She's mine (part 1)

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Hi guys. So, this one is based of season 3 episode 7, were coulson walked into the room and saw Andrew, and may was chained up. It looked like they were about to fight. So I thought about writing something based around that. Here goes.

30 years ago

Word got out that may and the good doctor split. Upon hearing this news coulson rushed over to her house to comfort her.

May's POV
"It was 2:00am, and I had just finished crying my eyes out, again. Suddenly my door bell rang, I opened it to see, coulson! my knight and shining armor".

"Hey, I heard yo_" , he didn't even get to finish because I leaped into his arms, buried my head in his chest and started crying again.
"Phil he left, he told me that this wasn't working anymore and he left, her breath hitched trying to get the words out". "Malinda calm down it's going to be okay, I'm here, I'll never leave you I promise".

Several hours later

Malinda and coulson were cuddled up in bed watching a comedy chic flick, not wanting to bring down the mood. Though, Malinda was tired from all the crying and fell asleep in Phil's arms.

"Phil... Malinda squeezed his hand tightly as she whispers his name".  "Hey, your awake. Sorry I'm still here, you looked peaceful sleeping and I didn't want to wake you", he turned into his usual babbling self, which made her smile.

"Phil its ok, I'm glad your still here". "Good because I didn't want you to think that I was taking advantage of you".
She slowly leaned in and kissed him, it was slow gentle but sweet. They stopped and parted for air,
"I'm pretty shore I'm the one taking advantage of you".

Present day

Phil stared at his wife with pure adoration from the other side of the room, they were in a briefing. Malinda couldn't help but feel as though she was being watched.

"Looks like romeo can't keep his eyes off you", Elena whispered into Malinda's ear.

May's eyes shot up looking straight in Phil's direction.
He saw that he had been caught and quickly looking away, blushing, Which made her smile.

The constant flirting, playing dumb games, and doing silly little things to make her smile. Was enough to keep her happy for days.

Phil's POV
"How did I get so damn lucky. She laughs at my jokes, she's beautiful, comforting, don't even get me started on her smile, you don't see it often but once you do it's worth a thousand words".
"I was lost in my thoughts, not even realizing that I was staring, until she stared back.

Briefing dismissed!, Mace called out.

Agents started to disband.

"Agent Coulson, Agent May".
" I need you two for a different mission. I need you guys to escort the new Phycologists to this base. " I believe you guys have already met, Doctor Garner".
Coulson exchanged a nervous glance with May, who looked totally shocked the news.

A minute later
They were all geared up to fly out and meet Andrew for the escort.

"Hey, are you OK?, I know you two haven't spoken since —"
"I'm fine Phil, May quickly snapped at him"
"Phil realizing that she doesn't want to talk about it, and went quiet for the trip.

It was close to midday when they landed. Andrew was waiting patiently while the hanger doors open.

"Agent Coulson, I was starting to wonder when you guys were gonna get here".
"Sorry about that our pilot took her sweet time when getting us here".
"Who's your pilot?"

An awkward tension filled the room.

"What? Its not like its Malinda or anything, right?"
"Actually, it is, and there something you should know about her, us, um... I'll let her tell you"
"Us? What are you talking about?."

Andrew felt awkward wondering about his ex wife, how would she react to seeing him and he was even more confused about what was going on and what happened between her and Coulson. But he proceeded to walk to the cockpit anyway.

"Hey Malinda, how are you?"

She didn't have to turn around to recognize his voice or his foot steps.


Hey guys, I wanted to release everything at once but quarantine is kinda boring, and I wanted y'all to have something to keep y'all company. Part 2 is coming very soon, along with an update on my other book. Thanks you so much for reading, and hope y'all are safe.❤ 

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