Midnight Scavengerhunt

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I'm sorry for the wait I had to scrap the story I was going to publish, then I had writers block so I was just stuck creatively. I finally put something together hope you enjoy thank you.

1 hour till midnight
Agents were gathered in the conference room watching the countdown, others were in there rooms and the rest were just scattered all over the base.

Tripp,Mack, Piper and Davis decided  to challenge May at strip poker, Which May won of course.
'' Where's Bobbie and Hunter?, Coulson wondered, '' there probably making out in a corner somewhere,

To Daisy's surprise Bobbie and Hunter were cuddled up on a cot watching Netflix completely  ignoring her comment.

30 minutes till midnight
It was an agreement between agents to wait until last minute to find someone to kiss, that way it'll be like a nice little scavenger hunt.

'' Who's ready for a scavenger hunt, Mace announced over the speakers,''

(Agents cheered)

'' the aim of the game is to find your match. The women will be scattered all over the base, the men will have to find them and handcuff his and her hand
together. Ready! Set! Go!

Off they went to find there other halves, Fitz had a good idea of were to find Simmons, he look in her room then checked his room, finally finding her in the lab he cuffed her immediately.

Mack found Elena under a bed in the infirmary (Don't ask), Davis found Piper in one of the army vehicles, and Deke found Daisy  in a closet.

By this time everyone was finding there match and gearing up for midnight except for Coulson he couldn't find May. He searched the base top to bottom, he ran to the zepher in hopes of finding her, again she wasn't there but there was a note which read,

We had our first kiss here, our first I love you's and hopefully our first new years eve together.

He smiled knowing exactly were to look, he was right he found her under a apple tree outside of the base. ''So you remembered, May said after seeing an exhausted Coulson, '' How could I not this is were our relationship ship looked into what it is now. Which reminds me its 12 seconds till midnight.

You can hear agents counting down from inside the base, 10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! Happy new year. Malinda grabbed coulson by the collar and kissed him hard and long. '' Happy new year Lin I love you, love you too Phil.

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