I cant live if i have nothing to live for

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Hey guys hope your day going great, or better than most. Anyway, this is my first tragic fic. It was suppose to be published yesterday but I didnt save so it got deleted...
You guys have been asking for some tragic stuff recently so here you go.
Warning: mentions of suicide
Hope you enjoy.

Malinda may an agent of shield, woke up after being in a coma for 2 years.
She was so confused, bright lights and familiar voices suddenly came crashing down.

Simmons:May, squeeze my hand if you can hear me. Her voice sounded so soft and caring.

May's pov
I opened my eyes to see my team standing around my hospital bed as if waiting for conformation that I was alright.

Guys?.... I'm OK, I feel fine.

A breath of relief came from everyone filling the room.
We were laughing, hugging, crying ; it felt like the old days, and for one moment I was happy.

Deke:I wish coulson we're here to see this. He would have been glad to see that not even a coma could hold you down forever.

May: What do you mean you wished he could have been here? Were is he?

Now everyone looked sad, Mack gave Deke a quick hit to the shoulder.

May looked at Simmons, started talking now, she demanded an answer as to why everyone became tight liped all of a sudden.

Simmons: You really need to get some rest, you just woke up from a com-, NO, May cut her off.

May: I need answers now.

Daisy: May, Coulson went on a mission a few years ago,
Tears started welling in both women's eyes, despite this she continues.
He was trying looking for anything that would bring you back. Daisy was now crying.
We lost contact with the zepher after it crashed into a hill side.

May: That doesn't mean he's dead he could still be out there, ive seen him come back from worst, we have to find him.

Simmons: No may, we found a body his body. It was still strapped into the pilot seat. I did the autopsy my self .

May: Ok, I don't know what game you guys are playing, but its not funny.
Seriously, what's next your gonna tell me that this is all in my head and I never actually woke up from a coma.

Daisy:  do you think id joke about something like that. Me? of all people.

May looked around the room at her teammates who looks both concerned and sad.

Daisy: He's dead May, this time he's not comeing back.

Daisy's words felt heavy. Suddenly Maybe knew that it wasn't a joke and Coulson was actually gone for good this time, no amount of tears or miracle drug was going to bring him back.
Tears ran down her face as she felt all her emotions combining into one, Depression.

May: can I have a moment alone please?

Mack: OK guys, let's give her some space.

May: Your not supposed to be dead, we came in together we die together that was your promise to me, you promised to keep it. I waited for you, believed you when no one else did.
Your suppose to live, damn it. She punched the wall. Why can't you just live. I wanted to be with you. And die, her voice cracked. I was suppose to die with you.

May looked up at the ceiling, there was a book there it held up a machine. Suddenly May got an idea.

The Team

Deke: do you think she'll be OK?

Simmons:  highly unlikely, these things take time to digest.

Daisy: yeah, these things take time to process, you cant rush it.

Mack:  its been an hour someone should go check on her, make sure she doesn't try and hurt her self.

Yoyo: Ill do it.
Elaina was gone for a spilt second before coming back.
Guys May's door is locked.

They all rushed to May's hospital room.
Mack tried to ram the door but I didn't work.

Mack: Daisy!

Daisy: got it.

Daisy quacked the door down and....

They all saw it, May's lifeless body hanging from the ceiling So pale and fragile.
Mack cut the rope, and checked for a pulse, but there was none.

They all broke down in tears, trying to grasp what was going on.
The atmosphere was so cold and dense, Heavy.

Thank you guys so much for reading my fics, had to publish this before classes got hectic again. I love all of you guys who continue to read my fics, 😊.  Sorry if it's short and felt a bit rushed, More updates coming soon.

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