if something goes wrong you might be able to fix it."

"Yeah, 'cause I might end up dead, but that's better than breaking. Lets do this."

They went to Keefe's bedroom, where Keefe was staying. Sophie sprinkled the petals all over Tam and Keefe, then stood back. Tam walked over to Keefe.

"Here we go." Tam raised his hands and called the shadowflux. Since he was still learning, it did not raise right away. He took a deep breath and the shadowflux rose out of Keefe. Tam sent the shadowflux away immediately, but still manage to collapse.

"TAM!" Sophie called. "Tam, are you okay?!"

Elwin rushed over to Tam and checked for a pulse. "He's alive."

"Did it work?" Tam asked weakly.

Sophie rushed over to Keefe while Elwin was dealing with Tam. "Keefe. Are you there?"

"Foster," Keefe said he tried to sit up, but as he did, lightning struck, and it almost hit Sophie.

Well thats chapter 3 and I just looked Im not talking to imaginary readers anymore. Thanks for reading. I mean I also dont know how many of those reads are me but still. Anyway thanks for reading

Oeuf the Kotlc Fan

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