Entry 1 (Birthday Blues)

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My life as I knew it changed on my twelfth birthday.
The day was like any other day, my dad was told about some artifact that the Mayans had.
Apparently they could travel through time or something.
I wasn't paying much attention to them as they talked.
All I knew, I was twelve today and they were ignoring me and only focused on their thing.
I never complained before but that day I just had it.
In retrospect it wasn't stopped with my mini tantrum but I'm twelve and I had every right.
"Are you finished Daniel?" My mother chuckled at me as she held out a small gift.
Inside the elegant wrap was a gold Bible tag just like their's and a swiss army knife from dad.
"Daniel you know why we do this right?" Dad asked as he sat next to me on the bed.
"To save the souls of man.
I know dad, you been telling me this since I was two.
Can't for one day we take a break and have fun?" I sighed.
I knew it was a pathetic question but again I am twelve and I want to have fun.
"Sorry kiddo not today.
Come on get ready.
Oh Daniel keep your presents hidden, they are not like your typical store bought items, they are special and no one can take it away unless you willingly hand it over." Dad reminded me for the hundredth time as he ruffled my hair.
He along with mom have the same items, they also got them on their twelfth birthdays as did my brother Ethan on his, he's fourteen and your typical teen, he hardly acknowledges my excistance, well he dose now since the accident.
Besides our eldest brother would cream him if he kept it up.
Markus is in charge of us now.
But I am getting ahead of myself...
We all piled into the jeeps.
I road with Markus and Ethan who was listening to his headphones.
"Hey squirt cheer up.
They did the samething to all of us.
Its not that they forgot or want to ignore our birthdays, its because they are trying to keep us, along with all of mankind safe." Markus explained.
"I know the drill.
Its just I wish we were a normal family.
I wish we weren't caught up in this spiritual battle.
Why dose our family have to be apart of it?" I half whined as Markus drove, he chuckled at my childish ways.
Mom and dad said they asked the same questions growing up.
I asked the same question, Ethan asked and now you." Markus said with a slight chuckle.
We finally arrived at the path to the temple.
We all pilled out and put on our gear.
"Markus your in charge of your brothers.
You boys can explore around the ruins when we get there.
But stay away from any unstable areas and hide if someone approaches.
You boys know the drill.
And most importantly stay together." Dad instructed like he always dose.
This time both Ethan and I rolled our eyes.
Marcus chuckled and shook his head at us as he tethered us to his rope.
Ever since the day Ethan wandered off with me when we younger Markus has literally been tied to us.
I don't mind, I kinda been terrified ever since than.
Dad said I have a mild PTSD about it...
"Hey look a dagger." Ethan said with excitement.
Ethan fixed the belt around himself and strutted around like he was cool.
"Ethan seriously?" Markus shook his head with a sigh as he glanced over at me.
"No way.
I never found something this cool.
Tell you what sqeaks, next cool thing is yours, maybe." Ethan said as he put me in a head lock and rubbed his knuckles on my scalp.
Markus pried him off me and smacked him upside the head.
"I swear, who raised you, apes?" Markus snapped at him.
We explored half the day when we started getting hungry.
We made our way back to mom and dad when these guys came out of no where and grabbed us.
They covers our mouths as we made our way inside the temple.
Our parents were both beaten.
Mom was gagged and tied up, while dad tried to make the artifact do something for the lead guy.
"Oh look, your little ones came to join us.
Gag them.
Now Mr. Jackson get this thing working or your boys will no longer be, starting with your first born." The man smirked as he made his way towards us.
He gripped my chin forcing me to look at him.
"You know they would fetch a nice price on the market." The man chuckled as he ruffled my hair and moved onto my brothers.
Dad glared at the man but kept giving me a reassuring smile...
But unfortunately in the end he couldn't save us or mom.
She was the first one they shot, dad tried to attack them but ended in his death as well.
As for us, well we were piled in the back of a truck with blacked out windows.
Shockingly we stopped at our temporary home to pack the necessities.
We remained as calm as we possibly could after watch our parents being shot.
Once back outside we all got into a Humvee sitting like normal people, instead of looking like hostages.
The head guy who turned our world upside down turned his front seat to face us as one of his guys drove.
"Listen up boys.
Due to who your parents were I can't exactly sell you off to the highest bidder.
So your going to stay with an old friend of mine.
His name is Jones.
My advice, do as he tells you.
You will continue living as normal boys, going to school and stuff.
Now as for who I am, you will just know me as Mr. X.
You will also continue the same lessons your parents have been feeding you since birth.
Now Markus how old are you boy?" Mr.X eyed him.
"Sixteen sir." Markus kept his eyes on his hands as he fiddled nervously with his fingers.
Mr.X stared at him for a moment before asking Ethan his age.
Typical Ethan went into attitude mode and ignored Mr.X.
"Boy I'm talking to you!" Mr.X snapped as he back handed Ethan.
Our parents never spanked us, they never really needed to, we were good kids and did as told.
Ethan stared at Mr.X with tears in his eyes, his split lip bleeding as he laid his head on my shoulder.
I was stuck in the middle of my big brothers.
"He's fourteen." Markus half whispered.
Already fearing my turn, I was burying my face into Markus's side as he wrapped his arm around us both.
"I'm just going to save myself the effort and ask you, how old is Daniel now?" Mr.X asked
"He just turned twelve today." Markus's voice cracked with emotion.
Mr.X sighed and pinched the brim of his nose.
"Well happy birthday.
Sorry for your loss on your day kid.
Now you boys keep being as your parents raised you and you will get through this together." Mr.X said as he turned to face the front again.
"Markus, I'm scared." I whispered.
I felt Ethan wrapped his arms tight around me as he sobbed into my shoulder.
"We all are squirt." Markus sighed as he tried to be the typical big brother he is.
The drive was long till we arrived to an abandoned air strip with a waiting jet.
"All right our journey continues in the air.
Jones lives off the map in another country
I will be giving him your passports.
I will also be your leagal guardian as will Jones while I am away.
How you might be asking?
Trust me we have ways to get a hold of official papers and being next of kin helps." Mr. X smirked.
That got our attention.
We are related to this guy but how?
"Now your trying to figure out who am I and how are we related?
Well that's a mystery you will have to figure out on your own.
Your family loves doing that kind of stuff." Mr. X half teased as we boarded the small privet jet.
Ethan sat in front of us.
Markus insisted I sit with him by the window.
"You do realize he's twelve, not two and its a small plane." Mr.X's guy said to Markus.
"Charlie just let them do what they need, get back to your computer." Mr.X told the young guy.
Charlie seems different compared to all of Mr. X's guys.
I bet he too was kidnapped.
The flight took days.
We stopped at other abandoned airstrips to spend the night.
Weird thing they had a cook at each stop.
At those airstrips there were oldfashon saloon type settings.
And there were crooks of all types.
"Order what ever you want boys, skys the limit." Mr. X smirked as we looked through the high priced menus.
"Take it you plan on keeping these boys, spoiling them like that." Some weird guy said as he joined us.
"Mr. Bagwell.
How's your boys doing?" Mr. X inquired as more to change the subject.
"Theo is your typical teen boy is, mouthy.
Roland is a good boy  looks just like his mother.
Shame those boys never got to know her." That Bagwell character sounded odd talking about his boys.
Later Mr. X told us to never go anywhere alone with that guy.
Markus seemed to know why.
I didn't really care, I had no plans going anywhere alone with anyone.
"Markus you awake?" Ethan asked as we tried to go to sleep.
"I am now.
What's wrong?" Markus whispered.
"I miss mom and dad." Ethan started crying.
Markus tried his best to calm him.
"Its 1am you boys should be asleep." Mr.X snapped as he came in.
"They just lost their parents give them a break." Charlie stepped in.
He was hit for standing up to him.
"Who asked you to be here?
Get back to your room!
As for you, I can give you something to really cry about." Mr.X snapped as he approached our bed.
Markus stood up and got in the way, which in hindsight was not the best idea.
Mr. X punched him square in the jaw, nocking him flat back into the bed.
Markus laid there holding his face, dazed and confused.
I on the other hand decided to be the hero and jumped the guy.
Biggest mistake.
He slammed his back into the wall with me on him, knocking the wind out of me.
As I laid on the floor gasping for air my brothers were being beat up.
Before I could register what was happening I was grabbed by my hair and drug out of the room.
I could only see Ethan sitting in the corner on the floor hugging his leggs and crying.
I don't even know where Markus was but all I knew for sure, I was terrified not knowing where he was taking me.
"Maybe some separation from each other will teach you boys." Mr. X snapped as he tossed me into a room.
Instead of leaving the room he stayed.
"Don't just stand there get to bed child." Mr.X ordered.
I jumped as he spoke and did as told...
Not sure when I actually fell asleep but I was woken up and forced to change and get ready to leave.
We were sat in separate seats from each other on the jet for the last part of our journey.
After days of traveling we finally arrived at a cabin in the woods.
Now I'm not talking some small log cabin, no this place was like a mansion or fortress of sorts.
Once inside we were locked in our rooms.
I sat in the corner of my room hugging my legs to my chest sobbing.
I haven't been allowed to talk to my brothers since last night and they are still keeping us separated.
I was afraid they plan to split us up after all...

Jackson's LogOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora