Chapter 3

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3rd Person POV

*Knock, Knock

"Young Master, Master Ming has come to get you. He's downstairs, waiting for you." a servant of panichayasawad Mansion Informed the one who was in his dreamland inside the room.

*Knock, Knock 

"Young Master?"

Wayo turned over and grabbed a pillow to close his ears. Wayo had worked himself the past month studying and worrying about getting into the University, which was pretty tiring that he didn't even have a good sleep the whole past month. But now that he finally got into the University, he was relaxed and wanted to have his good sleep without disturbance. But to his disappointed all these noises were not letting him do so.

Since Wayo servant didn't hear any words from his young master he finally decided not to disturb his young master and return. And told Ming that he couldn't get his Young Master to wake up and being a mere servant he didn't have the right to enter his Master's room without his Master's permission. After hearing that, Wayo had not yet woken up, Ming decided to wake Wayo up himself.

So, he dismissed the worker and started his way towards Wayo's room.

*Knock, Knock

Ming knocked on the door and just like the servant had said there was no response. So, Ming took his liberty as a friend and opened the door entering the big room with a king size bed in the middle where the young master was peacefully sleeping like a baby.

'Aww look how cute you are, sleeping like a baby, but it's time to wake up na, baby Yo.' Ming thought, looking at Wayo.

"Good morning sunshine." Ming said in a sweet voice bending down a bit putting his hands behind his back.

"Mmmmm" Wayo let out a voice of discomfort but yet didn't open his eyes.

"Yo get up. It's already 10:00 in the morning, how much more are you planning to sleep?" Ming asked as he straighten his back once again.

"Umm, just let me sleep some more na, it's been so long since I have got such a good sleep. Go Away...shoo shoo" Wayo turned around and pulled the blacker up to his head hiding inside.

Ming took a deep breath as he brought his hands to his side and started pulling up the sleeves one at a time and asked "So, you really ain't gonna get up? " a mischievous smile made its way on Ming's lips.

"NO." Wayo shouted but only a muffled voice came out since he was inside the blanket.

"I'm asking for the last time, are u sure?"

"Yes." Wayo shouted and this time it really came loud because Wayo peeked out from his blanket just to make it loud and clear to Ming, quickly getting inside the blanket.

"Okay then, don't forget that you were the one who didn't listen to me so, don't blame me afterwards." Ming said folding his arm on his chest.

Under the blanket Wayo had been fully awake but yet he didn't want to get out from his bed so he just stayed the way he was waiting for Ming to do something while running his mind's train thinking about what Ming would do to wake him up.


After a min of Silence 'Why is there no sound ? Has Ming left???' Wayo thought as he couldn’t hear any sound at all. While thinking so Wayo started pulling the blanket down to peek, to know if Ming had already left or not. And it seemed like he did. So, Just to confirm that Ming really did leave, Wayo stretched his neck and started looking around his room to see if Ming was hiding somewhere but it seemed like Ming had already left.

So, Wayo relaxed and sat up on his bed. But as soon as he did so, Ming came out of nowhere and snatched Wayo's blanket away and picked Wayo up from his bed in a flash. 

"Ahh..." Wayo cried in shock as he didn't expect himself getting picked up like that and before he could even say anything he was already standing inside the bathroom, while Ming locked the door.

*Bang, Bang*

"Mingggggg, open the door."

"You have 30min to be ready. So, be quick."Ming informed Wayo from outside the bathroom door.

"But why do I have to be ready??? I don't remember making plans to go out. And I am really tired and sleepy." Wayo reasoned.

"Yes, we did. And I informed you this morning that we are leaving today to the dorm so that we can get enough time to organize our things and be familiar to our surroundings. But since you were so busy dreaming you didn't read the message. Am I right?"

"Yes But...but we still have two more days until classes start, we can go tomorrow. So, please let me enjoy my day home today... " Wayo pleaded with puppy eyes forgetting that Ming couldn’t see his face which means his tricks won’t work today and continued with a friend "And sending message early in the morning doesn't count, you know I'm not a morning person, how would I know." Wayo protested.

"Yes, it does. And No, we can't. I don't want to be rushed for the classes. So, we are going today and it's final. And let me let me tell you it's not two it's one. Because the day after tomorrow we have our orientation even though we don't have classes. So, stop arguing and be ready.”  

Ming didn’t hear any protest from Wayo so he thought he won but to his disappointment Wayo spoke again.

“I haven’t informed Dad that we will be leaving today. And you know…”

“Yeah, I know and for your kind information I have already informed uncle about us leaving today and he has no problem with that.” Ming spoke before Wayo could play his dad card properly. “…And if you are going to say you can’t leave without meeting your Dad then, he will be here in about 10 minutes. And now since there is no more to argue about I would like you to be ready and meet me downstairs. We will be having breakfast together and leave.” Ming deadpanned.

"Okay." Wayo agreed reluctantly as he had no more excuse left.

Wayo smiled looking at the mirror “I guess I have no choice.” Ming really Didi know him the best.

Wayo got all ready and went downstairs to find his Dad and Ming seated on the table while the breakfast was being served. Wayo walked to his dad and hugged him. “Good morning Dad. I’m sorry, I didn’t inform you sooner that I will be leaving today. Sorry to have rushed you.” Wayo apologized as he took his seat and looked down at his plate feeling guilty, even though it wasn’t his fault since he, himself didn’t had any idea that they will be leaving today

Wayo felt his Dad’s hand on his head ruffling his hair “You don’t have to be sorry na. And you didn’t rushed me at all, Ming had already told me that you would be leaving today so I cleared my schedule. No need to worry na.” Wayo looked up to his dad and smiled, nodding his head. “Let’s eat then.” Mr. Panitchayasawad said, looking at both Ming and Wayo.

Three of them eat in silence. After they had their breakfast, Wayo and Ming headed to their dorm but not before Wayo hugged his father and promised to call him every now and then. And tell him that he will miss him.

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