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I am writing this one shot inspired by two things.

1.) @JeddieJay and "Confessions of a Gay Disney Prince"

2.) Pink's "Try"

Part 4 of the "One Shot Song Series"

If you want me to write a one shot based on a song, inbox me...


(Louis and Niall are sitting in the kitchen, during a party, they both are almost completely sober)

Niall: "Stop pining over him, Lou."

Louis: (Distant, looking towards Harry talkig to a girl) "What's pining mean?"

Niall: "I'm basically saying you have a desire for him."

Louis: (Sighs, looks to Liam) "Stop using large words Niall. My brain hurts and the constant throbbing of my burned heart makes me not able to think."

Niall: "I thought it was broken."

Louis: "It is normally but, as you said, desire. And where there is desire there is bound to be a flame, and where there is a flame someone is bound to get burnt."

Niall: "Stop fucking quoting Pink songs."

Louis: (Sighs, rolls his eyes) "Sorry it applies to my sorry ass situation."

Niall: "It's your fault."

Louis: (Annoyed because Niall is right) "I know," (crudely mocking Niall's Irish accent) "You shouldn't talk to him, he is only trouble. You shouldn't be friends with him, he will just hurt you."

Niall: "Well, see if I ever try fucking being nice to you again." (Scoffs and walks off)

(Zayn walks over, with a giggling and plastered Liam hanging off of his hip)

Zayn: "Staring won't make him stop talking to her."

Louis: "I fucking know."

Zayn: "Ya' know, this-"

Louis: (Interrupting him, angrily) "If you fucking say it's my fault I will slice off your dick and Liam will have to buy you a dildo!"

Liam: (Giggling, giddy) "Oh! A big dilder! For my Zee!"

Zayn: "Hush, LiLi. I was going to say, this party is only going to cause regret and more heartbreak."

Liam: (Suddenly sad) "R-r-regret."

Zayn: (He soothingly shushes Liam) "You should leave."

Louis: (Distressed and slightly hysterical) "I can't it's my fucking flat!"

Zayn: "Right, sorry."

Louis: "I should leave though, I am never going to get with him. Considering the fact that he is straight."

Zayn: "Yea, and you are about as straight as his hair."

Liam: (Giggly again) "Curly! Curly! Curls! HARREH!"

(Harry looks over and waves, Liam yells his name again, he walks over, Louis groans)

Harry: "Hullo Li."

Liam: (He plays with Harry's hair and laughs) "Curly!"

Zayn: "I should probably get him home."

Harry: (Slightly slurred, concerned) "Text me tomorrow and tell me he's okay." (Louis rolls his eyes)

Zayn: "Yea, thanks for the party. Consider what I said Louis."

Liam: (Confusion crosses his face, his hand drops from Harry's hair) "Regret?"

Zayn: (His eyes widen) "Uh, yea-yea. Li, regret, you will regret this in the morning."

Louis: "Go home and get him to bed. Say bye to curls Liam."

Liam: (Like a child) "Bye bye curls," (He kisses the curls and jealousy ignites in both Louis and Zayn, Harry eyes widen) "I will miss you!"

Zayn: (He starts dragging Liam away) "Bye Louis, bye Harry."

Louis and Harry: (Same time) "Bye Zayn."

Harry: "Hey, Lou. I haven't seen you all night."

Louis: "Yup."

Harry: "Oh so you are doing that bit huh?" (He rolls his eyes)

Louis: "Yup."

Harry: (Whiny) "C'mon Lou! It's a party!"

Louis: (Terse, pointed) "Yup."

Harry: "You are a fun sucker, you suck the fun right out of everything!"

Louis: (Through gritted teeth) "Yup."

Harry: "Who pissed in your cheerios?"

(Niall, walks back, looking bored)

Niall: "What's the craic?"

Harry: "Louis is being a fun sucker!"

Niall: "Is he doing the 'Yup' bit?"

Louis: (Louder, still through gritted teeth) "Yup!"

Niall: "Louis, take my keys, and go to my flat. You are killing flowers."

Louis: "I can't."

Niall: (Takes the keys out and shoves them in Louis face) "Yes, yes you can."

Louis: (Gives in) "Okay, right. Thanks."

Niall: (He brings Louis in for a hug, he whispers in his ear) "Just because it burns, doesn't mean your gonna die. You gotta get up and try."

Louis: "Right, now who's quoting Pink songs?"

Niall: (He grins and releases the hug) "I just wanted to see you smile."

Harry: "Bye Lou."

Niall: "Try."

Louis: "Right, bye Niall."

(Louis walks away, pushing through people to get out)

Harry: "Why didn't he say goodbye to me?"

Niall: "Pink."

Harry: (Confused) "What?"

Niall: "Oh, nothing. You'll find out soon enough."

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