Entry 3 (Who & What is Mr. X)

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We sat for some time in that room waiting for Jones to return.
"Daniel this is nuts.
Human cloning is a lie they are feeding you.
Its also illegal to make humans." Markus said as he paged through a notebook our parents kept, Jones had it laying on the desk.
His eyes widened when he read some thing to himself.
"I don't believe it." Markus pulled out a photo of mom, dad and their clones along with Markus at two years old and mom's clone was pregnant.
"Says here the clone was a serigate for mom she carried Ethan so mom could still fight for the Holy army." Markus read from the notebook.
"Wait look.
She also carried Daniel.
Says here that when they vanished.
They became overly protective of the boys she birthed.
When trying to separate us from her the male became aggressive.
Than the next day they vanished taking us with them." Markus explained as he looked at mom's writing.
"Wait are you saying all this time we were technically kidnapped?
I always knew something was wrong but could never figure it out." Ethan said as he snatched the notebook.
"You were and still are just a moody teenager, you didn't know anything." Markus said in annoyance.
I snatched the book once they started bickering.
"I see you boys found your mother's journal.
That's been here since we got here.
Looks like this isn't the first time you boys were kidnapped.
Infact we acquired your clone mother's journal as well.
Turns out you boys were hostages and being used as pawns to start a war between the clones and us.
Now sit and we will discuss about Mr. X and we will get into your situation as well." Jones said to us.
We took a seat when Mr. X entered the room.
I was petrified of him now.
"Jones this is my tale to tell, go tend to the other children while I deal with these." Mr. X narrowed his eyes at us.
He waited for Jones to leave before explaining who he was.
"As you already figured out by now, your royalty.
Your parents are both leaders of the Holy army.
But you don't know their past.
I was created by a mad scientist of sorts.
He kidnapped your father and uncle when they were around your age.
We all escaped the lab together.
Xavier knew something was wrong with us.
But your dad the optimist he is wouldn't believe that something that came from them could be evil.
Your mother and her clone were there that day escaping with us as well.
To be exact we were the reason they could escape in the first place.
But as time went on my true nature started to emerge.
I became violent and they banished me from their camp, as for your parents clones they could blend in better.
But little did they know we were all spies among them.
Funny how your mother used her clone as a serigate, for all three pregnancies especially after the difficult birth of her first born.
Than nearly dying with her second.
Thats right boys you have two older brothers out there, well in here are your brothers." Mr. X smirked at us.
We sat there in confusion trying to figure out how that was even possible and what two boys could be our brothers.
Mr. X chuckled at us and our confused looks.
"I can't believe you really think she carried you boys.
I was joking.
That journal is a fake.
You really mother had zero complications.
The only true thing was her clone kidnaping you three.
The other two were away that day, otherwise all five of you would have been raised with them.
Now as for the plan we have for all of you.
Well to ensure our safety by using you as a threat.
Second to make our demands and take over.
Granted we out number your kind now.
You will be fitted with a collar, as I am sure you noticed all the boys and girls here ware a thin choker.
It will track your every move and if you wander off it will effect you nervous system.
Think of it as a leash with a long reach.
Now Markus your scores are through the roof.
You will test out of school and stay home to ensure your brothers stay on track.
Its nearly dinner time and you need rest for school." Mr. X said as he stood.
"Did you really kill them or was that for show?" Markus asked.
They are my family, do you really think I'd kill my own?
I was just freeing their hands so they can get ready for the next phase." Mr. X smirked as he usured us out the door.
He grabed hold of me to examine the damage he done.
"Good no marks." Mr. X mumbled.
My brothers looked at me for answers.
But I didn't explain.
This time we sat together.
But this time Damien and Seth sat with us one on each side of us.
Markus looked at Seth who sat with him than at Damien that sat next to me.
"Its you two." Markus blurted out.
Both boys nodded.
"Wait your our older brothers?" I asked.
See that day they kidnapped you three we were at the emergency room, we got food poisoning.
We think it was Mrs. M she wanted to poison mom and dad but we got it instead.
Unfortunately a few days later our cabin home was under attack.
Not this one the one down the road.
We don't know what happened to mom and dad but Seth and I were grabbed before we could reach our hideout.
We were drugged, when we came too we were in Uncle Xavier's home.
Xavier is locked in the cellar.
Apparently mom and dad escaped.
They been working on rescuing us ever since." Damien explained.
"So let me get this straight.
You two are our older brothers we knew nothing about?
Mom and dad are leaders of some Holy army?
We are hostages in this army, oh and our uncle is a prisoner in his own home?" Ethan stated outloud in annoyance.
"Yep, Murphy, Lloyd Link and Mike are our cousins.
I know they told you the rumor but we needed to make sure you were you." Damien said.
"You know that makes no sense right?" I said as I started eating.
Once alone in my room I had nothing to do except look up at my ceiling till I grew tired.
I wonder what my real parents are like.
Being leaders in an army o wonder if they will be strict or as kind as m i mean Mrs. M was.
I don't get how someone who raised me could be so cruel and not care for my safety...

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