Entry 5 (Human Cattle)

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Well like that guy said we are in a large open room set up with all sorts of activities.
"Good morning boys and girls.
Before our guests arrive I want to give the new children the rules.
There will be absolutely no fighting of any kind.
If you do you will be paralyzed.
Those bracelets are hooked up to your nervous system.
Now you have freedom to move anywhere within the building.
But the second you step out those doors you will be electrocuted.
Now on the bright side, today is the day you get to just relax and have fun.
But I do advise, no going into hidden spaces alone with our guests.
If any of them do something to make you uncomfortable alert a guard or myself.
We are here for your protection, no matter how minor the situation tell us, you can scream for help if needed." That guy I still don't have a name for explained.
What is he expecting these people to do to us?
I sat alone against a wall writing when the so called guests entered.
Some looked like business men and women, others looked like gangster types.
It was weird to think, all of them are clones.
"Hey kid why are you sitting alone?" Some guy walked over to me.
I just shrugged keeping my head down not speaking.
" Its fine, you can talk freely if you want." The guy assured me.
"I didn't feel like doing anything." I shrugged.
Says here your a large family group.
How many females?" The guy asked.
I looked at him like he was nuts.
He just smirked.
"I know that sounded creepy.
Its just auction talk.
How many sisters?" He chuckled.
"There's Octavia, she's my cousin." I told him.
"Was hoping for another girl or two but a majority of boys is also a plus.
Can I see you wrist?" He put out his hand.
I looked up at him and his hand.
I hesitantly put out my arm.
"Its okay I'm not going to hurt you this is so I can scan to see your health condition along with your family linked to you.
Name's Jack, its nice to meet you Daniel." Jack smiled at me.
I waited and watched as he looked at his tablet.
"Okay so far zero bids.
I will place one and keep an eye on it to ensure I get all of you.
Do you want to join me and maybe point out some more you would want to join us?" Jack asked as he put out his hand for me to take.
I did take it and I pointed out Kyle and his group which had two girls in it that seemed to chear him up and than Mitchell's group seemed to make him really happy to see Samantha.
I only had to spend one night in this place and the first clone to even want us seemed normal.
"Okay congratulations to those sold, you will be fitted with new outfits and the removal of your bracelets.
You will be escorted after your final physical to a waiting room.
Now let's line up." That guy I will never know the name of said.
The doc seemed pleased to see I was leaving so soon.
"Your going with one of the best.
He treats his slaves with excellent care.
The young are treated as his children." The doc said as he put a sold tag on me.
The tag has Jack's mark on it, that tattoo guy came in to put that mark on the side of my shoulder (⚓).
You know I never planned on getting any tattoos ever in my life.
We sat in the waiting room grouped together.
"Okay boys and girls.
File out the door to your new life.
This will be the last time I see you.
Unless you message up and get sent back.
Trust me that is not a good thing." That man chuckled.
As soon as we got outside we were grabbed and shoved onto a bus.
Fitted with new bracelets.
As we drove Jack gave an announcement.
"Okay listen up.
Now as you all know I am your new master.
What you don't know is that I work for the original Jack O'Neal.
Well expect you five already know that.
Now that being said you are not going to live as most do.
The farm we're headed to is more of a sanctuary.
Hidden and protected from the evil ones.
This is as far as I can go.
Beyond this point no clones." Jack said as the bus stopped at what looked like a check point.
We saw Jack shake hands with his double.
"That's so weird.
I never saw clones and the original together.
Just think there was a time closes were just a thought.
Than became illegal.
Unfortunately it became legal resulting in a war in our time." Simon said, he was one of Kyle's friends.
"Good evening kids.
Names Jack O'Neal.
From this point on you no longer need to be concerned about the war or clones.
You will continue as normal children, going to school and training to defend yourselves.
Some of you might be reunited with your family.
This is the Holy army base camp.
Now sit back and relax, we still have a few more hours till we reach the safety of the city." Jack explained as he sat down.
"Sir what of the kids there?" Kit asked.
"Your clones.
They have all been given the same mark as you.
But unlike yours, its permanent.
Yours will fade in time." Jack explained.
We all sat there quietly as we drove down the dirt road.
"What happens if a clone comes to the city?" Kit asked.
"They will die.
There's a toxin that only effects them, not us.
So no need to worry, everyone is safe within the city wall." Mitchell explained.
It was dark by the time we arrived.
We were taken to see a doctor for a physical.
He put a topical tell on my shoulder tattoo and the wrist.
He said the wrist one will look like a birthmark but the anchor will go away completely.
Than we were led to the hall for a late dinner, than to another room within the hall lined with bunk beds.
We are getting placed with families after breakfast tomorrow.
Apparently we will be reunited with our parents so far uncle Xavier had taken charge of us till than.
He is definitely better than Mr.X...

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