Entry 4 (A Short Leash)

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What was supposed to be a long leash turned short.
We ended up having an escort.
My annoying tail is Roland.
Actually he's more of a bully.
"You will do as your told at all times." Roland snapped the second he saw me, slamming me into my locker.
Ethan was on the otherside of the school so he couldn't protect me.
They want to keep us separated so we are weak.
"Chill I was just putting my things in the locker." I snapped back.
Before Roland could slam me in the stomach for a second time the school counselor stopped him.
"Get to class Roland." Malachi snapped as he helped me to my feet and into his office.
"You got delt a bad hand kid.
Here chew on this it will help with the pain.
Your parents wanted me to let you know they love, you and miss you.
They want to know if all five of you are together?" Malachi said.
"We are.
Seth, Damien and Markus are back at Xavier's cabin." I told him.
Have you seen Xavier and your cousins?
Are they okay?" Malachi asked as he wrote something in his notebook.
"I haven't met Xavier but I met his four boys." I told him.
"Wait what about his four adopted kids Cameron,Johnny, Bellamy and Octavia?" Malachi looked concerned.
"Oh I saw them.
Octavia came to school with us, as did the boys." I assured him.
"Okay good.
Here just like I ask of all my kids, keep a journal, it helps get out your emotions and keep you sane." Malachi said as he handed me the small yet elegant notebook.
I stowed it away in my pocket.
When I walked out into the hall to get to my class I was grabbed from behind, a hand covered my mouth and I was tossed into a closet.
"What did the shrink want?" Roland asked as he stalked closer to me, his pocket knife in hand.
Just welcomed me to the school and suggested I keep a journal.
T~that's it I swear." I stammered out trying to stay calm as Roland reached me gripping my shoulder with one hand and put the blade of the knife to my throat.
Before he could get another word out an explosion caused us to collapse to the ground.
I sat there coughing, dazed and confused.
Roland tried to get my attention as he cupped my face.
But I couldn't hear anything.
Thank goodness you two are okay." Another guy said as he ran in.
He was dressed in a military uniform.
"Oh hey Jack nice entrance." Roland teased as he helped me to my feet.
"Don't worry kiddo we are the good guys.
I have my team rescuing the rest of your friends and family at Xavier's place.
Right now your coming with us." Jack explained.
The halls where total chaos from the explosion.
Some were injured, some fighting and others being rescued like me.
Once in the back of the Humvee and on the road I started asking questions.
"Who are you guys?" I asked.
"Military." Jack smirked.
"I figured that with your clothes.
But how did you know to come here and how do you know about my family?" I inquired further.
"Malachi told us.
He's been keeping an eye on your uncles cabin ever since he and his kids were taken hostage." Jack explained.
"Sir we have a road block!" A female soldier said.
The plan was to plow through but the enemy had different plans.
Not exactly sure what happened but next thing I knew, I was in an accident resulting of the truck flipping upside down than being pulled out, dazed and confused from my minor injuries.
I was put into another truck with other frightened injured kids.
The drive was long before we reached some huge building lined with floor to ceiling cages.
Some were already filled.
We were led pass to a medical room.
One by one we were taken into a room.
"Good evening son please write your name and medical history on this file." I looked at him with confusion.
The doc guy sighed and pinched the brim of his nose.
"Your like what ten you wouldn't know your medical history.
Just write the last time you saw a doctor and the reason." He waved his hand as he gathered supplies.
"I'm twelve." I mumbled.
I wrote down what I know, than he did his examining.
"Good your healthy.
Now the last thing your mark.
All God created are getting them see." The doc sighed as he showed a tattoo of a cross on the underside of his wrist (†) looked kind of like a sword.
I looked at him with fear as another guy entered with a portable tattoo machine.
"Don't worry kid.
I'm going to numb the area first." This new guy explained.
It didn't take long for him to mark me.
I was given a florescent blue sweat outfit to change into after my shower.
I was led back out to the cage room and placed into one with boys my age and younger.
"Hi." A boy no more than eight smiled up at me.
"Hi." I sighed as I sat on a bed.
"My name is Kit.
That's my big brother Liam, our eldest brother Tyson is over in the young adult cell." Kit waved to another boy, next to him stood my older brothers.
"Over there is the door that leads to the activity room and school is that door.
Tomorrow is auction day." Kit explain.
"How long have you been here?" I inquired.
"Four years." Liam grumbled.
"I thought this whole clone take over thing just happened?" I stated.
"I don't know.
Just keep your head down and don't speak unless instructions by them." Liam explained.
Ethan was finally tossed in with me, ask said I before, Markus, Damien and Seth were put in that young adult cell Kit pointed out.
"Daniel you okay?" Markus called across to me once the guards left.
Before I could respond another guard like guy slammed on the cage fencing causing me to back up.
"Conversation between holdings are forbidden." The guard snapped.
"Dude chill, he's new, he didn't know." A boy told the guard as he got protectively in front of me.
"You better watch yourself Kyle you have two strikes against you already, make it three and you get detention." The guard smirked.
I nodded to Kyle as he looked back at me to make sure I was okay before he returned to his group of friends.
Dinner was held in a cafeteria like area, that's when we could all come together.
I sat with my family as we ate.
Guards with stun guns watched us, the were posted at all exists.
Once finished eating another guy entered.
"Welcome to the farm.
Tomorrow is going to be the biggest silent auction in history.
Now those related to each other please pick a table and group together.
A guard with colored bracelets will come around and fit you.
This way the buyer has a chance to get the stock they may want." The guy announced.
It was easy for us we were already together with the few other kids we knew from the house.
"Won't they know?" Aaron asked.
"No they will assume we are cousins." Matty said.
"Put out your wrists." The guard said.
The bracelet bit into our skin.
"What was that?" Damien snapped.
"This is how we can track your vitals and health.
Also unlike those collars you had before its more discreet.
Durning auction time there will be a room were you kids will have activities and are expected to be yourselves so the clients know what they are getting.
Now I advise you to get to bed as soon as you get back to your cell." The guy said as he finished programing these things.
Sleep as you can tell did not come so easy.
Oh turns out Kit and his brothers are related to us, their cousins from mom's side...

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