Chapter 4

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Chapter 4  "Whats going on?"

Hello again heres chapter 4 its still in the past and I hope you enjoy

"Ahh! What was that? was I..." Sophie started, but was interrupted by another lightning strike. "Ahhh! lightning inside?"

"Foster." Keefe looked at his hands that were sparkling. "I think I'm an Astrakinetic."

"Whoa, I wonder why Lady Gisela wanted you to be an Astrakinetic, if she wanted you to be one at all." Sophie said.

"Wait Foster, what are you saying? Whats going on?"

"Oh, right, I should catch you up."

Sophie explained that Lady Gisela had made a deal with the dwarven king, and had Keefe sit in the thrown of shadowflux. Lady Gisela forced Tam to call the shadowflux into Keefe, and Keefe collapsed. Sophie brought him to Elwin, and Elwin brought Keefe here. Then Sophie found out how to fix Keefe. All she needed was a Shade and a source of healing, so she got Tam and panakes petals and cake to Candleshade. Sophie also explained how Tam risked his life to help Keefe.

"Wow Bangs Boy. I have to thank you," Keefe said, still stunned about what he was hearing.

"No, I did this to you. It was the least I could do," Tam said.

"No seriously Bangs Boy, my mom is manipulative. You had to do it, so thank you."

"Ok, I guess. But Sophie, what did you mean when you said that stuff about Lady Gisela?" Tam asked.

"Well, Lady Gisela did a bunch of stuff to make Keefe manifest right, but what if it didn't work?" Sophie stated.

"Huh?" Keefe said.

"Well Tam, you're fine now. You just need rest," Elwin said.

"Ok, I'm going home," Tam said as he got up to leap home.

"Ok, Im going to go get more supplies to help Keefe. Ill be back in a few hours." Elwin also leapt away, leaving Keefe and Sophie alone. 

"So Foster, I have to thank you too." Keefe looked at her.

"No you don't," Sophie looked back, "it was nothing."

"Yes I do. I would still be hurt if it wasn't for you."

"I would do anything to help my friends."

She realized how close together they were sitting. She also realized the lightning stopped.

"Hey, the lightning stopped!"

"Oh, yeah, I guess it's 'cause I'm calm now."

"How are you calm? I'm not calm and nothing's happening to me."

"Yeah, I can feel that, and I'm always calm when I'm with you."

She blushed.

"Hey, look! We are already playing my favorite game of making Foster blush!"

They stared into each others eyes.

"Am I your cognate now, because we are doing a lot of staring onto each others eyes."

Sophie was so confused. She liked Fitz. Well used to like him anyway. But now, she wasn't so sure. He just always got so mad and jealous, and was also super protective. They had broken up just a week or so before. It was so hard to tell time in the Elvin world.

Now she was looking at Keefe, not knowing what she was thinking. Why was she staring at Keefe?What was going on with her?

"Foster?" Keefe looked worried.

"Yeah?" she said, coming out of her thoughts.

"What happened? You were staring at one spot for like, 10 minutes. And by one spot, I mean you were staring at me!"

"Oh, sorry, just thinking."

"About what?"

"Umm... oh... hey! We should hail Elwin to see how much longer he will be!" She started to pull out her imparter but Keefe grabbed her hand. She looked at him. Their faces were so close, like when she was with Fitz that one time. But this felt different. Then of course, Lord Cassius walked in.

"Dad?" Keefe said sitting up straight.

Sophie also sat up straight and looked anywhere but Keefe.

"Keefe, you're awake," "Cassius said. "Sorry to interrupt your... moment... I just wanted to check on my son."

"Yeah, well, I'm fine," Keefe said.

"Well, as you know I'm not fond of this place, and now that I know your okay I'm going to the Shores of Solace when your all better." Lord Cassius light leaped away.

"I'm gonna hail Elwin now." Sophie pulled out her imparter and Elwin popped up on the screen. "Hi Elwin. Keefe and I were wondering when you were gonna get here."

"Oh, I'm about to leap there right now," was Elwin's reply.

"Thanks Elwin."

Elwin leaped there and explained that he needed pain elixirs for Keefe because he was probably sore. He also explained that he needed a bunch of other stuff that did not sound appetizing.

Since it was late Sophie, leapt home to face her punishment.

"Hi, Edaline. Hi, Grady."

"Sophie, weve told you you can't just leave notes and go wherever you want! Especially when you're not with Sandor!" Grady angerly said. "Remember last time when you had to bathe Verdi?"

"Sophie, we where worried," Edaline explained.

"And the note you wrote, 'Found something important, have to go.' What is that you cant do that!?" Grady yelled.

So maybe she didnt explain everything. "I found out how to fix Keefe. He's awake now," Sophie started. "Thats why I left. I'm sorry I worried you, it's just, I had to fix him."

"Oh Sophie, we had no idea! Well talk in the morning, sounds like youve had a long day," Edaline said.

"Okay mom." Sophie walked up to her room. She took a nice warm shower and put her pajamas on. She lay in bed that night wondering about what happened with her and Keefe. She also wondered about how Lady Gisela would react to Keefe's manifesting.

Eventually, she fell asleep dreaming of a perfect world where no one was hurt and she was happy.

Wow this writing thing is harder than I thought. Anyway thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed

I also wanted to thank S. Alexandra for helping me she goes through so much work to edit this and post it. She also helps me keep this seem a little real. Thank you S. Alexandra you're the best

- Ouef the Kotlc fan

Word Count: 1038

This is S. Alexandra. Thanks Oeuf. Yeah, it's spelt Oeuf:)

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