Chapter 4

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3rd person POV

Ming and Wayo finally arrived at the dorm after 5 hours of Ride from Panitchayasawad mansion. Wayo fell asleep in the middle of their ride while Ming lent his shoulders to Wayo so that Wayo would be comfortable. Ming looked at the sleeping figure and felt guilty to have rushed him early in the morning though he informed Mr. Panitchayasawad a day ahead.

Ming knew it was all so sudden for Wayo but if he hadn’t then Wayo wouldn’t have much time to prepare himself to be in a whole different place with a bunch of strangers which could be a lot difficult for Wayo. So, in order for that to not happen Ming had to rush Wayo, for him to be familiar with the surrounding. For, he will not be there with him since they are in different faculty.  

“Yo~” Ming called Wayo, gently shaking his shoulders in order to wake him up.

“Hmmm” Wayo Hummed lifting his head up from Ming’s shoulder, slowly opening his eyes in the process, only to find that they are now in front of their dorm. “Are we here already… Yawn.” Wayo inquired yawning as he completed his words.

“Yes, we are… let’s go.” Ming said getting out of  the car while Wayo timidly followed behind rubbing his eyes trying to get rid of the sleep.

"Excuse me ma'am, we are the new students and we wanted to get our room keys." Ming informed the Lady who seemed to be in charge of the dorm. 

"Ok. Can I get your names?" The Lady asked as she looked over at Ming and Wayo who was still yawning but gave his angelic smile at the end as he realized two pair of eyes were on him and waied.

"It's Ming Dechapanya and Wayo Panitchayasawad."

The lady looked over at the names registered on her computer and finally gave them their room keys as she confirmed it.

‘Different floor... ’ Ming thought, looking at the room keys. ‘At least we are not, in different buildings so it works. And it's great that we don't have to share a room with some stranger.’

“Let’s go.” Ming waied to the lady and so did Wayo as he followed Ming carrying his big bag containing some of his figurine and his precious belongings.

Ming’s Pov

Sawadee I'm Ming, Ming Dechapanya, Wayo's best friend. In fact, childhood friends. The very first time I met Wayo, was on his birthday. Wayo had just turned 6 at that time. He was so small in comparison to me that I almost mistook him for a girl. Well, it's not my fault, He was so small, shy, cute and beautiful that anyone would mistake him for a girl and after all he did took after his Mom.

And for a fact, boys are mostly taller than their age only in some rare case they are small and Wayo was that rare case.

Well, he is still the same as he's childhood self, small, cute with those chubby cheeks, but now he won't get mistaken as a girl anymore. Cause you know the one thing that can clearly be seen by the naked eyes, to differentiate between a boy and a girl, Wayo doesn't have it. And if u are wondering what that is, then let me tell you, it's the chest(more precise: boobs).

But even though he is not mistaken as a girl, he still attracts a lot of attention. Mostly, they are from boys. Because of his feminine body, shy nature and his cute face he attracts more men than women. And let me tell you, Yo is someone who can turn even the straightest person gay. So, you can relate why I am protective towards him.

And if you are wondering if he really can turn straight to gay then why haven’t I turned gay for him, then let me tell you that I myself don’t know the answer. Yes, I think he’s cute and …

Well, let’s just say I’m immune somehow. (A: But don’t know for how long.)

From the very first meeting with Wayo I had the urge to protect him and make him happy. I wanted to see him smile.
So, when our parents introduced us and told us to be friends I was more than happy. Now that I think about it, Even if our parents didn't introduce us, I think I would have initiated a conversation myself and I guess I did. Because right after we were introduced, this shy bunch went on his way and sat in a corner. Though it may seem like he didn’t want to talk to others and may have seemed rude to others, I knew it was the other way around because when I approached him he never showed any kind of sign that told me he wasn’t enjoying my company or he was irritated with me. But, in fact he smiled and listened to all the rubbish talking that I was doing all along. Well, he didn’t really talk much but he would answer every question I asked and sometimes he did initiated, to make conversation. But would immediately stop talking and look away feeling shy and embarrassed thinking he was being irritating and would apologise.

We spent the whole evening, me blabbering nonsense and him listening. It still feels funny remembering how we used to be.

After that day we both stayed in contact with each other. Though I was the only one who initiated the call. I thought that maybe I was troubling him by calling him every day because for the very first week he didn’t talk much and it made me feel as if I was invading his space. And I knew that he wouldn’t tell me not to call him even if he wanted to because he didn’t wanted me to be sad.

So, after a week I decided on my own that I wouldn’t call him every day but would give him some space but the next day Uncle came to meet me. He told me how Yo had been waiting for my call all day and that he was still waiting.
That day I went back to the Panitchayasawad Mansion with Uncle to say sorry to Yo for not calling him but the moment I entered the Mansion Yo came running down the stairs and before I knew it Wayo had embraced me so tight that I could hardly breathe. I was one who should have apologized but it was Yo who was asking for forgiveness sobbing.

From that day onwards I never forgot to call him and from that day onwards started talking and would tell me about how his day went and like how his dad bought him a whole store of figurine just because he talked about the manga One Piece with him. All the things he talked about mostly were related to his Dad, he never talked to me about how his school went or how his friends at school were… basically, he never took out the topic school unless I asked him.

And when I did, his answers were always the same “Schools Good, I enjoy my time at school what about yours?” And that’s the end. I never noticed how strange it was until the day I saw Yo getting pinned by a guy with his fist right in front of Yo’s face while Yo had his eyes closed ready to take the blow.

I almost lost my mind when I saw that, I punched the Guy right on his face and was about to launch on him when Yo held me by my waist telling me that the guy didn’t hurt him and it’s not what it seems like. And because of that I almost forgot about his birthday.

But now, that I think about it that guy really didn’t seem like he wanted to hurt Yo, he could have already punched Yo before I came in but he held it midair and the way he looked at Yo didn’t seemed like he was having fun bulling him but more like he was the one hurt and that he didn’t wanted to do what he was doing. But anyways he raised his hands on Yo and that is something that ticks me off.

After that incident I told Yo to transfer to my School but he didn’t want to. He didn’t want his father to Know that he was being bullied for he knew that his father would go rampant and he didn’t want that. He didn’t want others to get hurt because of him and he somehow blamed himself for not being able to blend, with the other Kids. So, I took it on me and transferred to Yo’s school.And I being me, I searched for that perticular guy who pinned Yo to tell him that he could no longer bully him for I was by his side but I couldn’t find the Guy  because he had already transferred. I also found out Yo had a bunch of admirers and he was one of them who never dared show up because Yo never really paid attention to others and that is what set them off. Not getting noticed by someone you really want to be with is really a pain in the ass. Like, the person is right in front of you and yet the person not acknowledging your existence somehow makes you want to hate them but yet you can't because you actually like them.

Well, I guess I would be the same if that ever happened, but I know it won’t because I’m way too handsome for someone to not actually notice me. But anyways, no matter what happens you are not allowed to show your anger towards Yo because Yo doesn't deserve to be treated like that.

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