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I am writing this one shot inspired by two things.

1.) @JeddieJay and "The Confessions of a Gay Disney Prince"

2.) Little Mix's song "Competition"

Part 5 of the "One Shot Song Series"


(Louis, Harry, Niall, Kellie (Niall's girlfriend) are sitting in a nice resturant, talking waiting for Zayn and Liam, then Liam comes in after Zayn, it's clear that he held the door for him, they sit down at the table)

Liam: "Hello!"

Zayn: "Hey guys."

Niall: " Hi!"

Harry: "How come you guys were so late?"

Zayn: "Well-"

Liam: (He intterupts Zayn, Zayn rolls his eyes and snaps his mouth shut) "We were leaving our flat when this lady comes up to us. She's all like "I lost my papers and I don't know what flat is mine." So I say to her, "Can I see your keys?" she hands them to me and on them of course is the flat number. Weirdly she lives in the flat right above us. So we direct her to the elevator. Then we go downstairs and out to my car, but it had a flat tire. So Zayn had to run back to the flat to get his keys, he comes back and we get in the car. Well, while driving we managed to hit every stoplight in the country. Then there was this huge accident on the one road that is right by the mall. It was terrible, oh I hope no one died. Anyway, we detour and hit more stop lights." (He looks at Zayn who rolls his eyes again which earns a laugh from the group) " We finally get here and the valet told us the parking lot was full. I think that he just didn't want to get into Zayn deathtrap of a car."

Zayn: (Offened) "Oi!"

Liam: "Shh! Babe, I'm telling a story. So we go park the car and while walking from around the block this guy stops us to try and give us flyers for vacuums and we were all like "No, we don't need a vacuum!" He wouldn't listen but we still didn't take the flyer. That's that I think, sorry we are late by the way."

Louis: "Wow, well. Okay. We-" (He is interrupted by the waitress)

Waitress: "Would any of you like to sample some wine? No? Okay, can I take your drink orders then?"

Louis: "I'll just have a coke please."

Harry: "I will take a glass of the Chivonia wine please."

Niall: "Just a water for me then."

Kellie: "Just water for me."

Zayn: "I'll take-"

Liam: "Zayn and I'll have a glass of the Chivonia also." (Zayn rolls his eyes again)

Zayn: "And a glass of water please."

Waitress: "I will be right back with all of that."

Harry: "As Louis was saying. We have an announcement."

Louis: "We agreed I would tell them!"

Harry: "Right, sorry, sorry. Go ahead."

Louis: "Well, we are getting married!"

Niall: "Congrats!"

Liam: (He chuckles before replying)"Finally!" (Everyone laughs)

Zayn: "Congrats guys," (Then he turns to Liam) "ha! I was right! You owe me ten pounds!"

Louis: "You had a wager?"

Liam: (He rolls his eyes at Zayn the turns to Louis) "We had a bet on if you were going to tell us today or not." (Louis gives them a look)

Zayn: "You guys just seemed happier and more chipper than normal lately. Who proposed by the way?"

Harry: "I did, that's why Louis told you guys."

Zayn: "Damn it!"

Liam: (Really smug and cocky) "Ha! You owe me thirty pounds! I knew it would be Harry! I win! Ha! You. Owe. Me. Thirty. Pounds."

Zayn: "Shut up Liam."

Liam: (He leans in close to Zayn and whispers in his ear) "And a blowjob."

Zayn: (He crosses his arms and a look of anger comes onto his face) "Oh fuck you."

Harry: "What? What just happened?"

Zayn: "I lost."

Niall: "Never make bets with Liam."

Louis: "Yea, never ever."

Zayn: "Oh shut up."

Liam: (Looking at the menu) "What should I get Zee? What about the noodles and sausages?"

Zayn: "Fuck you."

Liam: "Oh, I can do it better."

Kellie: "Oh my god."

Zayn: "What ever."

Harry: (Quietly to everyone but Liam and Zayn) "Here we go."

Louis: "Yup."

Niall: "Brace yourselves."

Liam: (Continuing their argument) "Along with boxing, cooking, and driving."

Louis: "Not this argument."

Zayn: (He scoffs) "You just always have to win don't you Liam. You just always have to be better than me don't you?"

Liam: "I'm not better than you at everything, just most stuff." (He shrugs)

Zayn: (He scoffs, twice) "Oh! My! GOD! How old are you Liam? 'Cause you act about seventeen!"

Liam: "Well, at least I don't draw all over the walls." (Cough) "Seven." (Cough)

Zayn: "It's one room! One room, in my flat. Also it's art."

Liam: "Right. If that's what you want to call it." (He rolls his eyes and looks at the menu, Zayn's jaw is on the floor)

Louis: (Whispering) "Oh god."

(The waitress walks up with all the drinks and gives Niall, Harry, and Louis there's before Zayn stops her)

Zayn: (He stands) "Thanks you for the wine, I'm sure it's lovely." (He grabs to two remaining wine glasses and dumps them on Liam's head) "Have fun getting home, and when you do you should start packing your bags, so you can leave."

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