Entry 2 (My new Life)

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We haven't left our rooms for three days.
Its not like we chose to stay in here, we were locked in.
At first I thought we would die in here or something.
But on the third day some guy grabbed me by my arm and forced me to the bathroom.
After handing me clean sweats, he shoved me in and locked the door.
First thing I did was try and go out the window but there were bars on it.
So I did what any normal person dose in a bathroom.
Once finished I sat on the small arm chair and waited for someone to let me out.
Now I know what your thinking, what did I do for three days when it came to having to use the restroom?
Well there's a half bath in my room or three quarters?
Not sure what its called when only a toilet is in the room.
Mr. X was the one that opened the door.
He smiled down at me pleased with the fact how I waited quietly for him.
"At least one of you still has your manners.
Come let's get you breakfast.
A tutor will be here shortly to work on your studies till you get enrolled at the public school.
To my surprise Ethan will be joining you.
Markus has chosen to stay locked up." Mr. X sighed.
I didn't expect to see more boys and girls at the large table.
"Boys, girls, this here is Daniel.
He is younger than most of you so your in charge of keeping an eye on him, protect him, train him and most importantly keep him in line.
Understood?" Mr. X said as he rested his hands on my shoulders.
All the kids said "yes sir" like soldiers.
I was sat between two older boys.
"Don't worry kid your safe." The one whispered to me while the other slapped him in the back of the head.
"Lloyd don't lie to the boy." The eldest of them sighed and shook his head as he made my plate.
"I'm Link by the way, this here is our youngest brother Mike.
I think your both the same age." Link smirked and ruffled my hair.
Ethan sat slumped across from us watching me like a hawk ready to pounce on anyone that would try and hurt me.
The boys next to him didn't seem nearly as nice as the two I was sitting with.
"Don't even think about being a hero boy." I heard one of them say to Ethan as he gripped the back of Ethan's neck.
I have never saw my brother look so petrified as I did in that moment.
"That's Damian, his brother Seth and Murphy, who is actually our other brother.
Now Damien and Seth their the eldest here, they graduated so they will be home with you guys.
Lloyd will be here on account he's sick.
Those two are not to be trusted, they are also trained killers.
Well we all are kinda that.
But those two enjoy it.
In time you will learn who everyone is.
Best hurry up and eat, Jones and Mr. X hate when we mess up their time schedule.
You might get a free pass on account its your first day and you don't know the rules." Link explained.
As we sat there I heard voices in the hall.
I crained my neck to get a glimpse but it was no use.
"More kids most likely.
See they are building an army, plus they love doing experiments.
See the two identical boys there?
Their both eleven.
They, like us have been trained in the art of deception.
Not only that they were injected with something that alters your brain to make you smarter.
You'll be given that shot, along with that they love collecting your dna so they can make more of us.." Lloyd was slapped by his brother again.
"Are you trying to give him nightmares?
I swear you never learn to shut up." Link shook his head in disappointment.
Before I knew it just myself, Ethan, Lloyd, the twins and those older boys Link warned me about still sat in the dinning room and everyone cleared out for school.
"I don't get it.
How can they go to school?
Don't they ask why so many live together?" I asked outloud.
Damien chuckled as he made his way to the seat next to me.
"You really have no clue do you?
Wow they sheltered you boys.
After you complete your placement tests I will fill you in." Damian smirked as he looked at me.
Test went smoothly, I mean come on they were like kindergarten work.
Well my brothers and I are advanced in all our lessons.
Markus was trying to convince our parents to let him test out of lessons and graduate early, they said best for him to complete his advance classes with all his peers.
To be honest he had no peers, we rarely went to school.
We did all our work on the move.
"You boys finished faster than I expected." Damien said as he collected the tests.
Seth was helping Lloyd with one of his work problems.
While the twins were being forced to work on some deception Jones had for them to practice.
"Okay now I can tell you what you been missing out on." Damien said with excitement as he gripped the side of my shoulders and led us into another room.
"This is the great hall.
Warriors great and small have been remembered here.
Starting from the biblical times to now.
All of them fought demons just to protect us.
Now the guys that have us are clearly not one of the good guys." Damien said.
"Wait Link said your a killer." I pointed out.
Damien rolled his eyes.
Sure I'm not the friendliest guy around, Seth and I are no push overs but we don't go around killing for no reason.
All us kids were taken away from our parents and all our parents are soldiers.
Like yours.
Trust me their not dead." Damien smirked.
"Don't lie to my brother like that.
We were there, we saw them get murdered." Ethan snapped and shoved Damien as Lloyd and Seth entered.
Lloyd was the one that pulled Ethan away.
"What do you mean?" I whispered.
"Your real parents are still alive.
Those people you lived with were not them.
They were...
Well how do i put this?.." Damien explained.
There's really no other way to put it." Seth shrugged his shoulders
"Are you serious!?" Ethan snapped.
"Yes as a matter of fact I am serious.
We were all raised with clones posing as our parents.
I bet anything Markus is the only one of you two that knew it.
You were most likely placed with them when Daniel was one or two making you four still too young to relize.
And with them being exact copies you wouldn't even realize the change, heck maybe Markus doesn't even know either.
I only found out after seeing the files.
Those files can only be seen by us.
Those creeps are blind to it.
They're blind to a lot of stuff here.
We think this was once the house to a general or something fighting for our side." Damien explained as he led us to another room.
The photos on that wall were newer.
"That's mom and dad with us." I pointed out.
"Yeah and that's them with themselves.
This is weird.
But why take the risk sending us with their clones?" Ethan asked.
"Because they hoped for us to live normal lives.
See clones don't give off the same signal as them.
But as we get older we become detected by the enemy.
I bet anything you moved around a lot more when Markus turned twelve and got his bible tag.
I bet school stopped when Ethan turned twelve.
We already know what happened when you turned twelve.
See at that age we begin to tap into our warrior gifts and we are still easy to be molded into the ways we are trained.
The older we get the harder to turn.
I guess that's why Link fears us, we do tend to be different.
But I assure you, we have no intentions on harming our fellow brothers in arms." Damien smirked.
So what kind of warriors are we exactly?" Ethan asked as he walked over to the table containing a notebook.
"You really don't know?" Lloyd looked at us.
"They only told us their work was to help protect the souls." I shrugged.
"Well yeah it is.
Do you know who they are employed by?" Lloyd smirked as if holding a secret that he can't wait to tell.
They never really said but we know they work for the trinity.
Hence our bible tags." Ethan said.
"Yeah they definitely work for the trinity.
Well infact the trinity are the ones that set this in motion." Seth said as he led me from behind, to another wall hanging.
It was an elaborate painting of angels dressed for war among normal people.
A scroll was being handed to a man and woman.
"No one knows who they are.
We just know they are from our bloodline.
Warriors gifted with eyes to see in the spiritual realm and fight demons and those that work for them.
Our holy armor becomes physical when we learn to tap into our abilities which are angel like.
We also have wings.
Its really cool." Seth explained.
Once out of that great hall I got to wandering.
"You think who ever originally lived here still lives here?
Oh and you still didn't explain how we can still go to school?" I inquired.
"We been thinking the same thing.
As for school its a special school.
It consist of their own kind as teachers and students.
So yeah that's where and how the rumor about Seth and I started.
We never killed them but came pretty darn close.
It was us or them.
We chose them.
Plus the fact we were raised as trained assassins didn't help for them." Damien smirked.
"Okay so note to self trust no one at that school." I sighed.
"Don't worry, since than they follow the normal guidelines of schools, plus they hired some of our own.
Since they are on their territory and they tend to keep some of us here the treaty aranged for our own safety was to allow integration for the safety of all students.
There are two Deans that rule the school one for the dark army and the other for the Holy Trinity.
But one plus side the consoler is one of our own.
He's young, fresh out of collage.
He keeps a low profile.
So don't let on you know." Damien explained as we made our way to the bedroom.
"Can we go see Markus?" I asked.
"If I had the key I'd say yes.
But unfortunately I don't.
Your gonna have to wait for one of them." Damien sighed as he closed my door.
Once again locked in the room I decided to sit on the huge window seat and stare off outside.
Mr. X looked up and smiled at me.
Still wish I knew what he meant when he implied our relationship to him.
Is he an uncle?
He's young, not really that much older than Markus.
I'd say he's about twenty.
Maybe a clone of sorts.
Lost in my thoughts I didn't realize the time that passed and Mr. X was leaning against my door frame watching me.
"Planning your escape?" Mr. X teased.
I looked at him in fear.
"N~no." I said as I moved from the window and into the corner keeping my distance.
As he stepped closer my knees felt weak and I was about to collapse in fear of him.
Mr. X put his hands on the sides of my shoulders supporting me from falling to the ground.
"Such fear.
I like it." Mr. X said in me ear as he took a deep breath, only causing my fear to increase.
"Better calm your self child before you die of freight.
I was only teasing you.
I know you had no plans for escape." Mr. X said as he took another deep breath.
It was like he was inhaling my fear.
When he stepped back that's when I saw his eyes glowing like fire.
His teeth like a shark.
"I see your true sight has kicked in." Mr.X snapped as he rushed at me, grabbing me by my neck pinning me to the wall as he lifted me off the ground.
I struggled for air as he brought me to his eye level.
"Now you know who and what I am." Mr. X practically growled.
"I~I don't know." I cried between gasps.
Not sure when but Jones burst in with Carson knocking Mr.X out.
Jones scooped me up and ran down to their med space.
"Help him." Jones ordered a young male doctor.
The guy nodded and carried me to a bed and put an oxygen mask on me and made Jones leave.
"Your going to be okay kid.
Names Dr. Wells, this is Dr. John Stevenson." Dr. Wells said softly as he combed his fingers through my hair trying to keep me calm.
"Technically your not a doctor yet H.G." Dr. John teased.
I'm not sure what Mr.X did.
But I must be hallucinating because those guys are book characters.
One in particular is Jack the Ripper.
That of course made my fear come back.
"Well I think he figured it out." Wells laughed ad he gave me a sedative.
"This isn't funny.
H.G I swear your still a child." John mumbled as he started giving me a physical.
"Well like you, I am only a few months old." H.G mumbled
"Wait, what?" I looked at him in confusion as Dr.John gave me a shot.
"We're clones." John said bluntly.
"Oh, I just heard about them today.
How many clones are out there?" I asked John as I sat up on the edge of the bed.
"A lot.
They live amongst your kind blending in.
Taking different names and changing their look.
Trust me if you walked pass your own clone, you would never know it.
Aside from the fact we are clones of others, we also don't have a soul.
We are more expendable than the God created ones.
That fact caused them to retaliate against your kind.
But as for us personally we were created to protect your kind." H.G explained.
"Who's Mr. X?
Is he a clone or something?" I finally asked.
"Yes he is." Jones said as he entered.
"He's okay no serious damage." John said as he backed away from Jones.
"Daniel come with me, in light of the situation I think its time you and your brothers know who and what Mr. X is." Jones took my hand and led me to a room where Markus and Ethan sat waiting...

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