All I Want

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I am writing this one shot inspired by two things.

1.) @JeddieJay and "Confessions of a Gay Disney Prince" (More heavily than all of the other ones)

2.) Kodaline's song "All I Want"

Part 2 of the "One Shot Song Series"

If you want me to write a one shot based on a song, inbox me...


(Quaint coffee shop, early afternoon, Liam and Louis are sitting in the back corner drinking tea together)

Louis: (Sighs, clearly upset) "I just want him back, Liam."

Liam: (Soft spoken and caring) "I know Louis, we all know."

Louis: "I don't understand why he left me."

Liam: (Trying to console him) "He said it was for the best."

Louis: "He talked to you."

Liam: (Regretting he mentioned it) "Yes, he called from Florida."

Louis: (Shocked) "He's in Florida?"

Liam: "Yes, he got a job at the Disney Land, or World. Whichever it is."

Louis: (He absentmindedly stirs his tea) "Really? He went all the way to Florida to get away from me?"

Liam: "Not to get away from you, but to get you away from him. He said he wanted to keep himself from hurting you."

Louis: (Dismayed) "He wasn't hurting me."

Liam: "Yes he was."

Louis: (Tearing up, arguing even though he knows Liam is right) "No, he didn't."

Liam: "Louis everyone knew that being in a relationship with Stan stressed you out and hurt you."

Louis: (Flinches at the mention of Stan's name) "Don't say his name-"

Liam: "Sorry."

Louis: "-and I loved him."

Liam: "Yea, he loved you, but it just wasn't going to work out."

Louis: (He snaps and yells at Liam) "Shut up! You have no idea what was going on!"

Liam: "Louis-"

Louis: "No, you know what? Just do me a favor and never speak to me again."

(Louis then storms out of the shop and runs home, where he begins to form his plan)


Louis: (Muttering to himself in his car) "Right, all packed. Got my passport, phone, chargers, money. Gonna have to exchange it though. Enough clothes for two weeks. All set!"

(Louis parks his car and gets out his backpack and suitcase, which he then rolls into the airport)

(He uses the computer to print out his ticket, and the rolls over to baggage check )

Check-in Lady: "Hello, my name is Susan, and welcome to London Heathrow Airport how may I help you?"

Louis: "I want to check this suitcase."

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