Entry 6 (Home at Last)

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So to recap...
A lot happened and I haven't had time to write so hence the recap...
We were kidnapped by our parent's clones, raised by them unaware that they were clones, let alone that any clones existed.
Surprisingly they kept us believing they were still living the way our parents would raise us, dispite the fact they are apart of the Shadow Walkers or Night Walkers...
I just learned that SWs or NWs are the evil one's army.
The Evil one is the Devil obviously.
We have been training for six months to be the Holy army scouts or soldiers depends on our age and strength.
I'm a scout, due to my strength, plus my language skills is a bonus.
I'm almost thirteen.
I can't believe all that has happened since my twelfth birthday.
I watched my fake parents be murdered or so we thought, turns out they are alive, we have a tattoo, not that we wanted it.
The cross one is permanent proof we are God created to our kind but it looks like a birthmark.
Its like the law now to have this tattoo, the clones used as decoys for us have a slight difference only we God created know about plus they barely the mark that they belong to O'Neal.
Let's see what else, oh yeah, we were sold on the black market which you probably already know.
That wasn't too bad we had it easy on that part.
Now we live with mom and dad along with uncle Xavier who seems more sympathetic to us than our own parents who are always busy.
Okay getting slightly off track.
Back to the clones, in a span of half a year they took over and now control our world, all our world leaders have been killed and replaced with clones.
Black markets are just markets were clones buy young God created to be raised as slaves.
Don't get me wrong they even have adults as slaves and markets for them as well.
But the young markets are the more popular.
Dad said we are going to go out as clones.
Well he a clone, us as slaves.
Personally I think its a stupid idea.
I'd rather stay here in the city but being a scout and all I don't have a choice.
As for the city its amazing we live like royalty here.
Money has no value here, we just trade what we no longer need but can still be used by another.
We live like one large family and like all families we don't always get along.
On that note yes, I have bullies in school, somehow myself and Ethan got targeted.
We don't bother complaining, it just makes our situation worse, when the bullies come back they just end up hitting harder and the threats became reality.
So now we handle them on our own, granted its not the best idea but we get beat up less and the threats stay threats...
As Daniel sat in the corner of the library writing in his journal one of the leaders of a small gang calling themselves rouges approached him grabbing Daniel from behind.
"Awe is baby Danny writing in his diary?" Jerry teased as he snatched the journal from Daniel tossing it to one of his friends.
"Its a journal, Malachi wanted me to write.
Now give it back." Daniel struggled against Jerry's hold.
"Shhh, your in a library Danny boy.
Come let's take a walk." Jerry said as he Pulled Daniel along.
"So we hear your going on a mission." Jerry said as he kept his arm around Daniel holding him close.
"Yeah, my dad is looking into those slave markets.
Why?" Daniel looked up at Jerry who was smirking.
"I know, we too are going.
Your pop requested it so we can babysit you boys.
We heard there's a rouge group that will be there as well.
We plan to join them and that includes you.
They said we needed something valuable to get in.
I think that brain of yours is very valuable.
As are their's." Jerry chuckled and he shoved Daniel into the abandoned room, inside tied up and gagged was Lloyd, Mike, Liam, Nim and Kit.
"Wait why is Kit here?
He's only eight." Dainiel pointed out as Newt brought Ethan in.
"To make sure you all do as your told.
Now the plan is simple boys.
Do as we say and no one gets hurt.
Tell no one of our plans and again no one gets hurt.
Trust me its going to be chaos tomorrow at the slave market and someone could get killed unless you do as your told.
Oh and we will be having a sleep over at your house.
Your pop already knows this and since these boys already live with you makes this all the more easy.
Any questions?" Jerry asked as his guys united the other boys.
"Are we all you plan to take?" Ethan asked as he narrowed his eyes at Jerry.
Jerry chuckled and shook his head.
"The more the better.
Trust me the rouges will be made strong in ranks after tomorrow.
Don't worry they still fight for us but unlike these holy rollers they actually fight." Jerry smirked.
Lloyd rolled his eyes.
"Right they kill without thinking.
Their no better than the clones." Lloyd grumbled as he spoke his mind.
Jerry grabbed him by the shirt and slammed him against the wall.
"You need to learn to stop speaking your mind Lloyd." Jerry smirked as he gripped Lloyd's throat with force.
Happen again." Lloyd said between gasps as he tried to pry Jerry's hand off his throat.
"It better not." Jerry said as he slammed Lloyd's head against the wall before letting go.
"Your nuts if you think any of our older brothers will let your plan succeed." Mike snapped, the ten year old was showing no fear of the bully but on the inside he was freaking out.
Jerry stalker over to the small boy that coward away from him.
Daniel could see the rage building and knew Jerry was planning to hit first ask questions later.
Daniel got between them just in time to get punched in the head.
The wound was on his temple causing it to be a blinding blow to the head.
Daniel lost his balance and fell taking Mike with him.
As he tried to get up in his dazed and confused state, Jerry pulled him up by his hair forcing his head back to look at him.
"Never, under any circumstance do tho that again." Jerry snapped at him.
"You could have killed him." Daniel said weakly.
"A problem I was not concerned about." Jerry smirked at Mike who skooted back towards Lloyd who wrapped his arms protectively around his little brother.
"Okay let's go." Jerry ordered as the end of day bell rang.
Once home everyone ran upstairs to their rooms locking their doors.
Daniel hid in his eldest brother's closet.
Damien jumped in surprise when he found his little brother curled into a ball shaking with fear.
"Its beyond me why dad is allowing Jerry and his boys here and on our mission tomorrow.
He knows that guy is a bully to you guys." Damien sighed as he bent down scooping up his small brother.
"Gonna miss this once that growth spirt hits." Damien chuckled as he dropped Daniel on his bed.
"Can we stay home, just let dad and them go?" Daniel asked.
"I wish, I don't want to go to the black market again either that place creeps me out." Damien sighed as he sat next to Daniel.
"Did you hear about the rouges?" Daniel inquired.
"Yeah a few of the guys were talking about joining them.
Our trainer Archer explained that the rouges are no better than the clones and the shadow army.
In fact they are considered worse because they pretend to be on our side just to take us to be their army or hostage.
What made you think about them?" Damien asked.
But before Daniel could say Jerry appeared at the doorway.
"There you are Danny boy.
Your pop was looking for you, he's in his office, he sent me to get you." Jerry acted like he was just following orders.
Damien watched Jerry like a hawk waiting for that fake nice guy act to crack.
"Right, best go see.
I'll see at dinner squirt." Damien half teased, as Daniel reluctantly went with Jerry.
Jerry put his arm around Daniel pulling him close to his side gripping hold of Daniel's shoulder with a painful grasp.
Damien watched them walk down the hall.
Seth who just joined him, kept looking back and forth trying to figure out why Damien was allowing Daniel to go alone with Jerry.
"Quiet..." Damien said.
"I didn't say anything." Seth glared at him.
"I heard your thoughts little brother.
Come on." Damien smirked as he grabbed Seth by his shirt pulling him along.
They followed Jerry and Daniel.
Lloyd was tagging along behind them as well.
"Why are we sneaking around in our own house, while the enemy takes Daniel into the creepy garden maze?" Lloyd finally spoke starteling both boys.
"Because dad thinks Jerry and his boys are on our side and refuses to hear us out.
Why are you sneaking behind us?" Damien asked while watching Daniel being led deeper into the unkempt maze.
"Didn't want to alert Jerry we were following.
Plus this was fun scaring you two." Lloyd smirked.
Seth rolled his eyes and continued following.
"What did you tell him?" Jerry snapped as he tossed Daniel into the shed where Jerry's team waited.
"Nothing." Daniel answered as he shook in fear backing into the corner.
"I don't believe you.
Either way our plan will work." Jerry smirked as two cloaked figures entered.
"Jerry you were under strict orders not to harm the boy." The all to familiar voice spoke.
"Dad?" Daniel whispered.
The man chuckled.
"We both know, you know I am not your dad.
But I still love you Daniel." The clone spoke as he reached for Daniel.
Daniel backed away further.
"Wait if that's the clone dad, why is he still alive?" Lloyd whispered to his cousins.
Seth and Damien looked at each other with the same questioning look.
"I know you boys are out there spying.
If you value his life join us." The clone smirked as he made a dagger appear in Daniel's face.
"How did you get in here?" Damien asked as he glared at the clone.
"You think we don't know how to make an antidote?
You do realize the biggest flaw in us are our brains.
We are smarter than any God created being." The clone chuckled.
"How long have you been here?" Seth inquired as he held onto Daniel protection.
"The whole time, see your parents were captured on a mission.
Than Jerry here wanted yo join the rouges.
It just worked out so well for us.
Jones being the leader of the rouges and all." The clone chuckled.
The boys backed away in gear when Jones removed hishoid revealing himself.
"Every will go as planned.
With a few changes.
Daniel will be at my side the entire time while the rest of you wait.
Don't worry a few of you might still join us to the auction.
Daniel I'd just insurance you all do as told." Jones smirked as he locked eyes on Daniel.
"Alright let's get back to the house shall we?" The clone glared at the boys.
Ethan blocked the door way with a few of the other boys.
"I advise you to let them out." Link smirked as he repaired his gun on Jones.
"How adorable.
Your parents must have forgotten to teach you children not to play with guns." Jones laughed.
"Actually the opposite, plus your also to blame.
You trained us all to well.
Now we out number you so save your energy and let them out." Link instructed.
"You and what auto has us surrounded?
Your still just a bunch of delinquents?" Jones was becoming annoyed.
"The military and Holy army that who." O'Neal stepped into view with his team.
None narrowed his eyes at him and was about to grab Daniel as a shield when the sound of a gun fired...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2020 ⏰

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