Please Don't Leave Me

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I am writing this one shot inspired by two things.

1.) @JeddieJay and "The Confessions of a Gay Disney Prince"

2.) Pink's song "Please Don't Leave Me"

Part 1 of the "One Shot Song Series"

I cried writing this...


(Late evening, in the Payne-Malik household, Liam is sitting on the couch watching tv, but glancing at the front door every few seconds, waiting for Zayn to return from work, the door opens and Zayn walks in)

Liam: (Agitated) "So, what took you so long this time?"

Zayn: (Hangs his coat up, and walks towards Liam) "I had loads of essays to grade, and then traffic was horrible."

Liam: (Rolls his eyes and denies Zayn a kiss) "Why couldn't you bring them home?"

Zayn: (Winks)"Because I would be too distracted by your handsome face."

Liam: (He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms) "Flattery doesn't fix this Zayn, not this time."

Zayn: (Sits down next to Liam, clearly confused) "What are you talking about babe? I don't understand."

Liam: (Stands and starts pacing) "You always do this! For once I wish you would just come home so we could have a nice evening to ourselves! You are always working, it's like you don't even care anymore!"

Zayn: "What? No, seriously what?"

Liam: "I thought that once we got married we would finally be over the teenager arguments!"

Zayn: (Upset and pleading) "We are, you are just overreacting!"

Liam: (Stops and stares at Zayn) "Over-" (scoffs) "Overreacting! You never spend time with me anymore! I have the first four episodes of 'Being Human' memorized because the only thing I have to do is watch T.V."

Zayn: (Quietly, looking down) "I spend plenty of time with you."

Liam: (Angry) "No, Zayn, you don't."

Zayn: (Whispering, squeezing his eyes shut) "I love you."

Liam: "Do you, though? Do you really love me? 'Cause it sure feels like you love your job a whole hell of a lot more than you love me!"

Zayn: (He looks at Liam with a look of contorted sadness on his face) "Why would you say something like that?"

Liam: (Shouting, mercilessly) "Why did I even marry you? You don't care about me!"

Zayn: (He starts to tear up) "Liam? What is wrong with you? I love you!"

Liam: (Rolls his eyes) "Whatever. Get out."

Zayn: (He starts crying) "What? Lili what are you saying?"

Liam: (Gritting his teeth, speaking venom through them) "Get! Out! Of! My! House!"

(Zayn stands, now sobbing, he walks to their shared bedroom to pack a bag. It's like a light goes on in his head. he quickly rushes to their bedroom and hugs Zayn)

Liam: "I am so, so sorry. Please forgive me."

Zayn: (Stuttering and crying) "I-I think t-that I might need to s-stay at Louis' for a while."

Liam: (He let's go and Zayn continues to pack the bag) "No! Please! I love you, please. Don't leave me."

Zayn: (Still continues to shakily put clothes into his bag) "It's f-for the best."

Liam: "No, please. Please don't leave me. Please."

Zayn: (Quietly) "You did this."

Liam: (He is now crying) "I know, I know, and I am so sorry. I love you."

Zayn: "I love you too, but this is needed."

Liam: (Hysterical) "No! No! Please don't leave me! You know I don't mean anything when I get like that! I love you Zayn! Please don't leave me! You-You can't leave me."

Zayn: (Slightly breaking) "Liam..."

Liam: (Still hysterical, and sobbing, on the floor) "Please! Zayn! You can't leave me! Please just don't leave me!"

Zayn: (Doesn't turn around) "It hurts me when you say stuff like that."

Liam: "I know! I don't mean it! I swear! Please, just don't-don't leave me."

(Zayn doesn't reply he just takes a shaky breath)

Liam: "Z-Zayn you can't leave me again. You can't do this again."

Zayn: "I was seventeen, and ignorant."

Liam: (Voice broken) "You broke me," (whispers the last part) "please don't leave me."

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