Wait what???

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While Jackson was staying with Patrick when he was hurt y'all goofed around a lot he could tell something was up but he didn't know what. You would stare at Patrick and Brittany and seem mad.
Honestly I don't like Brittany at all she is annoying and she doesn't really let me talk to Patrick I have this hard feeling in my chest and stomach I didn't know what it was but it hurt a lot every time I saw him look at her. I know they are only friends and she will be gone in less than a week but it hurts to see him laugh at her stupid jokes not mine. Dang it. I know what it is it's jealousy shit he's too old for me like it's illegal. After a little bit Jackson and I are goofing off in the game room and in Patrick's  shoe closet (if you haven't it's like sneaker heaven!) making Tik Toks it's really fun and next thing you know Jackson pulls you into your room and locks the door "um Jackson what's up why'd you lock the door?" " I just want to tell you something. I have a confession to make...*sigh* this is hard to get out. Ok here goes nothing. ireallylikeyouandwantedtotellyou!" "Hey slow down I can't understand you." "I said I really like you y/n and I wanted to get it off my chest." You sit there in disbelief of course you liked Jackson but never thought about it in this way. I mean he's my best friend and I love him to death. Maybe I do kinda like him but I like Patrick too. Oh crap why do I have to like two people at once especially brothers. I mean Jackson is closer to my age but I like Patrick. "Shit I knew I shouldn't have said anything..." "no Jackson I like you to not like that but I love ya to death and maybe it could happen just not right now. I'm so sorry!" " it's, it's okay if maybe you change your mind let me know" he says getting up to leave. "Hey this won't affect our friendship will it?" "No it shouldn't I will still treat you the way I did before this conversation. We can still be wild and weird." " ok Jackson love you" "love you too y/n" he made a heart with his hands and left the room I sat on the bed for a second then went downstairs and went back to goofing around.

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